Thats not how it was supposed to work (C18)

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💖Betty/Rainbow pov💖

We had to wait until Midnight explained the next game before we could talk about it without suspicion. However, things went a little differently due to our (five way) tie.

"The amount of points depends on your placement in the race." Midnight explained. "However, since there was a five way tie, we had to bend the rules a little. Instead of putting them in order based on where they were sitting, we decided we would split the points evenly between the five of them!"

That meant each Krew member was two million points. Everyone probably wouldn't want us on their team, so we had to decide who'd be kicked.

"Maybe I should go." Kim said.

"No. Your blindness will work well for us." Wenny disagreed. "Allen, we'll need you too."

"Come to think of it, I think all of us are valuable. Plus, there's eight million points total. Keeping each and every one won't be needed to win." Allen said. "We could kick anyone."

Then, someone tapped me on my shoulder.

"Hey 'Roki!" Kat waved.

Todoroki gave a small nod to Kat before turning to me.

"Betty, I'd like for you to join my team." He said simply.

I glanced towards my siblings who nodded.

"Sure." I decided. "Sounds good."

I got up and joined Todoroki's group. When we got there Denki and Iida were waiting for us.
(A/N: If you're wondering where Momo is now, she's with Shoji and Asui since Mineta was removed from this AU.)

"Betty, switch headbands with me." Todoroki ordered.

"It's to stop me from being targeted, correct?" I said. "Whatever you say bestie."

I handed mine over and he gave me his two hundred five points. Once the switch was done, we assembled the horse with Todoroki as the rider. Makes sense but, my god, this was gonna be tough.

After a few more moments, we were told to start and we immediately started running. Todoroki froze most of the people around us so no one was in our way. The only ones who weren't caught in the ice was us, Izuku's team, and my siblings. Bakugo was trapped momentarily, but freed his team quickly.

I wasn't given much info about the plan if there was one, but I'm guessing there's a target. And it doesn't take a genius on who the targets are.

With my siblings worth the most points, everyone was targeting them. If Todoroki thought that'd effect my determination, clearly, he doesn't know me too well.

"Betty." Todoroki said. "Your ribbons become stronger through air moisture right? Think you can make something shock resistant?"

"I've never made something like that but I can try." I admitted. "Plus I'll have to be one handed so as important this is to you, be patient with me."

I used a bit of my ribbons to tie one hand to Todoroki's foot for extra support while I used the other to make the cover. It didn't take nearly as long as thought and it was soon done.

"Here!" I said throwing it over us.

"Denki! Go!"

Denki released some electricity in the hopes to stun a few people. I felt a pang of worry for my siblings but they looked fine. Wenny probably had a potion prepared for that. That's when I noticed something. Kat had no headband.

Kat lost her's already? Gosh.

I tried to stay focused while undoing the ribbons I used to tie myself to 'Roki (Kat's nickname is rubbing off of me).

"I don't really get why we're targeting my siblings if we have two million already." I wondered.

"Do you not want to?" Denki asked.

"Oh. I don't really mind it. I see why we would. It's just me that thinks it's weird I guess."

Suddenly, I felt a harsh yank on my head. Bakugo just stormed right past us.

"Idiot must've thought you have the two million." Denki laughed.

I snickered but remained focus. But, I caught sight of my siblings. They were down to one head band. The one Kim had as the rider.

I shouldn't help them. But we all need to stay in this competition. What about the upcoming task? Plus, cheating would definitely upset Todoroki enough for him to want to talk to me.

I had no headband anymore so I'd have to take one from him. Iida would snitch and I cant reach Denki. Plus, the risk would be worth it.

I used my ribbons to make a make shift headband and waited until Iida wouldn't notice. When Izuku's team breezed by us, I quickly made the switch.

185? That should be fine.

It wasn't the highest so it should be okay. I kept the headband hidden until I saw the Krew again. Once I did, I got their attention.

Kat seemed to notice and notified the others. They started coming closer.

"We're being attacked from the side!" Denki said.

We did a bit of turn which gave me the chance to give them the headband. Though as Kim took it, Kat launched one of her bad omen toward us. It hit me and I was suddenly very unbalanced.

This isn't very plus ultra.

"Betty! What's wrong?" Todoroki asked.

"Kat's omen." I said. "She made me uncoordinated."

"What happens if your horse is disassembled?" Denki asked.

"We won't be disqualified but we'll be free targets." Iida answered.

As if on cue, I went down and the whole team went with me. I facepalmmed myself.

"Stupid! Stupid! God I'm stupid!" I said.

"No time to feel bad." Iida said. "We still have to win this.

"Right. I'm ready."

There was only a small amount of time left but we reassembled the horse and got a move on.

(Like I said last chapter, expect slower updates for a little bit.)

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