Reap Your Rewards (Chanyeol)

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Short impromptu imagine for a dear friend~ Here, and have a cute Chanyeol in the media section... though that gif has nothing to do with the imagine XD


You mashed your face into your stack of worksheets and books. 

A miserable thump.

The shifting of a file of papers as it teetered off the side of your desk. Are you serious?

A quiet sigh.

You straightened up again, reluctantly arming yourself with a runny ink pen and a tube of white-out against the enemy troop of Maths sheets, English essays and Science booklets, before working away furiously.

Half an hour later, you sat back, wiping the sweat off your forehead with a tired frown. Oh come on. The towers of work to completed didn't seem to have lessened at all- in fact, it looked more intimidating than ever.

You can do it.

You startled and looked around. Who was there? 

No one. 

Perhaps you had imagined it, maybe no one said anything. It certainly wasn't you.

You can do it, Venus.

A little breeze blew in from your open window, cool and calm. Venus, there actually isn't as much work as you think, it seemed to sing against your skin. What magic is this? Slowly. a small smile broke out over your face. But maybe I can do this.

And again it was with the head lowered, eyes narrowed in concentration, and hand writing away studiously. Time seemed not to exist suddenly, there was no clock ticking labouriously in the background and the distracting hustle and bustle in the streets outside seemed to disappear.


You jumped. The wind chimes your friends had gotten you last year chimed melodiously as the air swirled around it and your favourite novel dislodged itself from your bookshelf, floated towards you and settled itself on the stack of-

The stack of papers. Gone. Gasping, your wide eyes darted around the room before noticing the pile of completed work under your hand. Oh my gosh. I finished.

'Yeah you did.'

'AH! AH! AHHH~!' you screeched, taking up your fly swat and smacking in the direction where you thought the voice came from.

'Woah there, almost got me.'


'Calm down, Venus, don't scream.'


You stared incredulously at the two figures in front of you. One of them looked eerily like Chanyeol. And the other... looked much like Suho dressed up in a huge, poofy, rainbow-coloured dress and wings.

'Uhm... Chanyeol?'

'Chanyeol' ceased his argument with 'Suho' and turned to you with a timid smile. 'Yeah?'

'Oh my gosh you're not a doppelganger?'

'No... Decidedly not.'

'Oh my gosh why are you in my room?'

'Uh. Suho sent me?'

'Oh my gosh why did Suho send you?'

'Uh. Can you please stop beginning your sentences why 'oh my gosh'? It's making me kinda uncomfortable. Uh. Suho sent me because he's your fairy godmother?'

'Godfather, dammit Chanyeol, why can't you keep your mouth shut- she's not supposed to know that- and she can't see me anyway-' Suho bobbed up and down with each wingbeat.

'I can... see you, err... fairy godmother/father?'

'What.' Suho turned around to look at you in surprise, wings stilling. 'You can what?'

'I can see you.'

'Oh crap. Remember your job, you clumsy giant- I've got to go, uh, Cindersoo- uh shouldn't have said that- well bye!' And with that, Suho dove out of the window.

'That was a wonderful dive,' Chanyeol commented, shutting up awkwardly when he noticed you staring at him.

'Are you real?'

'Very... Would you like a hug- I mean-'

'Sounds great.' You cautiously tiptoed up to him and he put his arms around you, lowering himself a little so that your head could rest comfortably by his shoulder. He was definitely real, and very warm, and that was sorta nice, even despite with the heat. 

Chanyeol patted your hair before moving away. 'So I'm here to present you your gifts.'


'Well. Suho was watching over you, and you worked real hard, so you should reap your rewards now right?'


'Well firstly, Suho foretold the future and said you did pretty well in your subjects- at least he said he foretold it, his skills are questionable, really-, then I bought you a book.'

'A book?'

Chanyeol nodded shyly and took your hands in his, before placing the book into your hands. It was a novel you'd wanted for a long time. 'Thank you.'

'It's okay... uhm... I think I've got to go now... Uh can you promise me something?'


'Work hard so I can come by again with your rewards?'


He winked, and disappeared.

And you meant it. If working hard meant you could see that wonderful dork, you'd probably work hard forever. 

Haha hope you liked it~

I'M ON A ROLL, YEAH BABY XD Heehee~ Vote and comment XD Thank you! Bye bye <3 ~Kieva

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