Well that sucks(C58)

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"Hi motherf*cker! Did you miss me?" - The Sign by Lizzo (Highly recommend) 

Anyways, yeah. I missed yesterdays upload and I can't remember why I didn't. Just didn't. In that time, we hit 16 AND 17k! So, for the first time in this book's history, let's do a quadruple update! 

💙Kat/Fuuneh pov💙

If I got chocked by Shigaraki, I'd see if I could use it as an excuse to not go to the training camp. But, I guess Wenny tried that because when the day finally rolled around, she was on the bus headed to camp with the rest of 1-A.

"I'm looking forward to this!" Iida said.

"Really? You're rich and want to spend your summer in the woods?" Kim asked.

"Its not just the woods." Izuku pointed out. "It's a training lodge."

"And you people are looking forward to that? Listen to what's going on here! We're going to a boot camp to work our a*ses off in 90º weather with no pay. Where's your sense of reason?"

"It's not that serious Kim." I said. "Sit down."

"And watch your language." Betty said.

Kim rolled her eyes but sat down. I was sitting next to her on the bus. Across from us, Allen and Betty sat together. Wenny sat in front of Kim and I with Izuku.

"Anyway, what are you gonna learn to do?" Allen asked me.

"Work on my landing." I said. "All Might's right. I can't always be saved by someone else."

"Don't take All Might's advice." Kim said. "He's just a dude with muscles and a teacher with no teaching degree."

"How would you know whether or not he has a degree?" Betty asked.

"What kind of pro hero has a degree in teaching?"

"Mr.Aizawa." Everyone said in unison.

"Fair enough."

That got Kim to stop with her attitude and change the subject.

"Anyways, I want to blind people through things." She said.

"Is that even possible?" Tsu asked from a distance. "Even if you learn to, you'll have to know where their eyes are (ribbit)."

"What if something has more than two eyes?" Uraraka added. "What happens then?"

"I assume I'll just have to choose a pair."

Tsu and Uraraka nodded before sitting back down. Then, the bus stopped.

"Good! I have to use the bathroom!" Allen said.

"You always do this!" Betty said standing up.

As we all got out of the bus, two females wearing cat-like costumes and a small boy came out of nowhere.

"Welcome to camp!" A brown haired said. "We're the pro heroes 'The pussycats!'"

I tried not to be immature as the woman continued.

"You and Class 1-B will be staying at the base of a mountain which is a part of the camp." She continued "You'll have three hours to reach the base of the mountain using your Quirks as you please. Those who don't arrive there by 12:30 pm won't be served lunch."

Food was all I needed to hear. But, before anyone could register that training has begun, a landslide of dirt swept us all into a forest.

"Oh come on!" I whined. "Why can't anything be easy here?"

If this wasn't hard enough, a beast of dirt confronted all of us. I guessed we'd have to fight all these beasts just to eat food.

"This is bad." Betty said. "I lost my water bottle in the slide."

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