Fast and unlucky(C29)

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A/N: Completely forgot that I said I'd update right after that day. My bad XD


I was stretching on the field when Iida ran up.

"For a quirk that makes you fast, that took you a bit." I taunted.

"I have no time for what you call jokes." He said simply.


He then ran towards me at incredible speed. Luckily, I had a small plan. As he began pushing me out of bounds, I flipped my hand around and launched a small pang of bad luck. Just like that, his engines stopped working. Since his speed what was keeping him up, when I left his grasp he fell over.

"Oof. Tough luck." I said.

As he got up, I stepped back a small step. Then, I felt something crunch under my foot.

I'm gonna pretend those aren't his glasses.

Iida was standing now. "Where are my glasses?"

I nervously laughed. "Funny you mention those things..."

"Tenya is unable to continue. Kathrine advances to the finals!" Midnight cheered.

"Sorry about your glasses." I apologized. "I won't get you new ones."

I headed back to the bleachers and after several sets of stairs, I made it to the rest of my siblings.

"That was anti climatic." Allen complained.

"Why'd you step on his glasses?" Wenny asked.

"I didn't know they landed right behind me." I said. "How's that possible anyway?"

"With your quirk, anything is possible. Literally." Kim said.

That was true, so I left the conversation there and sat down. Just as Allen and Betty got up to get ready for their battle.

"Who you rooting for this time?" Sero asked me.

"Betty. I think Allen's gonna win though." I shrugged. "He only needs one hit and then people are paralyzed. However, Betty could just as easily take the hammer. She won't be able to use it though."

"Since when are you a strategist?" Wenny asked.

"Since we got here."

Wenny smiled before looking back at the battle. Betty had her ribbons wrapped around Allen's hammer, trying to get it away from him.

"Betty's height is a disadvantage." I said randomly.

"Just because she's short doesn't mean she cant win." Kim said.

"Then why'd she get tangled in her own ribbons?" Wenny pointed out.

Sure enough, Betty was tangled up in rainbows and was being rolled out of bounds.

"Looks like you're fighting Allen, Kat." Kim said.

I was excited. I was finally fighting someone I knew a lot about.

"Finally my sibling rivalry will reach new heights!"

"Let's hope you don't bring the place down."

That was Betty. She made it back up and I guessed Allen's in his break room.

"How'd that even happen?" I asked.

"I don't wanna talk about it." She said.

"Allen hit her with his hammer and her ribbons fell over her. She got tangled quickly." Wenny laughed. "Hilarious."

"Guess I should be off." I sighed standing up. "Wish me luck!"

Still anti climatic so I'll update over my break since I'm doing this in school. Sorry guys. I didnt try much when rapping up the sports festival. Shoutouts next chapter! I made it very obvious who would make it, who's gonna win?

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