Can You Teach Me?

By Academylove

779K 41.7K 3.2K

This is an Academy fanfiction story about Sang Sorenson not knowing how to drive. After asking "Can You Teac... More

Part 1 Nightmare
Part 2 One More Question
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 46
Part 47
Part 48
Part 49
Part 50
Part 51
Part 52
Part 53
Part 54
Part 55
Part 56
Part 57
Part 58
Part 59
Part 60
Part 61
Part 62
Part 63
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Part 65
Part 66
Part 67
Part 68
Part 69
Part 70
Part 71
Part 72
Part 73
Part 74
Part 75
Part 76
Part 77
Part 78
Part 79
Part 80
Part 81
Part 82
Part 83
Part 84
Part 85
Part 86
Part 87
Part 88
Part 89
Part 90
Part 91
Part 92
Part 93
Part 94
Part 95
Part 96
Part 97
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Part 99
Part 100
Part 101
Part 102
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Part 111
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Part 119
Part 120
Part 121
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Part 123
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Part 135
Part 136
Part 137
Part 138
Part 139
Part 140
Part 141
Part 142
Part 143
Part 144
Part 145
Part 146
Part 147
Part 148
Part 149
Part 150
Part 151 Tub Time
Part 152 Feels Like Home
Part 153 OlΓ©
Part 154 Boutique
Part 155 What are Best Friends For?
Part 156 Getting Ready
Part 157 Memorial Park
Part 158 Sleepless in Seattle
Part 159 OURS
Part 160. Foodie Experience
Part 161 Sexual Chocolate
Part 162 Garbage Girl
Part 163 Promise of Next Times
Part 164 Naked Boys are Much More Fun
Part 165 Skin
Part 166 Going in our Family History
Part 167 Can I Get a Hot Tub?
Part 168 Miscommunication
Part 169 Leading Lady
Part 170 Kiss the Cook
Part 171 S.O.D.
Part 172 From Bad to Worse
Part 173 Texting Poker
Part 174 Fate Intervenes
Part 175 When it Rains, it Pours
Part 176 Cat & Mouse
Part 177 The Other Car
Part 178 Aftermath
Part 179 Morning Fun
Part 180 Shady Looking Grannies?
Part 181 Filler Fluff
Part 182 Getting in the Festive Mood
Part 183 Gossiping Like Old Biddies
Part 184 Christmas Parade
Part 185 Serious Discussions
Part 186 Being In-Famous
Part 187 Study Session
Part 188 Like Pavlov's Dogs
Part 189 Prisoners for Life
Part 190 Storytime at Lunch
Part 191 A Game Like What?
Part 192 Trust Me, I'm a Doctor
Part 193 BUSTED
Part 194 Stunned Desire
Part 195 Wingman
Part 196 Spin the Bottle
Part 197 Slip of the Tongue
Part 198 Biology Frisky Dice
Part 199 I Want a Candy Bar!

Part 200 Unexpected Meeting

5.4K 277 80
By Academylove

anon2404 you believed in me from the very beginning! Thank you for that. I had many moments of 'insecure girly s**t' as Gabriel would put it. But you assured me that this story had potential. You were the first to up the ante of how many parts the story should have. It turned into a silly game, almost, as others joined you on that bandwagon. I have started trusting in myself to just write what flows and not worry about what everyone will think. You are the best Anon!!

Part 200 - Friday, December 20th

Sang's POV

During my history exam, I kept smiling as every question was easy to answer AND reminded me of the kiss sessions with North and Victor. When I went to turn in my test, I was flaming red on my cheeks and ears.

Mr. Morris looked up at me, "are you feeling well Sang? You look a little over heated. Maybe you should go see the school nurse." He offered like he was actually concerned about me.

"I'm just fine, I'm a little warm that's all. Thank you for your concern, Mr. Morris." I removed my coat, showing that I will cool off just fine from this simple action.

When I turned to go back to my seat, I noticed North and Victor's scrutinizing gazes. They looked me up and down for any sign I really was ill. I shook my head no just before I sat down in my seat. I heard North chuckle quietly behind me and Victor's shoulders visibly relaxed.

