Thats not good(C13)

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A/N: Stop being so nice to me! Now I owe you guys another double upload for 600 reads! /j tysm for the support and enjoy!

💙Funneh/Kat pov💙

"Poor Aizawa." I whispered.

Deku, Tsu, and I were watching Aizawa being defeated. His bones were broken and I swear his eyes were f*cked.

"So what now?" I asked. "Cause I've got siblings looking for me."

"We should just wait here until more heroes show up." Tsu suggested, croaking at the end.

"Where's the fun in that?" I complained. "Surely there's option that won't put me to sleep."

Suddenly, The villain with hands everywhere turned to us.

"Well, I suppose it wouldn't hurt to take a few lives." He snickered. "Just to hurt him psychologically since he won't be here."

I didn't know what his quirk was, so when handy mandy reached for me I panicked. Then, something wrapped around me and pulled me upward. It was Betty holding onto Wenny's broom. Kim and Allen were there as well.

"Betty!" I cheered. "I thought-"

"Thirteen's down. I managed to slip away." She said. "Let's go."

Wenny nodded and we flew towards our hiding place.

"I feel guilty leaving Deku and Tsu." I admitted.

"They'll be fine." Allen reassured me.

"Yeah but they'll probably call me a coward, or think I abandoned them."

"No time to think about that. We're still in trouble."

Once we were in our hiding place, we observed the scene. All Might somehow got here and was defeating the low level villains left and right.

"Now he shows up." Kim said.

"Quiet!" Betty hissed.

We continued watching as All Might grabbed Aizawa's (dead or live) body and defeat more villains. What we didnt expect was for him to give Aizawa to us.

"Take care of him and stay hidden." He said.

"How'd you know we were here?" Betty asked.

"I was briefly blinded when I looked in a direction and remembered Kim's quirk." He said. "Now, keep Aizawa safe. I have business to finish."

Doesn't this guy not have eyes?

All Might leaped back to battle to fight the monster. Nomu, if that's what the crusty guy said. All Might was up against it and wasn't winning.

"This is bad." I whispered. "We have to do something."

Betty went to speak but Kim stopped her.

"You're gonna talk about how we shouldn't, right?" Kim said.

"I don't want my siblings being endangered."

"We wont be endangered. We'll protect them as well as others."

Betty nodded. "I'll stay and watch Aizawa. You guys stay safe okay?"

We got a little closer and searched for an opening. All Might was currently bent over backwards. Luckily, Bakugo intervened and pinned the portal guy.

"That's our cue." Wenny said. "Let's go."

She shot a few arrows towards the Nomu as a distraction. So we could get down safely.

"Let's go f*ck sh*t up!" I said.

By the time we got down there, the Nomu was halfway frozen and portal man was still pinned.

"Nomu. Kill the blonde one." The crusty man ordered.

The Nomu shattered the ice holding him and regenerated!

"Of course he regenerates." I said.

The Nomu went to attack Bakugo but All Might pushed him away. Unfortunately, portal man was freed from Bakugo. All Might practically assaulting Bakugo made Shigaraki spiral into a speech about violence and titles.

"This is boring. Why aren't they fighting?" I asked. "Last time I checked, this isn't debate club."

"You're so disrespectful." Kim laughed.

"Will you two shut up?" Wenny whispered.

We quieted down as the villain continued talking.

"What's his name anyway?" I asked.

"Shigaraki." Allen said. "His quirk is decay. Anything he touches disintegrates."

"He almost disintegrated my face?!"

Suddenly, there was a powerful force. All MIght was throwing punches to the thing left, right, and center.

"How about I show you newbies what it means." He said. "To go beyond...PLUS ULTRA!!!"

At "plus ultra," he launched a devastating punch to the Nomu. It was so strong, the poor thing was launched miles into the air.

"Oh~ that brother gone~!" I sang

Shigaraki was throwing a tantrum and scratching like crazy while the portal man was talking to him about something. Then, they both went to attack All Might.

"Wenny! Slowness!" I said.

Wenny threw her potions at the villains. Then a gunshot rang out. Everyone looked to where the bullet came from and cheered. The pro heroes arrived.

"Let's go!" Kim cheered.

We backed away as the pro heroes took over. They arrested the thugs, captured Shigaraki and his partner, and checked in on us.

"You four okay?" One of the heroes asked.

"We're fine." Kim answered. "Our oldest sister and Aizawa is up there though. Aizawa's in horrible condition right now."

Speaking of, Betty suddenly landed on her feet next to Kim. She winced but seemed fine.

"Where'd you come from?" I asked.

"I swung down." She responded before turning to the pro. "Here. He's still alive. Just in poor condition with a lot of blood loss."

The hero took Aizawa and told us to head to the USJ entrance before walking away.

"You guys go ahead." Betty said. "I've gotta do something."

We were confused but listened to her and headed for the entrance. There, everyone was talking about what just happened.

"After today, I need a long nap." Mina sighed.

"Same here." Kim said. "I'm exhausted."

"You didn't do anything!" Bakugo yelled.

Kim rolled her eyes and joined the conversation. Allen, Wenny and I joined too.

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