Its cool to be back(C75)

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Double upload cause milestone and procrastination! -Isaki

💙Kathrine/Fuuneh pov💙

Being back in class after all the events was refreshing and upsetting at the same time. It was nice to (hopefully) not be in danger but class was well...class.

"I cant believe I'm back at this desk." I said. "Feels like a small eternity since I've been in this room."

"And you still refuse to follow the dress code." Kim said in front of me.

"People expect it at this point. I can't disappoint."

"Who expects you to break the dress code?"

"Mr. Aizawa probably."

Kim rolled her eyes. "You're stupid."

I laughed. Then, remembered last night.

"Kim, what happened outside with Wenny, Allen, and Uraraka?"

"Nothing you have to worry about. A bit of... a disagreement you could say."

When I turned to Uraraka, she just shrugged. "Pretty much that. Nothing else."

I hated being left out of things, but if it was truly unimportant I'll leave it at that. Plus, Mr.Aizawa showed up which meant class was gonna start.

"Alright. First thing that should be on your minds right now is getting your provisional hero licenses. They'll grant you permission to intervene directly when peoples lives are at stake. However, the exam to obtain your licenses is less than five percent."

"What does that mean?" I asked.

"It means if you need someone to spell everything out for you, you'll probably fail before you begin." Allen said.

"I didn't ask you!"

"You asked a general question that anyone who has the answer to it can answer you."

"I'll give you both ten bucks to stop embarrassing yourselves." Kim muttered.

"Double that and you've got a deal." I said sitting down.

"Absolutely not."

Despite only getting ten dollars. I said nothing more.

"To answer your question Kathrine. It means that the possibility of passing the test the first time is very low. That's why some other teachers will be helping." Mr. Aizawa explained.

As if on cue, Cementoss, Ectoplasm, and Midnight arrived. Guess they were chosen to help us.

"You'll be creating two signature specials moves that you'll use in combat." Mr. Aizawa continued. "So get in your hero costumes and meet at the gym."

"Signature move? Like our special thing? Sounds fun!" Kim commented.

"Right? What will you do?" I asked.

"Probably something with my sword. Maybe if I see myself in the blade, the light will make it hotter. You know, since I can't blind myself."

"If that can even happen, you better be careful swinging it."

"I'll figure it out. Maybe I can convince that girl who brought us here to let me shoot beams of light from my eyes."

"Wow. You'd go from off brand medusa to superman."

"Shut up!" 

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