The battle of the bedrooms(C73)

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I did it! I kept my word! Also turns out this was less filler than I thought. - Isaki

💖Betty/Painting Rainbows pov💖

"Okay. As a warning though, it'll show where I tried and where I didn't." Kat said.

Kat's room was decorated in light blue things and white. It was pretty, but her bed was only a mattress on the floor.

"Kat, where's you bed?" I asked.

"That's it." She shrugged. "I didnt want to build the bed frame. Maybe if I get uncomfortable I'll build it."

Then was Kim's. Her room was very elegant. I almost didnt want to know how much she spent on it. The important thing was that she still had clothes she had yet to put away.

"Maybe I should sell some of this stuff." She said. "Some of this stuff still has tags on them."

"Finally." Wenny said. "I'll help you get rid of them later."

Next was Wenny's room. Mostly purple as expected and filled with stars and moons and other galaxy stuff.

"Wow. It's like space but as a bed room." Mina commented.

"Thank you." Wenny said.

Last was mine. Like Funneh's room but a different color, it was pink and white. It was also the most organized out of the Krew.

"Of course. You have to make your siblings look bad with your organized room." Allen said, slow clapping.

"If you were worried about looking bad next to me, you would've cleaned up a bit." I shrugged. "Plus, your rooms were still impressive."

With the Krew girls rooms done, it was back to the third floor with Jirou. Her room was rock themed and filled with instruments.

"Wow. Can you play all these instruments?" Kat asked.

"Yeah. It's a bit of a hobby." Jirou shrugged.

"Hobby's an understatement. This is impressive." I said.

Jirou tapped her headphone jacks against each other as she thanked us. Then, we went to Mina's which was cute and well decorated.

"Wow. I expected a disco ball." Kim said. "Still looks great though."

"Believe me, I tried." Mina shrugged. "I had no way of setting it up though."

Next was Uraraka's room. It was pretty normal due to her money troubles. After her was supposed to be Tsu, but Uraraka told us she wasn't feeling well. So, we skipped to Momo.

"Momo, where's your room to live?" I asked. "This bed is huge."

"This is my bed from home." She said. "I guess I didn't account for how small the room was."

"I'm so jealous." Kim said. "The thing's I'd give for a bed so beautiful."

With all the rooms checked, we went back to the common room to tally the votes.

"And the winner is..." Mina announced. "Wenny, with her amazing galaxy style room!"

Wenny smiled. "Really?"

"You're room was really cool." Kat admitted. "Not as good as mine but I guess you won so..."

"If you didn't win your room mustn't have been as cool as you thought." Allen said.

"Not your business Allen!"

I managed to stop a full on argument between those two before we all ate dinner. Then, before bed, we all met up again to discuss the arc we were on.

"Provisional licenses exam." Allen said. "Our last arc before the hardest one we face."

"Which is the hardest?" Kat asked.

"Kai Chisaki arc." Wenny said. "Or the Overhaul arc."

"There's only one task for now." Kim said. "One of us fails the test."

"Why only one?" Kat asked.

"Because the next arc is so hard it's better to keep the tasks to a minimum. However, we still have to be challenged." Wenny suggested. "And with one of us stuck in remidials for hero licenses, it plays a bigger effect than we think. That's my guess."

"Well, I think we should skip this one." Allen said. "We can afford to skip one task."

"But the next tasks might not be possible for us." Kat said. "Meanwhile, this is easy."

"We need all the strength we can get though."

"Then cut someone with a bad quirk."

"No one here has a bad quirk."

"I mean...mine is kinda useless in combat." Kim sighed. "I'll sit this one out."

"No." I said. "You're quirk isn't bad Kim."

"I'm completely useless when it comes to combat."

"At least you don't dehydrated all the time. You shouldn't fail this test. I will."

"Betty, they need you. You're much better at the whole older sister thing than me and you have a better quirk. You should pass."

"Kim it's more than that."

"How much more could it be?" Kat asked. "And stop talking like we aren't here."

Kim sighed. "This has something to do with what you were angry about, doesn't it?"

I nodded. "If I explain, you'll understand."

"Then explain."

Before I could get even a thought out, there was a knock. It was Uraraka.

"Umm, if you guys aren't busy, I need to borrow Kim, Allen, and Wenny." She said.

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