Surprisingly, not bad (C72)

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Finishing up chapter 73 so the time between uploads will be larger this time. Don't worry, they're both more filler than anything. Thanks for 22k! - Isaki

💜Wenny/Tsuki pov💜

Once I finished furnishing my room, I helped Kim finish putting together her bed together and put her clothes in her closet. Then, the room showcasing competition was announced with the second floor going first. Specifically, Izuku first.

"Let's see it." Mina cheered.

As I remembered, it was filled with All Might stuff. Kim let out a sigh next to me.

"Oh my lord." She muttered.

"I thought you were over the whole hating All Might thing?" I asked.

"That was a moment of weakness."

After that, was Aoyama's room. It was so bright, it could have a rivalry with Kim's quirk. Next, Tokoyami's which was so dark it rivaled the night sky (Wow that line was smooth). Then, it would be Mineta's room. But since he doesn't exist here, Allen was up.

"I bet my room's better than yours!" Kat said.

"Wait until you see it." Allen said.

Allen's room had a lot of green as expected. There was a cool amulet thing hanging on one of the walls and his room was actually pretty organized.

"Wow Allen. Looks better then your room in Canada." Kat laughed.

"Give it a day or two, it'll be a mess soon." Betty sighed.

"You can never let me win huh?" Allen shrugged.

Then was the third floor's turn. Though, all the guys rooms on the third floors were mostly normal. No themes or anything so it was kinda boring. Iida did have a large amount glasses and books.

"Why are only the guy's rooms being judged anyway?" Denki asked. "Wouldn't it make more sense to have everyone's room evaluated to choose a winner?"

"Fine then." Kat shrugged. "After all the guy's go, we will."

On the forth floor, after being told Bakugo didn't wanna participate, we saw Kirishima's room which made Kat laugh for some reason. Then Shoji's which had nothing at all. Sero's was quite stylish and Shouto showed off with the new flooring and stuff. Since Sato wasn't in this world, it was onto the girls on the second floor. Starting with Kat.

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