Can You Teach Me?

By Academylove

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This is an Academy fanfiction story about Sang Sorenson not knowing how to drive. After asking "Can You Teac... More

Part 1 Nightmare
Part 2 One More Question
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 46
Part 47
Part 48
Part 49
Part 50
Part 51
Part 52
Part 53
Part 54
Part 55
Part 56
Part 57
Part 58
Part 59
Part 60
Part 61
Part 62
Part 63
Part 64
Part 65
Part 66
Part 67
Part 68
Part 69
Part 70
Part 71
Part 72
Part 73
Part 74
Part 75
Part 76
Part 77
Part 78
Part 79
Part 80
Part 81
Part 82
Part 83
Part 84
Part 85
Part 86
Part 87
Part 88
Part 89
Part 90
Part 91
Part 92
Part 93
Part 94
Part 95
Part 96
Part 97
Part 98
Part 99
Part 100
Part 101
Part 102
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Part 111
Part 112
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Part 119
Part 120
Part 121
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Part 123
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Part 135
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Part 137
Part 138
Part 139
Part 140
Part 141
Part 142
Part 143
Part 144
Part 145
Part 146
Part 147
Part 148
Part 149
Part 150
Part 151 Tub Time
Part 152 Feels Like Home
Part 153 Olé
Part 154 Boutique
Part 155 What are Best Friends For?
Part 156 Getting Ready
Part 157 Memorial Park
Part 158 Sleepless in Seattle
Part 159 OURS
Part 160. Foodie Experience
Part 161 Sexual Chocolate
Part 162 Garbage Girl
Part 163 Promise of Next Times
Part 164 Naked Boys are Much More Fun
Part 165 Skin
Part 166 Going in our Family History
Part 167 Can I Get a Hot Tub?
Part 168 Miscommunication
Part 169 Leading Lady
Part 170 Kiss the Cook
Part 171 S.O.D.
Part 172 From Bad to Worse
Part 173 Texting Poker
Part 174 Fate Intervenes
Part 175 When it Rains, it Pours
Part 176 Cat & Mouse
Part 177 The Other Car
Part 178 Aftermath
Part 179 Morning Fun
Part 180 Shady Looking Grannies?
Part 181 Filler Fluff
Part 182 Getting in the Festive Mood
Part 183 Gossiping Like Old Biddies
Part 184 Christmas Parade
Part 185 Serious Discussions
Part 186 Being In-Famous
Part 187 Study Session
Part 188 Like Pavlov's Dogs
Part 190 Storytime at Lunch
Part 191 A Game Like What?
Part 192 Trust Me, I'm a Doctor
Part 193 BUSTED
Part 194 Stunned Desire
Part 195 Wingman
Part 196 Spin the Bottle
Part 197 Slip of the Tongue
Part 198 Biology Frisky Dice
Part 199 I Want a Candy Bar!
Part 200 Unexpected Meeting

Part 189 Prisoners for Life

3.2K 238 18
By Academylove

Part 189 - Wednesday December 18th

Sang's POV

As I came into conciousness, I felt all warm, cozy and a little bit turned on this morning. What the what? I know I am over here at the Taylor brother's house but we weren't doing anything sexual when we went to sleep. I tried to take stock of myself without opening my eyes or moving around, I just don't want to wake the boys up.

As I focused my mind on my different body parts I realized I am laying somewhat on top of North's left side. That's when I realized my leg is hitched up over his waist and his morning wood is pressing into my inner thigh. Also, his big hand is splayed across my butt. I know he doesn't mean anything by it. This is just how he sleeps.

I continued to focus my mind on the rest of my body, finding Luke's face is snuggled into the crook of my shoulder. His arm is draped over my back and his hand is...whoa! I think I found out why I'm so turned on this morning. My left boob feels full and heavy in Luke's grasp. His body runs the length of mine and his morning wood is pressing into my hip.

I let my eyes flutter open and I lift my leg off of North first. Then I turn over onto my stomach on the bed to dislodge both of their hands. That of course woke them up. "Morning Baby." North mumbled in his low sleepy voice.

"Don't get up yet Cupcake," Luke whined, he tightened his grip around my waist. "I'm not done sleeping."

"Morning North Star." I responded with a smile and kissed his bare chest with a loud smacking kiss. His chuckle rumbled and shook the bed.

I turned my face to Luke, his neck was exposed, his arm draped over his eyes to block out the morning light filtering in the room. This gave me an idea... I leaned in and lightly kissed his neck on his Adam's apple. Then I attacked him with tickles. Under his arms, on his stomach and sides. His arm that was blocking out the light came down trapping me against his body. He rolled so he was pinning me between both the boys.