I enjoyed the time I had left in History, just tracing my gaze over every inch of Victor's back. Meanwhile, I could feel North's fingers on my back and arm. We sat next to the wall and he was doing this on the side of my body next to the wall. No one would be able to see what he was doing unless they turned around looking for him to be touching me.

I sighed, enjoying the feel of North's soothing touch. With only 20 minutes left, Mr. Morris deemed everyone done with the test and we had "free time to do something quietly."

As the class began holding individual conversations, I asked North, "are you going to be busy at the diner tonight?"

"Yeah, there is a lot to do to be prepared for all the children tomorrow."

I looked to Victor, "will you be helping on Saturday, too? Or do you have things to do with your concert?"

"I have to play it all by ear. I still have some sound check things to do. I am going to try to finish those things tonight, after we have our lunch. But if not, I have to go in Saturday morning."

"What is your weekend schedule?"

"Saturday afternoon I have a matinée that is for a bunch of senior citizen centers. Sunday I have a matinée again and an evening concert. After that I should be done until Christmas Eve." He shrugged.

"I'm sorry Victor. All of these concerts are not fair to you." I told him with a sad smile.

North interjected, "once he is done Baby, we will make him have down time for the rest of his break." He left no room for argument and I cheered, with a fist pump in the air, at the thought of down time, even if I had to throw my weight around and force it on my boys.

The bell rang and I needed to make my way to Biology. Silas asked North before school to walk me to the quad so he could escort me upstairs to Biology.

Silas was waiting with a huge smile on his face. I waved goodbye to North and began walking with Silas. The halls were crowded and I had to squeeze in tight to Silas' back to not get knocked around. Once we were in our hall, there were only a handful of people. "Ready for our exam, Aggele?"

"Are you trying to remind me of our study session?" I blushed as Silas groaned.

We walked in the class as Silas stated, "I wasn't trying to remind you, but now that is definitely in my head. I hope I can concentrate on the test instead of your body."

Some of the nearby students started laughing. I playfully smacked Superman's arm. "Don't say things like that in front of other people." Then I smiled. I wasn't really mad at him, I just don't want the rumors to fly, again. Technically, he is my boyfriend.

Silas caught my hand and kissed the back of it, " To sóma sas eínai san éna bar karaméla. Áspastos, lickable, liónei sto stóma kai biteable." (Your body is like a candy bar. Kissable, lickable, suckable and biteable.)

I giggled and reminded myself to ask him what he said after we got out of school for the break. I think I heard lickable and biteable in there somewhere. But surly, he wouldn't say something like that in school.

Mr. Gerald told everyone to "sit down and be quiet". He passed out all the exams. "No one is to talk until all tests are turned in. When you are done, sit quietly until I tell you otherwise."

I got busy with my exam. I was on a roll, we had covered almost all of this information during our study session. I nearly jumped ten feet in the air when a loud voice came over the PA in the room, "Sang Sorenson to the principal's office when she finishes her test. Sang Sorenson to the principal's office."

Silas growled, then rubbed my back to reassure me. The suddenness of the PA had scared me and I was trembling in my seat. Mr. Gerald asked me, "how far along in the test are you Sang?"

"Um..." I looked at how many questions there were, "it looks like I have about 20 more questions, sir."

"Please take your time. There is no rush. The Principal can just wait." Silas chuckled behind me and it shook my desk. His legs hugged me tightly and I felt safe and protected. I went back to my test enjoying faint ghost sensations of last nights study sensation. Funny how that is, that just reading certain questions brings back the memories of the games we played.

When I finished, I still had 45 minutes left in this class time. Silas had finished before me. When I turned in my test, Mr. Gerald had dismissed me to go to the office. Silas tried to go with me. "I did NOT dismiss you, Silas. Have a seat, unless you want a detention to stay after today." Mr. Herald used a demanding voice he doesn't normally use. Silas ground his teeth and muttered something Greek through his gritted teeth.

