Rescue race that we only saw like a fraction of in the anime(C47)

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💜Wenny/Tsuki pov💜

I remember running the course a hundred times during my internship with Aizawa and was more than ready. But, I had to wait for my group's turn. The teams went like this:

1: Izuku, Allen, Tenya, Mina and Sero

2: Bakugo, Tsu, Jirou, Tokoyami, and Momo

3: Betty, Kirishima, Todoroki, Uraraka, and Kat

4: Shouji, Kim, Aoyama, Kaminari, and I

(A/N: Remember! Only the first team is mostly accurate since I replaced Ojiro with Allen in this AU. All the other teams, I came up with)

Going last wasn't making me patient but there was nothing I could do about that. So, I waited and hung out with my siblings as we watched the first race.

"Anyone wanna place any bets?" Kat asked. "I've got fifty bucks and luck."

"Kat, your luck is misfortune." Kim said. "But, I'll gladly steal your money."

While Kim and Kat placed bets on our classmates, I turned to Betty.

"Do you have enough of water?" I asked.

"More than enough." She nodded. "I stocked up on bottles earlier and put them all in this water bottle."

"Looks more like a water jug."

"Until I can regulate how much water I use, I'm not taking chances. Being that weak and tired is horrible."

I nodded and said nothing more. Besides, the race had begun. I heard classmates guessing that Izuku would come in last. What was new is they also thought Allen might be second to last.

Of course. They don't know about all of Allen's abilities.

I remember that if he watches his opponents for a minute, he gets a speed boost. The moments before the race was just enough time. Plus, he's been working on keeping his speed up for longer.

As expected, people were shocked at Izuku's control and Allen's speed. Though, Izuku still came last due to that slip up and Sero did still come first. Allen was second.

"Well done Sero. And the rest of you." All Might congratulated.

Oh yeah, All Might was running this lesson. Kim was not happy with that of course, but that was the least of her concern. I was hoping Kim got enough training in that her speed improved for this. Though since her internship was with Uwabami, I had doubts.

Next was group two. You could easily guess who won that one. Bakugo's determination is horrifying sometimes. Then, it was group three which involved Kat and Betty.

"Break a leg!" Kim said.

"Don't tell me that!" Kat whined. "With my luck, I could!"

I giggled before moving closer to the big screen. I wanted to watch my siblings. Plus, I worried for Betty. During internships, she got dizziness spells all the time. I hated to see it happen again.

When the race began, Kat used her new cone blasts to launch herself in the air. Of course, she had trouble landing during the first half and ended up being caught by Betty's ribbons on several occasions. Some were puzzled by that.

"Why is she helping her?" Denki wondered.

"Cause we're related." I answered. "And Betty's too kind to let Kat hurt herself like that."

"Though it was a very dumb move." Allen added.

"Forgive me for taking Kat's place Allen but, shut up." Kim said.

As the race continued, Kat got the hang of her landing and was breezing along. Not to mention, cursing everyone who just so happened to be under her with bad omen. Todoroki slipped on his own ice, Kirishima's quirk suddenly activated slowing him down, and Uraraka nearly floated out of bounds.

"Just to clarify, Kat isn't doing that on purpose right?" Kim asked.

"Well, she might not mean to curse them but she won't apologize." I said.

Surprisingly, Kat came first with Betty right behind her. The others finished shortly after.

"Well done, Kathrine." All Might said. "Though, you might want to control those blasts. Your sister might not always be able to save you."

"I know. Thanks though." Kat nodded.

We went to see Kat and Betty. Betty was rubbing her head which put me on edge.

"Betty, you alright?" Kim asked.

"I'll be okay." She said. "Just give me a second."

"Great job Kat. You made her waste water." Allen said.

"I know you did not just say this is my fault." Kat said.

"Well who else had to be saved for the first two minutes?"

"That doesn't make it my fault. I didn't mean to hit her."

"Now's not the time to point fingers." I said getting Betty's water bottle. "Look on the bright side, it's not like how it was during internships. She didn't pass out or get too badly dizzy this time. Had Kat not needed help, she would've been fine."

"What's your point?" Kim asked.

"She's improving. Her stamina is just a little better."

"Thanks Wenny." Betty smiled.

"I'm just telling the truth." I shrugged.

Next was my race with Kim, Shouji, Aoyama, and Kaminari. I considered going on foot with speed potions, but decided being on my broom would be faster. Plus, it'll still be challenge. I was given a height limit so I couldn't fly over everything.

"Hey Aoyama!" Kim greeted.

As Aoyama turned, Kim pulled her mask off, blinding him.

"My bad." she said. "Don't worry, It'll only be for the next ten minutes."

"Kim, that's cheating." I whispered.

"If All Might doesn't stop me, no one can." She said.

I rolled my eyes but discarded her statement. The race was about to begin. The moment it did, I blazed off leaving everyone behind me.

"I know this course like the back of my hand." I said to myself. "This'll be easy."

As expected, I finished minutes before everyone else.

"That was a cheap win." Kim said.

"No need to be a sore loser." I said. "I thought you were a girlboss."

Kim glared at and blinded me before putting her mask back on.

"I deserved that." I sighed.

Once we made it back to the rest of class and All Might made his closing statements, we were all allowed to leave. The Krew, however, changed back into our uniforms and headed for All Might's office so we could listen to the conversation about All for One to complete the last task for this arc.

"We shouldn't be doing this." Betty said. "Plus, won't it be suspicious for five people to intensely listen to a conversation."

"Then we better remain vigilant." I said. "Glance up and see if Izuku's leaving, make sure no one's around, and if you see someone, act natural."

The rest of the Krew nodded and we located All Might's office. Once we found it, we pressed our ears to the door and listened.

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