Back to regularly scheduled hero stuff(C32)

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💙Kat/Funneh pov💙

The "weekend" went by way too fast and we on the way back to school.

"When do we move to dorms? I'm tired of walking everyday." I complained.

"Sometime during season three if I remember correctly." Allen said.

"Exactly." Wenny nodded.

I groaned. "We have to do this Hero Killer arc first? Dang."

"At least we don't have to do the hero killer stuff immediately. Today, we're choosing hero names." Wenny smiled.

"Ooh! That's cool!" Kim said.

We continued on to school. On the streets, we saw a little girl crying.

"Should we do something?" I whispered.

"This our chance to be recognized. We have to." Wenny said.

Betty stepped forward first. "Hey. What's wrong?"

"My cat is stuck in that tree." She said. "My mom is trying to get help from inside that building."

I stepped forward. "No need. We've go this. Allen, get up there."

Allen looked at me.

"I said get up there. Move it."

"Don't tell me what to do."

Yet, he climbed up the tree.

"The rest of us huddle under the tree. If Allen can scare the cat out, we'll be there to catch it." I ordered.

"I'll do the same thing I do to Kiarah." He smirked.

"Don't hurt my cat!" The girl said.

"We won't." Betty reassured her. "On three, Allen! One! Two! Three!"

Allen shook the tree just enough to startle the cat. As expected, it jumped out and Kim caught it.

"Whiskers!" The girl exclaimed. "Thank you! Hey! You five are from the sports festival!"

"Yes we are." I said.

"You guys were awesome! I'll see you around."

The girl ran to where her mother was.

"We're gonna be late if we don't go now." Wenny said.

Once we arrived at school, we headed straight for our class. Most of our classmates were there already.

"I just remembered I called Todoroki a loser on Saturday and now I'm next to him all day." I whispered.

"Sucks to suck." Allen laughed.

"I'm sorry. Who won the sports festival?"

Allen rolled his eyes and sat in his seat. I went to the back of the class where my seat was, sat down, and tried not to look at the people next to me in the eyes.

I think I'm learning what it means to regret an action. I guess that's my luck coming for me.

"Hey Kat!" Uraraka said. "Anybody recognized you and your siblings on the way?"

"We got a cat out of a tree and the owner recognized us." I responded.

"Really? I'm surprised your luck didnt make you drop it-"

She realized what she just said but I was already offended.

"...Uraraka...I'm I'm gonna let that go." I sighed. "But...I won't forget this. So you shouldn't either."

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