I pat Silas' hand and gave him a half smile before I grabbed my bag and headed out the door. I pulled my phone out of my bra and typed a message to Mr. Blackbourne.

Me: I got called in to see Mr. Hendricks. On my way now.

Mr. B: Mr. Korba already informed me. I will be watching.

Me: I knew you would. ;)

I quickly hit the delete messages button and slid he phone back in my bra. As I entered the office, I noticed it was void of students and eerily quiet. This put me more on edge than any other time I have been called down here.

"Have a seat. Mr. Hendricks will be right with you Sang." He receptionist told me. I guess she knows me by sight now. I sat on the edge of a chair and stared straight ahead to his office down the long dark hall. I saw the door open and he clomped down the hall toward me. My mouth went dry. Why is he calling me in here right before our break from school?

"Sang." He sneered. This is not good. I stood up and shuffled behind him to his office. He went to his desk and asked me to shut the door behind me. I did so then sat in the ugly orange chair across from him.

"How do you think you did on your exams Sang?" That question threw me for a moment.

"Um... I think I did well." I nodded my head, holding eye contact.

"What do you think the likelihood is, for any given student here to score a perfect score on ALL of their mid-terms?"

"Probably pretty slim, but not impossible." My eyebrows scrunched in confusion as to where this is going.

"How easy do you think it is to CHEAT on the mid-terms, Sang?"

"I don't know, sir. I guess there are students that do cheat, but I don't know how they do it or why they would in the first place."

"Explain what you mean by you don't understand why they would do it?" He raised an eyebrow in curiosity.

"Well, why would you tell someone else what is on the test? Then they would do better than you did. Why would You help someone else do better than yourself?" I shrugged my shoulders with my palms facing up.

"Does the Academy have a special tutoring program for it's students?" He asked me.

"Not that I am aware of, but I am not IN the Academy." My anger clearly showing at his line of questioning. Is he trying to get them thrown out because they did too well on their tests? "What is this really about, Mr. Hendricks?" I don't know where this bravery is coming from but I will not sit by while he drags their names and reputations through the mud.

"I have all of your tests here in this file folder, except for your biology test you just finished. Would you like to say something or should we call your father?"

Now I was really confused. "Wh- wh- what?" I stuttered with confusion. "Why do You need to call my father?"

"Oh come now Sang. You have done well in your classes so far, but NOT perfect." He opened the file and spread all the tests out on the desk in front of me. "Look for yourself, Sang, and tell me that my eyes deceive me."

I looked at all of my tests and saw 100 written in red at the top of each test. I couldn't help myself. I smiled. I was just so happy that my study sessions paid off. I should have more of those through the year! I giggled at my thoughts of weekly study sessions with my boys, but stopped quickly.

Mr. Hendricks slammed his hand down on his desk. I squeaked in surprise. "Do you find this funny? I have evidence for expulsion right here in black and white."

"I did not cheat. I studied. You can ask each of the Academy boys. They set me up on a study schedule and I spent each night studying with them. Check to see how they did on their tests and you will see. I'm sure they did just as well on their tests as I did."

"I already have." He opened his drawer and pulled out seven file folders. He slid them across the desk at me. "See for yourself."

I opened up a folder titled 'DAKOTA' and saw that all of his tests had 100's at the tops of them. A note was signed by all his teachers stating, "this student should graduate early and enter college. We cannot teach him anything he does not already know."

Next I opened up a file with 'VICTOR' and found he scored 100 on every test and there was a note for his music class that said, "He is much too gifted to be in this class". I smiled, he is super gifted... He is a prodigy! What more do they expect?

I shifted the files to open one for 'GABRIEL'. He too had 100's on everything and he had pictures of his artwork from his class. His teacher's evaluation stated, "an eye for detail and a natural flare. They should display his work in a gallery." Unshed tears filled my eyes at the pride I had for my boys. This school might hate them, but there are a few teachers that cannot deny their brilliance.

