First battle(C8)

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Their hero costumes if you don't remember ^

💖Betty/Rainbow pov💖

The next day of hero training, we got our outfits and had the mock battles at ground beta (whatever or wherever that is). The idea of this lesson was to teach about fighting villains indoors.

"I'm glad these turned out well!" Kim said admiring our costumes. "It took a while to figure out the perks."

Leading this lesson was All Might. I remember learning about him during our time with Aizawa. He's Japan's symbol of peace. No wonder everyone looks up to him, it's massive honor.

This time, we'd truly have to take the place of removed characters. I was paired with Allen in place of Hagakure and Ojiro, Kat was with Kim in place of Kouta and Satou, and Wenny was with Momo in place of Mineta.

First up was Team A and Team D. Midoriya and Uraraka vs Iida and Bakugo. Their battle was furious as Bakugo targeted Deku personally.

"What's happening up there?" I wondered.

"I think they've got beaf." Kim said. "I'm all for it tbh."

"Stop it with the lingo."

Their battle went on for a while and tore down the place. I was so bad, we needed to move locations.

Next was Allen and I against Shoji and Todoroki. Wenny said Todoroki can get annoyed easy. I thanked the heavens that Kat wasn't fighting him.

"Allen, do you remember anything from this part?" I asked.

"We're playing the role of villains." Allen said. "So we're protecting something inside. We can play the camping tactic but with your ribbons and my hammer, we can capture them too easy."

"I think we should camp." I said. "If they get close, we'll apprehend them."

We got into position and the match started. It was a bit of a wait till anything happened since we were playing the long game.

"Maybe we should've went after them." I sighed.

"It's never too late." Allen said mischievously.

"Yes it is. They've probably started moving now. If we leave and go looking, they'll probably get to this thing before we find them."

Allen sighed and went back to pacing. Then, I felt something. The air felt different. A lot cooler.

"Allen you feel that?" I asked.

"Feel what?" He said confused.

"The air. It's cooler."

"I don't feel anything. Your quirk has something to do with air moisture. Maybe...there's something in the air." Allen looked like he had an epiphany. "Todoroki."

Ice formed at our feet which was strange. Todoroki was no where near us. Well, I guess he was below us.

"Betty. Get ready." Allen said. "You face one way and I'll face the other. They're most likely to come from the back. I'll sneak up on them."

I nodded and sat on top of the object we were trying to protect. Soon, they came through the back as Allen predicted.

"Hiya!" I waved.

As they both jumped for the object, I used my ribbons to stop their arms. I tied their ribbons together before jumping down and landing on them.

"Sorry!" I apologized.

I forgot my ribbons dissolve when they hit the ground. They were able to get back up. I'll work on that.

Todoroki went to freeze me but I dodged and launched a few attacks on my own. Out the comer on my eye, I saw Allen ready to hit Todoroki. I nodded to him and before Todoroki could react, he was out.

"I'll stop Shoji! You make sure Todoroki doesn't get up." Allen ordered.

I nodded and tied Todoroki to one of the poles keeping up the ceiling. He was fully secured by the time he was up.

"How's Shoji coming along Allen?" I asked.

"Not the greatest." He responded.

Shoji had Allen's weapon which wasn't the greatest sign.

"Alright hold on!" I told him.

I launched ribbons towards Shoji but they mostly hit the skin between his arms. With nothing to grasp, they were useless. I fixed my aim and kept trying. I got a grasp eventually but this dude was strong.

"Allen! I...can't...hold him." I said.

Allen managed to get his hammer from Shoji and hit him. I quickly tied him up as the battle ended. Allen and I have won!

"Let's go!" Allen cheered.

I undid the ribbons and we left the battle building and back to the room to watch the other battles. But then, Wenny tapped my shoulder. When I turned, she had a serious expression on her face.

"We need to talk about the upcoming tasks." She said. "I'm getting the rest of the Krew. We'll meet outside the door."

I nodded and went outside the room. The rest of the Krew followed.

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