You idiots!(C69)

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Ha. Nice. - Isaki

💙Kat/Fuuneh pov💙

After a shockwave of a blast sent Bakugo, Shigaraki, the action squad and myself backwards, I looked around for my siblings before Bakugo and I were attacked by the league of villains. I didn't see them, but I knew they were around.

This sucks. I might die before I find that stupid binder. That had my class notes in it.

That made me think about my siblings. I never realized how important that binder was and I never realized how dangerous it was for them to be here. Guess I'll have to step it up a little. 

Then I realized that my arms were getting tired of the constant blasting, but I kept going. I knew help was close. I just had to hold on until then. Sure enough, I just so happened to glance up and saw the rescue team.

"Bakugo, look!" I said pointing.

He looked up. "What is that?"

"Our freedom. See them?"

Bakugo looked harder and realized who it was. "What kind of idiots are we friends with?"

"Let's just get out of here. We can shout at them later."

He blasted himself into the air and I followed next to him. Wenny caught me on her broom, while Kirishima caught Bakugo.

"You guys are insane!" I said. "And I love you guys for that."

"We love you too, Kat." Kim said embracing me.

The League made a final attempt to catch us, but were stopped by Mt.Lady. We made it out (almost) unscathed.

"Where we headed?" I asked.

"Train station." Izuku said. "That's where Momo and Shouto are."

"So we succeeded after all?" Allen smiled. "That's good. I'll call Betty and let her know we're all okay."

"She's okay?" I asked.

"She was in the hospital unconscious for two days or so" Izuku said. "She woke up before I left and she said she misses you a lot."

After arriving outside the station and finding Momo and Shouto in the crowd, we watched the fight continue on the big screens in the area. All Might was somewhat back in his normal form, but weakened. Then, he was blasted into the air, nearly hitting the helicopter recording the fight.

"I can't believe I'm caring, but All MIght seems like he won't make it." Kim said.

"He will." Wenny said. "He always does."

Then, after another devastating blow of the air cannon, All Might is reverted to his weaker form. All for One began mocking him a little more, though we couldn't hear what he said. Either way, things seemed bad. Then, the people began to cheer him on.

"Keep fighting All Might!"

"You've got this! Don't give up!"

"You've always won and you'll win again!"

I began cheering with the crowd. Wenny, Allen, and even the All Might hater, Kim joined me.

"You can win All Might! The symbol of peace overcomes anything!" I yelled.

"Yeah! You've got this! Show that freak of nature how the heroes do it!" Allen said.

"I can't believe I'm saying this, but you can do this! The world is on your side, no doubt!" Kim added.

With that, All Might got back up and transferred all his power into his right arm. All for One hovered over him and prepared to make a final strike before he could. But, he was stopped by Endeavor and other heroes who just made it onto the scene. They slowed AFO down, but he eventually got rid of them (not dead) and did his ultimate move. Ultimate quirk combination, making his right arm mutated and full of deadly screws and hardened minerals.

"The power I used so far was just to wear you down." AFO said. "Now that I've done that, I'll kill you."

The two punched each other with great force and released a massive shockwave. It created a large amount of damage to the area, and it was hard to see the battle through the dust.

"What's happening?" Kim asked. "I can't see. Did he win?"

"I don't know." I said.

As the smoke cleared, All Might was almost overwhelmed, but he shifted his power to his left arm and punched All for One in the face. Then, he put it back in his badly broken right arm and released a punch so powerful, it broke the ground into a crater and almost sent the helicopter into a building. Once the dust cleared once more, he transformed into his buff form for one last time and lifted a fist in the air.

"That it!" The reporter said. "All Might has won!"

The area bursted into cheers and praises to All Might. He reached his limit and he still won.

"He did it!" I yelled. "I can't believe he did it!"

"Again, can't believe I'm saying it, but I'm proud of him." Kim said slightly tearing up. "I can clearly see why he's the number one hero."

As the chaos just began to die down, All Might delivered a message.

"Next, it's your turn."

The crowd erupted in cheers again except for Izuku who cried.

Good luck with that. I've got a different goal.

With that, we finally carried off the rest of the mission by turning Bakugo and I over to the police for protection and questioning.

"We'll see you tomorrow." Kim said. "Stay safe, you hear me?"

"I will. Go get some sleep." I nodded.

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