"If you keep that up, we won't make it to school this morning." Luke teased. I groaned my displeasure of school but pushed at their bodies so I could get up while still giggling.

I took a quick bath, and put on the black frilly skirt that I wore to the first sleepover party. I rolled on my black above-the-knee, knee highs with little hot pink bows on the outside of my thighs at the top of them. I paired this with my hot pink long sleeved v-neck t-shirt and a pair of black ankle boots. I just brushed my hair straight, expecting Gabriel to do it when we get to school.

As I stepped into the kitchen to get breakfast both Luke and North were already there, making breakfast. Luke saw me and smiled, eyes twinkling. North bellowed, "OH HELL NO!"

I was taken back by North's outburst. My smile dropped from my face and I looked down at my clothes, trying to see what was wrong. I heard a smack and looked up to see North rubbing the back of his head and Luke glaring daggers at his brother.

"You look absolutely adorable, Cupcake. Ignore my younger brother's misplaced anger."

"I'm sorry Baby." North's head hung in shame. "I love the way you look, I just don't want any of those ingrates from the school looking at you in something so sexy."

I heard movement behind me and turned to see Uncle walking down the hall toward the kitchen. When he saw me his face broke into a happy smile, his eyes twinkling. "Well, well, well. Look what the cat drug in. Or should I say dog? How are you this morning Little Bird?" He stepped up next to me and gave me a sideways hug then moved on to take the mug of coffee that Luke was holding out for him.

"Morning Uncle. I am doing very well, thank you. Oh, and thank you for listening to my suggestions at the diner. I know they are just silly and childish..."

He cut me off with a hand held in the air, "we should be thanking you. The local Elementaries have already responded to our fliers thanking us for having an age appropriate activity at a local establishment. We are expecting quite a few kids to show up." He then looked at North and Luke, "I'm going to need help from both of you with food prep Friday evening to be ready for Saturday."

"We thought so. We have a team lunch but then are free to work." Luke told Uncle.

"Sounds good. Oh, and Little Bird," Uncle's eyes froze me in place, "stay close to the boys while in school in an outfit like that. If you were twenty years older..." He let that hang.

"Ugh! Gross Uncle!" North grumbled. "Come on Baby, let's go before he starts telling us about how the ladies use to throw themselves at him before he had to grow up and be a parent."

"I only speak the truth, my boy." Uncle winked at me as North pulled me out the door, Luke right behind him with a handful of pencils.

When we got in the car I asked, "so Uncle use to be a ladies man?"

Luke chuckled, "he still is, he just tries to be discrete about it now."

"Good thing too after that one incident." North laughed. I looked between both of the boys, they were both fighting laughter but not saying anything.

"Oh come on! You can't leave me hanging like that! What incident?"

"You have to wait until we are all together this morning, then we will tell you." Luke smiled at me cheekily.

Now I couldn't wait to get to school so I can hear about whatever has both North and Luke fighting laughter. There was an accident on the way to school that slowed us down. We pulled into the parking lot with only three minutes until we needed to be in our first class. We didn't have time to meet up with the others so I could hear the story.

Luke pulled me into English just as the bell rang. He handed me two of the pencils he was holding and we took our seats. Kota and Gabriel gave us the stink eye look. But we didn't have time for that since Ms. Johnson was already giving directions about the exam.

"And when you are done, sit quietly until everyone finishes. If I have to shush you, I will deduct 5 points from your test score." She passed out the test. We have the next two hours to finish the 50 question multiple choice test and write a one page essay on our favorite story and the symbolism found in the story we chose.

To my surprise, Ms. Johnson's test followed the study guide almost exactly. So I was doing really well, staying focused until about the 25th question. After that, every couple of questions would bring images to my mind of one of the boys removing their clothes. I could feel my face and ears heating up. Occasionally, Kota would pull at his shirt collar or clear his throat.

When I was on the last five questions, I was squirming in my seat. I kept crossing and uncrossing my legs just trying to relieve some of the sexual tension that was building up in me. I glanced over at Gabriel and his ears were beat red and he had a smile on his face. I felt Luke trace his fingers over my bra straps from behind.

I found my focus and wrote about the story "Of Mice and Men". This book was dark and I really hated the violence. I mean, did the author really have to kill the puppies? That was just wrong!

Kota chose to write about "Dracula", Luke is writing about "Alas, Babylon" and Gabriel is writing about "Lord of the Flies". Why can't we read books about people falling in love and sailing off into the sunset to live happily ever after?

