First time for everything...right? (C5)

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^Just in case you need a reminder of who the Krew replaced. This is also the seating chart from the left being the front of class and right being the back.

💙Kat/Funneh pov💙

We didn't hear anything for a few days. Part of me thought we'd failed. That was until we got a letter.

"Guys! It's from U.A!" Betty said holding it.

"Ooh! Read it!" Kim said.

When Betty opened it, there was nothing to read. It was a hologram of All Might.

"I am... in a hologram." He said.

"A hologram? Fancy~" Kim said.

"Hello LA's. I'm sure you can guess why I'm here."

"To let us know if we got in." Wenny guessed.

"Right! Good guess."

"Wenny's a U.A nerd." Betty said. "She knows everything about the school."

"How nice." All Might smiled. "So, most of you got the same score of 100% on your written exam. However, Kathrine and Kimberly weren't so lucky. You both got 89%."

"That's What happens when you cut corners and skip classes." Betty whispered.

"ThAtS wHaT hApPeNs WhEn YoU sKiP cLaSsEs." Kim and I mocked.

"Any who," All Might said moving on, "all of you got twenty five points in the physical exam which is great! passed! All five of you! Congratulations LA's! You made it to the hero course!"

We celebrated. I don't know why since we were guaranteed.

"Your uniform and class schedule will be in the envelope. See you next week LA's."

All Might then disappeared. Betty picked up the paper.

"We have all normal high school stuff in the morning but after lunch, it's hero classes." Betty said. "Also, the uniforms are somewhat stylish."

Betty showed us a photo of the uniforms. Personally, I was never a skirt person. I'll get pants tomorrow.

"Woah. A lot of the teachers are scary." I said. "Who's ectoplasm?"

"A hero and math teacher." Wenny said. "He can make clones of himself using the ectoplasm that comes out of his mouth."

"Ew!" Kim yelled. "He vomits clones?"

"Pretty much. Now come on, we have some school shopping to do."


The next day was our first day of U.A (That rhymed too much). Even Wenny woke up early and she normally sleeps in.

"Come on guys! We gotta go!" Betty said. "I already know we'll be late but we might be able to make it to homeroom! Let's move!"

I yawned and stretched before heading to the bathroom to change clothes. After all, there were only two bedrooms in the apartment. Kim and Allen shared one with me. Luckily, I bought the pants like I said I would. I brushed my teeth (after waiting for Allen to stop hogging the mirror) and went to the apartment door.

"Kat! You're breaking the dress code." Betty said.

"The dress code can take a hike." I said annoyed. "I'll wear what I choose."

"Fine. I don't have time for this."

Betty ran to the kitchen and grabbed a plate as everyone came to the front door.

"Take a pop tart, get your bag, get your shoes, let's go." She said.

We all took one and grabbed our stuff while putting on our shoes. Then, we headed out the door.

"How we feeling Krew?" Betty asked as we headed to school.

"Fabulous." Kim replied. "But also kinda nervous. I don't want my first impression to be blinding someone. That's why I bought these cute sunglasses."

They were heart shaped with a gold tint. Probably costed twenty Canadian dollars, cause they looked stylish. I didn't wanna know how much she paid in yen.

"So, anybody have any questions about U.A?" Wenny asked. "We only get one first impression."

"Are the people nice?" Betty asked.

"A lot are intimidating like Todoroki, Kirishima, and Bakugo, but they mean well. In fact, Kirishima's kinda a sap." Wenny replied.

"Anybody get annoyed easily?" I asked. "I need to know who to piss off."

"Bakugo, and Todoroki definitely. The rest are kinda chill."

I nodded as we continued. Eventually, we made it to the school.

"Alright besties, let's do this." Kim said. "First step together?"

We nodded and linked arms. Then, we took the first step into the building. It was large and fancy. Everything looked expensive and those using their quirks were cool.

"Wow." Betty breathed. "We"re never fitting in here are we?"

"Why fit in when we can stand out." Kim said spinning.

"This way to our class." Wenny said taking the lead.

She lead us up a few flights of stairs to the classroom. 1-A.

"Alright. This is it." Wenny said. "Ready to become heroes for the time being?"

We nodded and Wenny opened the door. Inside were an array of interesting characters. Some had different colored skin, some looked a little (or a lot) different, some had scars, others had extensions, list goes on. Immediately, I knew what to do to get on their nerves.

"Hi! Just to let you know I'm gonna be number one hero and you're all losers!" I said suddenly.

"Kat!" My other siblings said.

I laughed as and got to my seat. I was stuck between a red and white haired boy with a large scar and brown haired girl.

"I'm joking! I'm joking!" I said to the million eyes glued to me. "I mean, I might be number one. I don't care. All I know, I'll do what I feel like."

The two next to me nodded but said nothing. Guess they aren't talkers. I'm quite introverted sometimes so I just talked to Kim sitting in front of me. Then the brown haired spoke.

"You both were in the entry exam right?" She said.

"That's right." I replied.

"I saw you two and a few others. You guys helped each other. Why is that?"

A few eyes went to us. Is it not normal? Oops.

"We're related." Wenny said walking over. "Even though we were all trying to get into this course, we helped each other."

"Wow!" The girl said. "I don't have siblings so I wouldn't know. I'm Ochako Uraraka."

"Kathrine." I responded. "You can call me Kat. These are my sisters. Kim and Wenny."

My siblings nodded before going back to what the were doing. I was bored and class hasn't even started yet.

"I didnt read the schedule. What time does this start?" I wondered.

I leaned back in my chair.

"You shouldn't do that." Some boy with glasses advised me.

"Your not my dad!" I said childishly.

As expected, I fell over. Right when Aizawa walked in. I groaned in pain but got up.

"F*cking bad luck." I muttered.

"Glad no ones late on the first day." He said. "And in proper uniform. For the most part anyway."

"I wanna wear pants!" I yelled.

"Right. We'll begin attendance now."

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