Can You Teach Me?

By Academylove

779K 41.7K 3.2K

This is an Academy fanfiction story about Sang Sorenson not knowing how to drive. After asking "Can You Teac... More

Part 1 Nightmare
Part 2 One More Question
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 46
Part 47
Part 48
Part 49
Part 50
Part 51
Part 52
Part 53
Part 54
Part 55
Part 56
Part 57
Part 58
Part 59
Part 60
Part 61
Part 62
Part 63
Part 64
Part 65
Part 66
Part 67
Part 68
Part 69
Part 70
Part 71
Part 72
Part 73
Part 74
Part 75
Part 76
Part 77
Part 78
Part 79
Part 80
Part 81
Part 82
Part 83
Part 84
Part 85
Part 86
Part 87
Part 88
Part 89
Part 90
Part 91
Part 92
Part 93
Part 94
Part 95
Part 96
Part 97
Part 98
Part 99
Part 100
Part 101
Part 102
Part 103
Part 104
Part 105
Part 106
Part 107
Part 108
Part 109
Part 110
Part 111
Part 112
Part 113
Part 114
Part 115
Part 116
Part 117
Part 118
Part 119
Part 120
Part 121
Part 122
Part 123
Part 124
Part 125
Part 126
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Part 130
Part 131
Part 132
Part 133
Part 134
Part 135
Part 136
Part 137
Part 138
Part 139
Part 140
Part 141
Part 142
Part 143
Part 144
Part 145
Part 146
Part 147
Part 148
Part 149
Part 150
Part 151 Tub Time
Part 152 Feels Like Home
Part 153 Olé
Part 154 Boutique
Part 155 What are Best Friends For?
Part 156 Getting Ready
Part 157 Memorial Park
Part 158 Sleepless in Seattle
Part 159 OURS
Part 160. Foodie Experience
Part 161 Sexual Chocolate
Part 162 Garbage Girl
Part 163 Promise of Next Times
Part 164 Naked Boys are Much More Fun
Part 165 Skin
Part 166 Going in our Family History
Part 167 Can I Get a Hot Tub?
Part 168 Miscommunication
Part 169 Leading Lady
Part 170 Kiss the Cook
Part 171 S.O.D.
Part 172 From Bad to Worse
Part 173 Texting Poker
Part 174 Fate Intervenes
Part 175 When it Rains, it Pours
Part 176 Cat & Mouse
Part 177 The Other Car
Part 178 Aftermath
Part 179 Morning Fun
Part 180 Shady Looking Grannies?
Part 181 Filler Fluff
Part 182 Getting in the Festive Mood
Part 184 Christmas Parade
Part 185 Serious Discussions
Part 186 Being In-Famous
Part 187 Study Session
Part 188 Like Pavlov's Dogs
Part 189 Prisoners for Life
Part 190 Storytime at Lunch
Part 191 A Game Like What?
Part 192 Trust Me, I'm a Doctor
Part 193 BUSTED
Part 194 Stunned Desire
Part 195 Wingman
Part 196 Spin the Bottle
Part 197 Slip of the Tongue
Part 198 Biology Frisky Dice
Part 199 I Want a Candy Bar!
Part 200 Unexpected Meeting

Part 183 Gossiping Like Old Biddies

3.3K 224 55
By Academylove


Since you asked me to update quickly, and I know Gabriel is your guy...I present Gabriel Coleman's POV.

Part 183 - Sunday December 15th

Gabriel's POV

This is fucking shit! I was woken up at the butt crack of dawn to decorate...decorate! I of course grumbled my displeasure but seeing my Trouble all bubbly and giddy with holiday cheer changed my bad attitude in a heartbeat.

As soon as the diner was decorated, I had to organize with Uncle what he wanted on the fliers for the Elementary schools to have a Polar Express day at the diner on Saturday. That is only six goddamn motherfucking shit days away!

Uncle said he has called in a favor to have "Santa" come for two hours and Uncle wants the menu to be all kid friendly foods, chocolate sundaes and hot chocolate. In other words, a Luke designed menu. I had to laugh at that thought. I love the guy, I do, but his diet is going to give him diabetes. Not that I want him to go to the other extreme, and be a North clone. Everything in moderation. Keep the balance. Be all Zen.

Once I was done with the planning stage with Uncle, Victor came and got me from the diner to help him with his wardrobe for his matinée performance. "Sorry Gabe. I know you haven't had a chance to relax today."" He told me.

"Yeah, whatever. I won't get any time later today either. Once your performance is done, I have to go back to get Trouble ready for her date with Doc." I sighed and leaned my head against the headrest, closing my eyes to get a few winks before I needed to be going again.

"Who's coming to get you to help Princess?"

"Kota" I mumbled as I was losing consciousness quickly. Victor let me be after that, turning his music down to a soft background. Right now, I appreciate the classical music coming through his speakers. It is soothing, like a lullaby.

All too soon, Vic was waking me up. Time to get back in the game. "Is that shitface sperm donor of yours going to be here today? Cause I am not in the fucking mood..."

Victor cut me off quickly, "No! He got home from the hospital yesterday and is milking every bit of his injuries from Jasmine."

"Do I even want to know?" I asked without asking.

"You really don't. Let's just say I am glad he got snipped or else I might be a big brother again."

I stuck my fingers in my ear singing out, "la, la, la, la." I so didn't want that image in my head right now. Vic touched my arm to get me to stop.

