Look at us connecting (C78)

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I really didnt want to write too much about the exam so have this development - Isaki

💖Betty/Painting Rainbows pov💖

Since I had no plans of trying to win, I didn't mind how people tried to get me out of the competition every second. What I didn't like was how aggressive everyone was. I almost got hit in the face a total of five times.

Had I known all of you would just pelt me with balls, I would've just pulled myself out of this thing.

Mr. Aizawa knew the plan and left it up to me how I lose. The class might be embarrassed to stand with someone who failed the first part of the test. Part of me even said it would make more sense if I held on until the second phase to get eliminated.

I'll just let fate decide.

Right then, I got hit in the back of my shoulder which startled me enough for me to trip. They missed my target, so I still had all three. I looked to where the ball came from as they came out of hiding and stood in front of me. Female, and she was definitely from another school.

"If you're gonna get me out of this contest, at least have better aim." I said rubbing my shoulder.

"Maybe stop moving next time." She shrugged. "Speaking of."

She threw the ball at me and it hit the target I placed on my side.

"Good for you. Now you just have to hit my other two and you get a free win." I said.

"You're not even gonna try to get away?"


"Why not?"

"I just don't have to."

"Is that you saying you could bet me in a fight?"

"No. Goodness, everyone's a copy of Bakugo. I'm saying I don't want to win so you can hit all my targets."

The girl hit my other one she missed earlier and went to hit the one on my leg. Then, she stopped.

"Why are you here if you aren't trying to win?"

"Good question. Let's say I have a certain reason that I can't get into."

"What is it? Parents? Teachers? Siblings?"

"None of those... Well I guess my siblings have a little something to do with it."

She met my eyes. "You have siblings?"

"Yeah. Four others. I'm the oldest."

"Same. Though, I only have two. I'd do anything for them. In fact, I want to become a hero for them. They're both quirkless, so they don't have a lot of hope to become ones."

"I can understand that on some levels. I'd do anything for my siblings too. Sometimes, I worry I do too much for them."

"Like when you do things you don't want to for them?"


She chuckled. "I can't take your target now. I'll feel too bad."

I took her ball and hit my own target. "Be a hero. Don't worry about me. Plus, you probably won't see me again after this."

"What's your name? If I won't see you for a while, I at least want to remember your name."

"Betty. But someday, you'll know me as Painting Rainbows."

"I'm Jaclyn. You'll see know as whisper. My quirk lets me adjust the volume of sounds."

"Wow. All I have are ribbons that could kill me if I'm not careful."

She laughed again. "Well then, I'll see you around Betty."

With that, she walked, and eventually ran, off somewhere. I decided I should probably get off the field since I was already eliminated.

Alright Krew, it's up to you. 

Btw, even though Im in no place to start another book, Im gonna post this danganronpa thing i've been working on so wait for that

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