Against all odds(C38)

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💙Kat/Fuuneh pov💙

We weren't patrolling tonight. I'm unsure why, but Endeavor said that we weren't. Now, I was bored. Then my phone rang. A group call with my siblings. I quickly answered.

"Hey Kat! Didn't think you'd answer!" Kim said. "How's patrol?"

"We're not going today. I slept for nothing, and now I'll be up until three am." I sighed.

"Sucks to be you!" Allen taunted. "But, let's get to business."

"First, how was Shinsho?" I asked.

"Oh he's scary." Betty said. "I kept answering his questions by mistake so I was hypnotized a lot."

"Oh no! I just realized something." Wenny said. "We took Shinsho's team's place in the sport's festival. So, Shinsho never fought Izuku. Allen, you know where I'm going with this?"

"You mean how since Shinsho and Izuku never fought, Shinsho won't be able to challenge Izuku later when his quirk gets out of control?" He finished. "Yeah. I picked it up."

"Huh?" Betty said.

"Izuku has tons of quirks attached to him. One of which goes out of control during a test. To stop it, Shinsho asked Izuku to fight. He responded and got hypnotized which stopped it."

"So how are we gonna stop it now?" I asked.

"Maybe Betty could. Her ribbons might be strong enough."

"Let's not think about it too much now. Something even more dangerous is coming tomorrow." Kim said. "Betty, you mentioned a plan?"

"Oh yeah." Betty said. "Since we'll be on the same train to Hosu, Izuku won't have to text Wenny. But, he doesn't know we'll be there. He'll text Wenny and eventually notice we're on the train."

"Okay. But what about Stain? How do plan on protecting yourselves?" I asked.

"I plan on using my ribbons to slow down stain whenever I can. It'll give me time to hydrate. Chances are, Shouto's flames will take the moisture out of the air."

"Can't I just blind him whenever?" Kim said. "I could blind him forever if I wanted to."

"That's too drastic of a change. We need to be smart. We already ruined an event that wont be for another season."

"Well then I'll just blind him briefly. It wont take him long to realize how my quirk works anyway."

"So, we know what we're doing?" Betty asked.

Kim nodded. "Yep! I think we've got this. Kat, can you formulate a lie so I can get out of Uwabami's agency for a while?"

"I'll do my best." I said. "I'll need details about Uwabami and your circumstances though for it to be believable. Obviously, when she figures it out, you're on your own."

"I know. I'll send you all I know later."

"Allen and I will give you both additional information about Stain if we have to." Wenny said.

"Alright. Now that's done. Wenny, you mentioned something you wanted to talk about earlier today?"

"Oh yeah." She said. "You know how the world bends to what we say?"

"Yeah." Kim said.

"So, can we use that to enhance our abilities? Like when Kat said she can use her quirk in anyway she chooses."

"In that case," Kim said, "I want to be able to catch an arrow or a tennis ball in midair, like a girlboss"

"Do you even know what kind of reaction time and reflexes you'll need?" Betty asked.

"No. But if that's how it works, I won't need to know."

"I want to be the actual maze master and have photographic memory. Ooh! and great reflexes too." I said. "After all, you never know when something will fall on me."

"Why would something fall on you?" Allen asked.

"You never know what my quirk is capable of. I'm pretty sure one of the tiles on the ceiling in the classroom will fall on me soon."

"The ceiling wont fall on you." Betty said.

"You can't prove it won't."

"Whatever. I want to be able to handle each of you easier."

"You could always bribe me." Allen shrugged. "I'll do almost anything for a party sized bag of Doritos."

"I want to be great at lock-picking and be able to make lingering potions." Wenny said. "You know, the ones in Minecraft."

"Yeah. I guess that makes sense." I nodded. "They'll probably take a little while to make though."

"Probably. But they'll have a lasting effect."

"If all business matters are taken care of, I've got to go." Kim said. "I'll see you guys tomorrow."

"Rest easy Kim!" I said. "You and Betty got this!"

Kim smiled before hanging up.

"We should get going too." Betty said. "Good luck trying to find something to do this evening."

"Bye siblings!" I waved before hanging up.

I turned my phone off and wondered what to do.

Maybe I could convince Shouto to play a game. But what would he be into?

I got an idea and went to find him. As I guessed, he was in his room.

"'Roki! Wanna play a game? I'm bored." I asked.

He looked up at me. "What would we play?"

"You like two truths and a lie?"

"How do you play?"

"You've never heard of that? Jeez. What'd you do with your childhood?"

Something told me I shouldn't have said that.

"Forget I said that." I said. "Basically, you make three statements about yourself. Two are the truth, one's a lie. You partner then has to guess what's the lie."

"What happens if they guess right?"

"They win. Personally, I like to play for money, Robux, or bragging rights. But we don't need to play for anything. Here. I'll start as example."

He nodded.

"Okay. My favorite color is blue, I fell down the stairs when I was five and got a concussion, and Allen and I have had a rivalry since we were in elementary school."

"I'm guessing the concussion is a lie." He said.

"Yeah. Though I did fall off a bed once." I shrugged. "You try."

"Hmm...I absolutely hate my dad, my mother poured boiling water on my face, and I dyed my hair to look like this."

My jaw dropped. I knew nothing but the bare minimum about Todoroki's past, but two of these were true.

"I know something happened to your face obviously." I said. "I'm not the biggest fan on Endeavor so I could see why you couldn't stand him. So...I think the hair thing is a lie."

"Yeah. It is."

"You know, normally you don't put such...personal topics as your statement. It's a small game and that's a massive amount of truth."

"Oh. I'm sorry."

"It's fine. You never played before. Here. I'll go again."

Well that was pleasant, wasn't it? Also, I have a playlist on Spotify dedicated to this fanfic. Find me there using "Isaki" Okay that's it for self promo. Bye! - Isaki 

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