Not that hard(C53)

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💜Wenny/Tsuki pov💜

I passed easily. As expected, Sero fell asleep way too early and left me on my own. Once that happened, I threw a potion of weakness and slowness at Midnight and handcuffed her easily. Now, I was praying my siblings were doing well as I chose not to ask to watch with Recovery Girl. Luckily, Shouto and Momo arrived shortly after I did.

"You finished already?" Momo asked. "Where's Sero?"

"Sleeping." I said bitterly. "I had to do the whole thing on my own. It wasn't hard, but I would've appreciated help."

I rolled my eyes at the memory. I knew this would happen, but it still sucked.

"Anyways, was your battle hard?" I asked.

"A little," Shouto admitted, "but Momo was able come with a great plan."

Momo smiled and I tried not to broadcast my annoyance.

"Good to hear." I said. "What'd you expect from the girl who did the best in the written test?"

"Thanks Tsuki." Momo said. "Oops. Wenny."

"Call me whichever. I don't mind." I shrugged.

Soon after that, it was announced that Izuku and Bakugo passed. I remembered that Izuku decided to watch the fights with Recovery Girl and Bakugo got his lights knocked out.

"I'm gonna go ask if I can watch the battles." I said getting up. "I want to make sure my siblings are okay."

They nodded and I went to the office. There, I got permission to stay.

Bonus chapter: God I hate being nice (Kat/Fuuneh pov)

One by one, my siblings and classmates passed. The only ones that haven't, were Kim and Betty. I guess they were going to be the one two that don't pass. Meanwhile, I waited by the exit with my thoughts.

This is the right thing. Kiri needs to fail that test for this world to progress the way it's supposed to. But...I feel awful. He thinks I'm trying to help when I'm saving my skin.

I sighed and considered turning back...

Resilience [Krew in MHA]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang