Take the world by luck (C21)

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💚Surprise Allen/Draco pov💚

After a small wait, it was time for Funneh's battle against Izuku. She was at a major disadvantage and I was excited to see how my rival would get out of this one. We were sitting in the bleachers with our classmates as Midnight announced that the battle would start.

"Our first match of the tournament," she said, "Kathrine LA and her bad omen versus Izuku Midoriya and his strength enhancement!"

"Canada represent!" Kim shouted. "God I wish we had flags."

"It's more fun to shout." I said. "Go Canada!"

Kat waved at us before looking at Izuku. "I'm too Canadian. You better start or this'll go nowhere."

Izuku looked kinda confused but through the first punch. Kat dodged and launched her own attack. Suddenly, Izuku's quirk activated. He hit the ground and his arm bones were probably shattered.

"Oof." Kim muttered. "That's it for him."

To Kim's surprise, he got up again.

"Aww. Now I have to do something." Kat whined. "I'm joking. I'm not that lazy."

"Yes you are!" I yelled.

"Shut up All-"

She was punched in the side while distracted.

"Ooh." Kaminari said behind me. "That's gotta hurt."

"Kat's tough." Betty said. "She'll be fine."

Kat continued to launch attacks which Izuku tried to stay clear of. Sometimes, Kat hit people in the audience which wasn't a crowd pleaser. She finally got a hit on Izuku and he lost his footing. That gave Kat the chance to kick him out of bounds. Though, Izuku looked like he had an epiphany and he got his footing back moments before getting out.

"Oh come on!" Kat shouted.

"Why're you holding back?" Izuku asked.

"I am? Wait let me try that."

Kat shut her eyes and aimed for a moment. When she fired, her blast was a lot bigger than normal. It actually pushed Izuku back a bit.

"Holy crap I can do that? Oh this'll be easy."

She started launching her larger attacks faster. The combined force became overwhelming and Izuku was pushed out of bounds quickly.

"The winner is...Kathrine!" Midnight announced.

We started cheering. The crowd and my sisters.

"Go Kat!" I yelled.

"Aren't you and Kat rivals?" Wenny asked.

"Maybe. But even I can admit she's good. Not as good as me though."

"Don't make me come up there!" Kat shouted from below.

Next up was Todoroki vs Sero. Kat, Kim, and Betty went to go get Canadian apparel but Wenny and I stayed to watch the fight.

"I've always wanted to see this battle in real life!" Wenny said.

"Lower your voice or you'll break the fourth wall." I warned her.

"Sorry. I'm just so excited."

The battle ended way too quickly. Todoroki pretty much decimated Sero in about two minutes.

"That was uneventful." I sighed. "I mean it looked cool but c'mon. Way too fast."

"The one between him and Izuku will be much more exciting...Wait. If Funneh's taking Izuku's spot, will she have to-"

"Let's go warn her."

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