Alright if you insist (C11)

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Sorry about the wait! I've been busy with school. - Isaki
TW: ⚠️Mentions of stress and panic attacks!⚠️

💖Rainbow/Betty pov💖

I felt bad for putting the pressure I felt on Midoriya. I could tell he wasn't ready for it but I couldn't do it.

Truth is, I go under stress taking care of my siblings. The whole class being my responsibility would put too much on me. No one knows that but it hasn't stopped me before.

After morning classes, my siblings and I met up under the stairs.

"Do we have any tasks for this arc?" I asked.

"Attack the Nomu and villains, get split up, and witness All Might fighting the Nomu." Wenny read on the list. "Bonus tasks, Try to assist All Might with the Nomu, get attacked by Shigaraki, and defeat the villains we face."

"Alright. Hopefully we end up somewhat close." I said. "Remember, let me and Kim know where you are and we'll find you guys."

"I though it was just you looking for us." Kat said.

"Kim and I talked about it and she wanted to help with finding you guys." I explained.

We talked about what we can do to make it easier to find each other and how to navigate USJ so we can do it easier. Once we were ready, we went to lunch.

"Betty. Have a moment?" Izuku said once we arrived.

"Anytime." I said before turning to my sibling. "I'll catch up with you guys later. Kim, look after them."

Kim waved and watched my siblings leave. Meanwhile, I sat down at Izuku's table with Uraraka and Iida.

"I just had a question is all." He said. "Why did you not want to be representative?"

I sighed. "I should've known that question would come up. Okay. Just don't tell my siblings. I don't want them worrying."

They seemed concerned but nodded.

"Being representative is a lot of responsibility. I'm already responsible for my siblings and thats enough stress on its own. I couldn't count the amount of times I've had panic attacks over them. Being class rep would be too much for me. I feel bad for putting that onto you but I just can't do it given my situation."

Iida put a hand on my shoulder. "I have an older brother who's really important to me. I bet your siblings think you're important to them and wouldn't want you stressing."

Deku nodded. "Glad you're honest."

"Always. Just don't tell my siblings. I don't want them worrying about me. They have a lot on their minds right now."

They nodded and I got up to leave.

"I should probably catch up to them. Nice talking to you guys!"

I sat back down at my siblings table. They were quiet but acknowledged me.

"Look guys, I know we're nervous. But we've prepared and know what we're doing." I encouraged them. "Best of all, we know how to get to each other. We'll all end at the ruins since no villains attacked there. We'll assist All Might from the side lines and If all else fails, we hide there until help arrives."

"Yeah. Betty's right." Kat said cheering up. "Plus, Wenny and Allen knows this place better than us. They can plan exactly when each thing happens."

All of my siblings lightened up before a large alarm rang.

"What's that mean?" Kim asked.

"Someone breached U.A security. We've gotta go." Wenny said standing.

We all followed Wenny out to the hallways which were completely crowded.

"God this is a mess." Kim said.

"I have an idea." Wenny said.

Wenny snapped her fingers and a broomstick hung overhead. She grabbed onto it.

"Krew, hands on." She smiled.

We all grabbed on with one hand and the broom raised just enough for us to breath and see.

"Is that...public broadcasting and media?" Kim asked.

"Indeed it is." Wenny said. "They're the ones who breached security."

"So why are we panicking?" Kat asked.

"They believe someone broke in. Don't worry. Iida's got this."

As if on cue, a loud 'wham' was heard. Apparently, Iida somehow flung himself to the wall above and told everyone that it's the media.

"Let's go now." Wenny said climbing on her broom. "Hold on."

The broom darted through the hallway with he rest of us clinging for life.

"Wenny!" I yelled. "Slow down."

"If you don't go fast, then you go too slow!" Wenny responded.

We made it back to the classrooms in record time.

"What's the rush?" I asked.

"Beating the traffic downstairs." She responded. "Plus, it's time."

A/N: This chapter's poorly written but trust me, it'll be better for the USJ attack. Which will be uploaded right after this one! Thx for 500 reads! - Isaki

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