It took two days(C64)

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Hello! Upload's really late this week and I apologize so I won't waste too much time! Thanks for 19k and enjoy! - Isaki

💜Wenny/Tsuki pov💜

Two days after the incident, we visited the hospital Izuku and Betty were held in. Izuku was awake, Betty wasn't.

"Has she ever woken up?" Allen asked Izuku.

Izuku shook his head. "She moves sometimes and makes noise now and then. But besides that, no."

Kim, being an emotional mess at this point, put her face in her hands and kneeled down next to Betty quietly crying. I wrapped an arm around her.

"It's okay. You know she'd rather it be her sitting here than us." I said.

"I still feel like I failed her." Kim said. "Betty told me a while ago that whenever she was out of commission, I had to take care of all of you. While I was responsible, Kat was taken from us!"

I looked down at Betty's closed eyes and held her hand. I swear, I felt her hand massage mine and heard her tell me 'it'll be alright.' That was enough for me to start to tear up.

"We can save them." Kirishima said finally. "Shouto and I heard a conversation between All Might, the Police Force and Momo."

"Momo said that Yosetsu planted a transmitter she created onto one of the villains and gave All Might something that will allow him to locate the transmitter." Shouto explained.

"I'm guessing you want her to create a device similar to that so we can rescue Bakugo ourselves." Wenny said. "I'm in."

"Wait, you're actually gonna do it? I though you were smarter than the rest of your siblings." Denki asked.

"First off, don't talk about them like that. Second, yes, I'm going. If you were there, you would've heard what the villain said. It was either Kat, Allen, or me. It should've been me and I'm making up for that. And it's no surprise my siblings are going with me."

Allen and Kim nodded in agreement. Most of 1-A weren't sure.

"We should leave the rescuing to the pro's." Tenya said.

"If you mean All Might, absolutely not." Kim said. "I'd rather do it myself than leave it to that muscular excuse of a hero."

"I also think we should leave it to the heroes." Aoyama said. "We're not allowed to fight anyway."

"It's a rescue mission." I said. "Not a fight. A few jars of invisibility and we could easily be out of there."

"I know we're all upset," Tsu said, "but please, Shoto, Eijiro, Wenny, everyone considering this, be level-headed. If you go along with this plan thinking with your feelings, then your actions are no different than villains."

I had a choice of words that I would've said to Tsu, but chose not to say nothing. But, Kim made sure to make her point clear.

"If it makes me a villain, I'll do that." Kim said. "I'm not gonna sit here and let some villians take my sister and best friend from me. I'm going after them, and I'll do it alone if I need to."

"Correction," Allen said, "We'll do it alone. It's always Krew against the world. We never do anything alone."

Then, a doctor asked to speak to Izuku alone and we were told to leave. Before we left, the remainder of Krew and I looked at Betty one more time.

"What would she want us to do?" Allen asked.

"Betty's whole thing is thinking with not just facts, but with her heart." I said. "What Tsu said isn't right. Thinking with your feelings doesn't make you a villain. It makes you human. Being human means feeling things, and sometimes, doing things based on those feelings."

Kim approached Betty one last time. "We'll make you proud. I failed you once, I will never again."

With that in mind, I asked Izuku to text me if Betty were to wake up. He agreed and we left. As we exited with he rest of 1-A, Kiri approached us.

"I know you three aren't doing this for the same reasons I am, but I'm grateful you're willing to help." He said.

"It's just what we do." I shrugged. "We'd drop everything to help each other."

Yo! I just read the title and realized that it took me two days to put this out! How funny is that? Anyways, next upload in a second so don't go anywhere!

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