Lunch break(C46)

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We hit 12k already?! Jesus Christ, slow down! Actually, don't. Have up to ten chapters ready to publish. You're fine.


After the first classes of the day, we had lunch. Only, today was a lot different. Ever since we arrived, we ate lunch with just each other and no one else. That changed today. Today, we ate at Izuku's table. Or at least, attempting to.

When we got there, Wenny spoke for us. "Are these five seats taken?"

"You're fine." He said.

The others at the table nodded in agreement, so we put our food down.

"What changed your mind today?" Uraraka asked.

"Betty thought we should stop acting like no one else exists but us." I shrugged.

Because it'll eventually raise suspicion.

Uraraka took the answer I gave her, but Izuku had a question as well.

"What you guys talk about all lunch?" He asked.

"Arguing mostly." Betty said rubbing her forehead. "Guess who."

All eyes went to Allen and I.

"What? He starts it." I said.

"Now you're picking fights." Allen said.

"So? You still start everything."

"You're literally trying to make me fight you!"

"Because you always want to fight me!"

As expected, we started fighting. This one ended quickly as Kim changed the subject.

"Anyways, when we're not acting like animals we plan for what we're gonna do after school." Kim said. "Usually, we just go straight home and try to do homework."

"Try?" Iida questioned.

"Thanks to the arguing, we get off topic. We're able to finish everything though...most of the time."

"Have you ever tried doing it separately."

"I can't trust three of them to actually do it on their own." Betty explained. "Kim will be on Instagram, Wenny will start sleeping at her desk, and Kat will start playing games. Allen's not bad."

Allen put a smug face on which I quickly wiped off. Metaphorically speaking, of course.

"Cause Allen's a show off." I said rolling my eyes.

"Don't start." He said narrowing a brow.

"I'm not doing anything! You always wanna fight me."

"That's it."

Allen reached over and tried to strangle me as siblings do. I laughed but pushed him away.

"Shall I change the topic?" Kim said.

"Will it be a problematic topic?" Wenny asked.



"I'd just like to complain that all the clothing stores in Japan have All Might's face on them and it's driving me nuts."

Wenny face palmed. Meanwhile, It was Izuku's turn to speak.

"What's wrong with All Might?"

"I just think he's not that great of a hero."


"He wasn't there for USJ, or in Hosu. I know he's a busy guy and whatever but come on. What could be more important than several Nomu's and the Hero Killer?"

"Maybe he was on break."

"Izuku Midoriya. There was like three to five Nomu's, and freaking Stain!"

Surprisingly, Kim and Izuku started arguing. And based on what I know about both, neither will shut up until this was resolved.

"I think this is the greatest lunch break I've ever had." I said.

Shouto nodded in agreement and ever so slightly smiled at me. I wish I got a photo to show Wenny and make her eat her heart out. But I had something even better.

"Also, 'Roki, did I leave a bright blue binder at your house?" I asked.

"I don't believe so. " He said. "I'll check and text you if I see it."

"You have Shouto's contact info?" Wenny asked.

"Sure do. We're besties now."

"Oh brother." Betty sighed.

"What are besties?" Shouto asked. "I still don't get it."

"Best friends. A friend you're closer to than the rest of your friends. Something you and Kat aren't."

"Not important. I'm still telling everyone we're besties." I said.

We talked through the rest of our lunch period. Well, Kim and Izuku were still upset at each other and probably have a small rivalry now, but that's the only bad thing. And hey, a rivalry isn't that bad in this world. Once the bell rang, we headed back to class to get our hero costumes and meet at Ground Gama.

Thanks for 12k! Next chapter out shortly! - Isaki

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