Liar (C14)

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Alright. There it is. Enjoy!
TW: ⚠️Crying? Mentions of broken bones⚠️

💖Betty/Rainbow pov💖

The moment my siblings were gone, I collapsed from pain in my ankle and tears formed in my eyes.

Guess I'm not as fine as I thought.

I felt someone help me up. I turned to see Izuku.

"Don't worry." He said. "I got you."

I sighed as we started walking...kinda. I mostly used my ribbons for support.

"What happened to you?" I asked.

"My quirk broke my arms." He replied slightly embarrassed. "And legs."

"Fall damage." I said. "Let go of my ribbons too early."

We made our way to the nurses office when Izuku looked like he had a realization.

"Stay here for a second." He asked.

He walked in leaving me in the hallway. Out of complete curiosity, I pressed my ear to the door and listened in.

"-so I brought her here and then I remembered you're here in your normal form. What do we do?"

"You could pretend you're a different student from another class."

"She'd probably wonder why I wasn't on the bus."

"Well you could pretend you're staff."

"She'd ask why didnt I help during the attack."

"Well then-"

"Young Midoriya...I appreciate the effort but... I don't think she'll buy it. Let her in."

I knew Izuku was coming back and panicked. I lost my footing and fell.

"F*ck!" I yelled before putting a hand over my mouth. "My bad."

"You okay?" Izuku asked helping me up.

"I'm fine. My leg just hurts more." I sighed.

Izuku walked me into the nurses office and I sat down.

"Dō shita no?" A woman asked.
(What happened to you?)

"She only speaks Japanese." Deku said.

"Oh. Watashi wa kanari no kyori o korogari, ashi o itamemashita." I answered.
(I fell quite the distance and hurt my leg)

"You know Japanese?" Izuku said. "I thought you were American."

"Canadian." I corrected. "I learned."

"Shinpaishinaide kudasai. Kore wa sugu ni shūsei dekimasu." The woman said.
(Dont worry. I can fix this quickly.)

"Thank you." I said.

I pulled out my phone and texted Kim while the lady worked her magic.

👑Sas wamem💛
B: Sorry Kim! I'll be getting home late.
K: What did you do?
B: Hurt myself on that fall. I'm being treated.
K: Why didn't you tell us you were hurt :(
B: Don't worry. I'm fine.
K: No. I am worried. Wru? We're coming to get you.
B: USJ's nurse office. Place is closed for investigation.
K: idc. I'm coming

I put my phone down and sighed. Kim's stubborn when I do things like this. To take my mind off of it, I looked around. I noticed a bony figure with blue eyes and a strange looking mouth.

"You remind me of All Might." I said to them. "Just the hair anyway."

The man nodded.

"In fact, who are you? I don't think I saw you in class 1-A, or anywhere in U.A for that matter." I asked.

Thy sighed and looked me in the eyes. " All Might."

"But...Isn't All Might all buff and stuff? Is that your quirk? A strength enhancer?"

"It's something like that yes. I can't give too many details but, I can say I recently passed it down to your friend here."

"Izuku? That's so cool! I wish I could handle that kind of power. Unfortunately, that's a lot of pressure."

They looked at me confused.

"Think about it. You're the symbol of peace only cause your quirk makes you look stronger than you are. And then you hand that down to a teenager in his first year. No offense, but surely that's a lot on you."

Deku whispered something to All Might. Then, All Might gave me the look that says 'You shouldn't do that.' Did Deku mention something about me?

"If this is about my habit, this conversation wasn't about me." I said. "I'm fine. I'm more worried about you. Your world- The world is in your hands and if you're not stable mentally, you won't be stable physically. Once that happens, we're doomed."

I wasn't sure if my words had effect or how much they did but I doubt I was ignored.

"LA-san, darekaga anata no soto ni imasu." The lady said.
(Ms.LA, someone is outside for you.)

"Anata yori." I said. "Thank you."

She smiled and left the room. I stood up and my leg felt much better. I grabbed my stuff and headed for the door.

"Your secret's safe with me." I reassured them. "I wish you luck with that power and if you need to talk about pressure, I'm quite experienced."

Izuku smiled at me as I walked outside. When I got there, my siblings were arguing with one of the pros. She was a beautiful woman and her costume outlined her figure.

"Okay guys thats enough." I said. "Krew, let's g-"

I was tackled into a hug before I could finish.

"There you are!" Kat said. "You and Deku weren't on the bus. We were worried about you."

I felt a pang of guilt for making my siblings worry. But brushed it off for now. I know it'll come back to haunt me later, but I just wanted to enjoy my sibling's embrace.

A/N: There you have it! Rainbow's character development. I have plans for Rainbow, Lunar, Gold, and perhaps the remaining Krew members Funneh and Draco if I can come up with something. Feel free to suggest!

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