The darkness and the Rainbows(C23)

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💖Betty/Rainbow pov💖

A/N: I don't know if dark shadow has pronouns of any kind so I'm addressing it as it/it's

I've seen Tokoyami's quirk and it kinda scares me. I have a plan though. All I need to know is if dark shadow is physical or not.

I got to the field first so I just stretched a little. My siblings continued to shout of course.

"You've got this Pvp master!" Kat cheered. "Even if you're a pacifist!"

"I'm not a pacifist!" I yelled back. "I just normally don't do these things."

With the moisture in the air from sweaty teenagers and adults, my ribbons should be strong enough to hold dark shadow. If it's not physical, that'll be even better.

Tokoyami made it to the stage and the battle soon began. I ran head on as dark shadow formed. It launched for me but I slid under it and tried touching it.

Physical. Got it.

I started spewing ribbons and tried to get dark shadow tangled in them. It sucks I can only release one at a time. I'll have to work on that. It wasn't really falling for the trap either and it even struck me down a little bit. Then, it picked me up by one of the ribbons.

Oh shoot.

I had to do some fast thinking but came up with a small plan. I wrapped ribbons around Tokoyami's leg and readied myself. As dark shadow went for the throw, I pulled the ribbons making Tokoyami lose his footing. Since I was still in the air, I positioned myself to land behind him and once I hit the ground, I extended my ribbons to drop him out of bounds.

"The winner is Betty LA!" Midnight said.

I cheered for myself before practically passing out. I forgot something about my quirk, it can sometimes take moisture from my body and that was a lot of fighting.

"Betty! You alright?" Kim said jumping down from the bleachers.

"What's this?" Present Mic said. "It seems Betty has fallen under a spell of dizziness. Let's hope she'll be alright for her next fight."

"I'll be okay. Just a little dehydrated from the ribbon making." I reassured Kim. "You okay? That was a far fall."

"I'll be alright. Let's get you some water. Then, we can watch Allen's fight." Kim said helping me up. 

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