The 'SILAS' folder was next in the pile. Surprise, surprise... 100's on everything. I was smiling like a loon. Mr. Gerald had already attached a letter to the file. "My best student EVER! He has a real gift for the study of life. If we can have student teachers, I would like to request Silas to be mine." I ran my fingers over letter as if I was reading brail.

"Do you need to keep looking Sang or do you see the problem I so obviously see?" Mr. Hendricks asked like I was an idiot.

"I do not see a problem, I see students that are excelling in all their classes and possibly proving that the curriculum is currently subpar. Maybe you should ask the Academy for assistance in providing Ashley Waters students with a better, more structured education."

He did not allow me to look at anymore files on the boys. He snatched them from me and yelled, "get out!" He was pointing at the door. "Get out NOW! You and that group of boys are going to ruin this school!"

I collected my bag and stood up. Just after opening the door I looked back at Mr. Hendricks, "Merry Christmas, sir." I proceeded to walk down the hall with confidence in my stride. I turned the corner of the hall and found Dr. Green motion for me to follow him. He waited inside their small office for me to enter. I shut the door behind me and Sean picked me up under my butt, hugging me close to his body. He had the biggest smile on his face.

"I knew you were a bright girl, but I realize you are more than that! You are scintillating Pookie." He have me a quick peck on the lips. I was beaming from ear to ear.

As he set me down, I looked at Mr. Blackbourne, "did you see that? I aced EVERY exam. EVERY SINGLE ONE!!!" He held his hand out to me. I took it and he pulled me into his lap.

"Miss Sorenson, my love, you are bright, brilliant, splendid, sensational... Simply ravishing. I am so proud of you. Maybe we should hold regular study sessions like the ones you had this week." He winked at me then kissed my lips with a lingering chaste kiss. When he broke the kiss I hugged him to me so tightly, I might have cut off his ability to breathe.

"If we are going to study like that every week... Count me in!" Sean teased.

"Okay, I did well and the boys did well too, but how do we prove we didn't cheat?" I was starting to get worried.

"He can claim what he wants, but if he took this to the school board, he would need the teachers to say, yes you all cheated. They do not have proof, they were all in the room the whole time, and we have video feeds of the classrooms. If it came to it, we could show the proof that you did not cheat." I relaxed at that.

"What about him calling my father to tell him I cheated." I bit my bottom lip.

"I already took care of that. I had the school secretary call your father and congratulate him on a job well done, for raising such a brilliant child." Owen smiled at me, then laughed.

My eyes were huge. I looked over at Sean. "Soak it up Pookie. It is not everyday that the stone cold Mr. Blackbourne laughs out loud." Then he reached over and snatched me away from Owen. Sean gave me another hug, rubbing my back, then planted another kiss on my lips. This time, he stroked his tongue across the seam of my mouth and I accepted his offer. The kiss only lasted but a moment. This seemed more frustrating to me than anything.

"So, as soon as the bell rings... We are on a school break?" I asked eagerly.

Sean pouted his lip a bit, "we have to stay here for an extra half hour. But then we will meet you and the boys at..."

Owen cleared his throat, "Sean, the boys wanted to surprise Sang."

"Right, sorry. I was just so excited. It has been years since we have gone there. Do you remember that?" Sean spoke over my head to Owen.

"Of course I remember it. How could I ever forget? They asked for volunteers and Silas and North both jumped to their feet." Owen continued.

"But the real surprise was when Luke snuck..." Sean looked at me, "Oops. To much information." Then he beeped my nose with his finger. I had been sitting there so quietly, I had forgotten to breathe. I groaned when I realized they were just teasing me. They weren't about to give away the surprise.

The final bell rang and I jumped up and down punching the air. Owen and Sean laughed at my show of excitement. We are FREE from school until January 6th. That is 17 days away from this hell hole. 17 days of alone time with my boys. 17 days to develop our relationship without interruption. 17 days of pure, unadulterated bliss!


Just in case you are not following me and do not get my messages, Wattpad does not allow more than 200 chapters to a book.  You can find the rest of the story in a new book titled, "Can You Teach Me? Parts 201+"

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