When I finished with my test, I took it up to Ms. Johnson's desk. Then turned back around to sit and wait for the rest of the class to finish. One of Jade's cronies, Christy, sits near the front and stuck her foot out just as I was passing her. I tripped and crashed into some guy that was bringing his test to the front. I took him down and landed on top of him in a not so ladylike manner.

Kota quickly hoisted me up off of the guy and moved me behind him before he helped the guy stand up. Christy was giggling at my mishap but the guy, I don't know his name, snarled and glared daggers at me. I shrunk into my seat and Kota sat in front of me effectively blocking the guys view. He reached his hand back and placed it on my knee. Luke was running his fingers through my hair and I closed my eyes, just enjoying the touch of my boys.

"That was just an accident, people. Unless you want to lose points, I suggest getting back to the test or being quiet." Ms. Johnson looked over the class with a sour look on her face.

The class was finished when we still had half an hour left. "If you can keep the uproar to a minimum, you may do as you please. You just can't leave the room." Ms. Johnson said, then began grading the essays.

Kota turned around and asked, "so, anyone else feel that was easy?"

Gabriel laughed, "exactly like the study guide."

Luke leaned in closely and whispered, "did you imagine me naked at the end?" I started turning into a flaming tomato.

"I did." I answered truthfully.

"You did what? Are you talking about me?" Gabriel demanded.

"I remembered the questions we got wrong when we studied." I began, "I don't think I could have gotten them wrong after our study session." The guys laughed but agreed they couldn't have gotten those questions wrong either.

We talked and enjoyed each other's company until class ended. Gabriel took ahold of my arm, leading me toward the gym. Nathan was outside the doors waiting for us. Coach French gave each of us a test as we entered the door. "Sit on one of the tape 'X's I have on the floor and you may begin the test."

Each X was more than three feet from another X. Gabriel, Nathan and I sat on X's at the back corner. Karen sat on one near us. This was a multiple choice test on each of the sports we have gone over so far. Badminton rules, circuit training exercises, rules about basketball and volleyball.

All I can say is it is awkward trying to sit in a ladylike position while needing to use the floor as your desk too. I finally decided to lay on my stomach on the floor with my legs pointing toward the wall. As I was getting comfortable, both Nathan and Gabriel were watching me like a hawk. I smiled at them and they went back to their tests.

We were done within the first 45 minutes. We were told to raise our hand when we finished the test so the coaches could come collect them. Shortly after the hour mark everyone was finished. We were able to get up and play basketball or sit on the bleachers and talk until the school day was over.

"One day of tests done, two more to go." Nathan said with a smile.

"Who am I riding with back to your place?" I asked Nathan. "Because I am making lunch, remember?"

"Could we ever fucking forget? You just say the word that you are cooking and we are your prisoners for life." Meanie held his hands out like they were shackled together.

"We are all leaving together right after they let us go. You can ride with whomever you want." Honey informed me then asked, "Peanut, are you going to tell me what you are making?"

I laughed, "no! It is a surprise. You will find out when everyone else does."


The final bell rang signifying the end of the first day of exams. The school was a buzz as everyone had the rest of the day free.

"I have Geometry and Japanese tests tomorrow. Does that mean you are studying with North and I Nathan?"

"Yes. North sent me a text saying we are supposed to come up with a game for studying like Jeopardy or something?" Gabriel started snorting with laughter.

"We all studied that way for English and I think we all aced our test." Gabe told Nathan.

"I also need to study with Victor for Japanese."

"After lunch you can study with North and I, then you can go to Victor's and study with him in the evening."

"I hate studying alone. Want to study with me again Trouble?" He waggled his eyebrows.

"I can't. I need to focus on tomorrow's tests. But Jeopardy was fun!" I winked as I blushed.

Everyone was waiting for us at the cars. North, Silas and Luke went in North's car. Nathan and Kota went in Kota's car. And Victor, Gabriel and I went in victor's car.

"I am going to study with North and Nathan right after lunch. Can I study with you this evening Victor for our Japanese test?"

"Whatever you want Princess. Does that mean you are staying the night with me?"

"I think so. I'm not really sure who I am to stay with, but I think we need to study before a major exam."

"Are you going to make it a game too?" Gabriel asked Victor.

"A game? How do you make practicing Japanese a game?" Victor was confused.

"I don't know, but after our study session last night... Sucks to be you if you can't figure out a game." Gabe smirked at him. My eyes were huge. Each of the guys seem to be forgetting the what happens in Kota's room, stays in Kota's room. They are going to get me in so much trouble if they can't keep their traps shut.

"We don't have to make it a game Victor. We can just quiz each other." I told him.

"How ever you learn best Princess. We will figure something out, I'm sure. But first... I am eager for lunch!"

"Like I said Trouble, we are your prisoners for life!"

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