EZ (C22)

754 22 11

A/N: This is kinda filler but don't worry. Next chapter will be better!

💜Lunar/Wenny pov💜

Once we found our siblings, we brought them back to the bleachers in time for the next fight. Me vs Kaminari. Though, we first warned Kat that there's a chance she'll fight Todoroki.

"I can't fight him!" Kat said. "That dude will kill me."

"You just unlocked another aspect of your quirk girl." Kim reminded her. "You'll be fine."

"Remember. You have to make him use his left side." I added.

"No way! Then I'm completely done for!"

"Kat listen. We won't let anything bad happen to you even if it breaks the rules." Allen reassured Kat.

"Yeah! I'm all for rule breaking if it keeps my siblings safe." Kim agreed.

Kat smiled. "I trust you guys."

"Good. Cause I've gotta go fight Denki. I'll see you guys in a bit!" I said before heading my own way.

Soon enough, I reached the field. Denki was already there stretching.

"And we're back!" Midnight said. "Now let's get started with the next battle. Denki Kaminari and his electricity versus Wenny LA and her witching!"

"So sorry about this by the way." Denki said.

"I should be the one apologizing, but thanks." I shrugged. "You should start by the way. Canadian."

Denki shrugged and released electricity. Before it reached me, I used my broom stick and hovered over all of it.

My turn!

I looked down to see that Denki already used all his volts. He was stupid. Both with and without braincells.

"Sucks to suck." I shrugged.

I walked Denki to the boundary line and pushed him out.

"Uhh...The winner is Wenny LA!" Midnight announced.

"This is boring!" Present Mic commented.

I shrugged and flew on my broomstick to the bleachers.

"Well done Wenny!" Betty applauded.

"I hardly did anything, but I appreciate that Betty." I said.

"Why would he do that?" Kat wondered.

"Maybe cause he's dumb?" Allen said like it's obvious (cause it kinda is).

"You guys are so mean." Kim commented.

The next battle was nothing special. It was supposed to be Mei Hatsume against Iida, but Mei made the whole thing a massive commercial. Then it was Kim versus Mina but, that ended fast since Mina forgot to avoid eye contact and you can guess how that went. The next battle I'd never miss though. Betty against Tokoyami.

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