I ain't do nothing(C57)

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Short, but I wanted to give it ts own chapter instead of a bonus one

💜Wenny/Tsuki pov💜

Shortly after the police arrived and searched the place, they put Izuku and I in the back of a car to be taken to the station for questioning. This was my first time in a police car and it made me so nervous, I started fidgeting with my jacket's zipper.

Once we arrived, both of us were separated into different rooms for interrogation. While I waited for the officer to come question me, I leaned back in my chair and pulled out my phone.


💜: Hey


💚: Kat stop yelling

💙: Make me

💜: I'm at the police station. Being questioned and what not

💖: Dont lie to them! Stay safe

As the officer arrived, I closed my phone and put the chair back on the ground.

"What's your name ma'am?" They asked.

"Wenny LA." I answered.

"Okay Wenny, I'm gonna ask you a few questions and you've just gotta answer honestly. Got it?"

"Yeah. I can do that."

Most of the questions were based on what Shigaraki said. Things like, What did he ask you? How did you respond? Did he threaten you? I answered every question the best I could as I wasn't paying much attention to his little rant. Eventually, the officer said I was free to go.

"Good job being so level headed out there." The officer said.

"I grew up in a family with four siblings." I said. "I've had a lot of practice with keeping my cool in tense and stressful situations."

Outside the front door, All Might was taking to Izuku. Only, All Might wasn't in his buff form. Since I'm not supposed to know his secret, I pretended I didn't know him.

"Izuku." I said stepping outside. "You think your mom will give a ride home?"

"Oh, Wenny!" He said slightly panicked. "Um, I'll ask. I think she will though."

"Thank you so much. I really don't feel like paying for a ride. I'm gonna get a snack from the vending machine and wait in here. It's hot out here."

I snickered as I heard Izuku ask how I didn't see All Might. I got a tin of Pringles from the machine and waited inside until Izuku's mom pulled up.

When she arrived, I went back outside and got in the back seat before giving the address to the apartment building.

"Wenny, was it?" She asked. "Nice to meet you."

"You too Ms.Midoriya." I nodded.

The ride wasn't too long, but it would've taken way too long if I walked. I made the smart choice. That reminded me that I should probably call Betty. She was probably worried. I quickly found her contact and gave her a call. She picked up instantly.

"Wenny! How is it?" Betty asked. "Where are you?"

"I'm on the way." I said. "I'll be there soon. Just wanted to let you know I'm alright."

"Thanks. I needed to hear that."

"Wenny, we're here." Inko told me.

"Oh. I'm outside. Meet me downstairs." I said before hanging up. "Thanks Ms. Midoriya! Later, Izuku!"

"See you tomorrow." He waved.

Outside my building, Betty and my other siblings greeted me.

"Let's head inside. Tell us everything that happened." Kat said.

Alright! Bye! Cya next week! Vote and stuff! Find me on Spotify (Isaki) and Youtube (Isaki Midoriya)! Insert other things I could self promo

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