How (un)fortunate(C60)

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This one is slightly just an extra but I gave its own page instead of a bonus chapter due to length.

💙Kat/Fuuneh pov💙

Later the day, while everyone got started cooking dinner, I had to start training again since the last time was over lunch.

"Good luck Kat!" Kim said. "Keep your blasts away from the stoves please!"

"I'll try my hardest...maybe." I responded.

A few people looked me, so I clarified that it was a joke before meeting with Ragdoll.

"Okay. We have limited time since curfew isn't so far away and you still have to eat." Ragdoll said. "Show me your blasts."

I pointed my fists in a random direction and fired a straight forward blast as an example. It hit some insect which flew directly into a spider web moments after.

"I can also launch myself in the air though I'm awful at landing." I explained. "I'm also able to launch cone shaped blasts which make more distance and has stronger effects on more people at a time."

"Show me both of those."

I then demonstrated my other blasts.

"Okay. I want to start by improving the power of your basic blasts." Ragdoll decided. "If they become more powerful, the rest should naturally."

To do this, Ragdoll had me charge up larger amounts of energy and release them quickly. It was tiring, but I managed to pull through. I coudn't tell if I'd much stronger but, at the same time, progress doesn't happen overnight. So I didn't worry.

After what like forever but was probably just an hour. Betty ran up to where I was training with a bowl in her hands.

"Kat! Dinner's over!" She said. "I was asked to bring you some."

"Betty, you are officially my favorite!" I said before taking it and eating as much as possible.

"Careful! Don't hurt yourself. Now, Ragdoll, is she done here?"

"She's fine." Ragdoll nodded. "Kathrine, you're dismissed."

I headed down the hill with Betty finishing up my curry.

"Is there seconds?" I asked.

"You're lucky there was any." Betty admitted. "Everyone ate without you."

"Ouch. I spend an hour away and suddenly, everyone's selfish."

"Don't say that. Everyone was starving."

"Fair. Still hurts a little."

Betty put an arm around me as we made it back down the hill. There, my siblings and Aizawa were waiting for me. The rest were cleaning up.

"How was it?" Kim asked.

"Tiring." I answered. "Good thing I actually got to eat. I heard no one waited for me."

"We wanted them to." Wenny said. "Unfortunately, some were still salty about your quirk messing with them."

"Stupid Class 1-B." I muttered.

"On a different note, you're classes with me start tomorrow Kathrine." Aizawa said. "I announced it over dinner and forgot you weren't there, so you won't be training with Ragdoll tomorrow night."

"Good to know you though about me." I said rolling my eyes.

Since I was still bitter about being forgotten, I refused to help clean up and was first in line to shower. That made me feel a lot better, and just in time to sleep.

"You gonna stop hating everyone now?" Kim asked.

"The look on the other girls faces when they saw me go in first after no helping was priceless. Just enough for me to stop being petty."

"Good to hear." Wenny said. 

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