Maybe there's no chance(C52)

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Another week, another milestone, another double upload. 

💛Kim/Girlboss pov💛

Fighting present mic was awful. The constant shouting was unbearable, and Jirou and I couldn't get close.

There's gotta be a way to get close. But, I can't think with this noise.

"Is there a way out of the line of noise?" I yelled to Jirou.

She pointed behind me. "If we run right or left far enough, it should get quieter. He won't know that we moved through the trees."

I immediately ran right, hoping to rid of the sound as quickly as possible. After what felt like forever, it was quiet enough to think, I looked behind me. Jirou had followed me.

"What now?" She asked.

"I'm thinking." I said. "All I can do is blind people and poorly use a sword."

"I can amplify my heartbeat but it's useless compared to that." Jirou said.

Come on Kim. There's gotta be something you can do here.

"I've got nothing." I sighed. "No way we can beat this dude."

As much as would've loved to hear a pep talk or idea, there wasn't much we could do.

It's just like when Betty fell out. I couldn't do anything for my sister, and now I'm failing my classmates. Why is this so hard?

"Maybe, if he gets too bored, he'll come searching for us. We'll have to wait it out until then." Jirou suggested.

"It's the best we've got right now." I nodded. "We can keep thinking while we wait."

We sat by a tree and kept thinking as it was announced that Momo and Shouto finished already.

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