"Let's get this job done, shall we?" Victor got out and opened his trunk. I dug through his tuxedos and found what I was looking for. I pulled them both out and handed them to Victor, then found the box of shoes I wanted and the accessories box of cuff links ties, and silk handkerchiefs. It is nice he had it all in his trunk so we don't have to go back to his house before each performance.

Mr. B approached us from behind and without a word he took the tuxedos from Victor then led the way to the music hall. The three of us quietly entered the concert hall through the back door. Security is so lax in these places. Sign your name without showing ID and you are good to go. It surprises me that the Academy hasn't stepped in to protect Victor better by insisting on tighter security measures.

We got his performance clothes and after concert clothes set up and ready. Mr. B made sure Victor's music was out on the piano, ready to go, not that he needed it. Then we all relaxed in his dressing room. He had an hour before it was show time.

"So everything is set for next week's Family Christmas night?" I asked both of them.

"Yes Mr. Coleman. We have dinner reservations at Fleet Landing Restaurant, then private performances at the Jazz House and finally exchanging gifts at my house with following sleepover."

I nodded my head, that was all taken care of. "So, Vic, are you able to make up the fliers later tonight for the Polar Express day at the diner?"

"Yeah, I can do it after I'm done here and before we go to Doc's for coffee and dessert."

"Mr. Coleman, why are we just hearing about this? Usually Mr. "Uncle" Taylor is more prepared than this event seems to be."

"Yeah, well, I bet you can guess who REALLY came up with this idea?" I smirked at them.

"Princess wanted to put on a kids event at the diner?"

"Trouble wants the kids to see Santa. And the look on her face makes me think this might be her first time to see Santa too." That thought stabbed me in my damn heart when I thought of it.

"That makes sense. We need to remember that this Christmas will be full of firsts for Miss Sorenson. What we see as basic, normal, traditions will likely be new experiences for her. I expect that we will see quite a few tears shed, but the good kind." Mr. B was looking at the wall and the edge of his mouth turned up into a small smile as he thought of our girl.

"Princess is eager to make the presents too. Luke and I took her to the hobby shop and she was talking a mile a minute about bedazzling everybody something." Victor was laughing as he remembered something funny.

"Did she buy bedazzling shit?" I asked with my eyebrow raised.

"We don't know what she bought. She wanted to shop without us." Victor explained.

"You left her alone? After the fucking Friday the 13th she went through just the day before?" I was livid with my brothers and Mr. B looked like he might give them hours for this.

Vic placated us, "We made a sweep of the store first, then stood guard at the entrance. She was safe the whole time."

"I love Sang, I really do. But to actually wear something bedazzled?" Mr B let that hang in the air. Whatever she gives us, we need to be happy and use it or wear it. She deserves us to be happy with what she gives us.

I piped up, "North might need to be reminded to tone down the volume and comments." We all were nodding and grunting as we thought of our brother. "Sorry to spoil the Sang discussion party, but it is time to get you ready Vic."

Victor got himself dressed and I added all the accessories and styled his hair to be just right for him. He gave me a handshake hug with the manly backslap. Bros for life!

I wished him the best and made my way toward the back entrance. I know Kota will be here soon to whisk me off to my next assignment for the day. Getting Trouble ready for her date night. I thought over Doc's clothes and sent him a text.

Me: Doc, wear your lavender button down, gray slacks or blue jeans (your choice), leather jacket and appropriate shoes.

Doc: will Pookie be in pants? It could be cold out.

Me: yes, I plan on putting her in jeans.

Doc: I don't want her feeling underdressed. I'll wear jeans too. By appropriate shoes do you mean loafers or sneakers?

Me: (face palm) loafers! Sneakers? Really Doc? Fuck that shit! She can't be seen with you looking like a goddamned douche!

Doc: sneakers don't make me a douche!

Me: oy, don't listen to me, you know I'm a dick when I'm tired. sorry Doc. Got woken up early and still going 90 miles an hour. :(

Doc: get Pookie ready, then take a nap until dessert. Doctors orders. :P

Tires screeched to a halt in front of the back door and I saw it was Kota's brown sedan. "About fucking time!" I griped but smiled at him.

"I am right on time. Apparently, you got done earlier that the original plan."

"Yeah, yeah. Just drive fucker!" I can't help myself, I am smiling as I lean my head back against the headrest again. Trouble puts me in a good mood regardless of what shit is going on.

I awoke to find I was alone in Kota's car outside of the diner. What the hell? I got out and stormed into the kitchen of the diner. "Oy, Trouble! Where the hell is Trouble?"

"I'm right here Meanie." She stuck her tongue out at me.

"Are you leaving now Little Bird?" Uncle asked from behind me. Shit! I forgot he was here.

"Yeah, I have to go, but I will definitely be here to help work on Saturday!" Her face was lit up like the Christmas tree out front.

"Good to know" Uncle interjected, "because I may or may not have been in contact today with Santa."

She looked just like a five year old child, so eager to see the man with a belly like a bowl full of jelly. I can tell you right now, if "Santa" is some random nasty fuck, no way is Sang getting within 200 feet of him. Let alone, sitting on his lap.

I wanted to groan from my thoughts. "We got to go Trouble!" She followed me as we exited out the back door. Kota, Sang and I left the diner parking lot and headed to Nathan's place.

As we pulled in his drive, Nate came jogging out the front door,opened Trouble's door and pulled her in for a tight hug. He carried her in the house, "I hate going to bed next to you and waking up alone. It's just not right." Nate complained.

"Sorry Honey, I had to work." He set her down and I grabbed her wrist.

"Time to get the diner off of you and into Doc approved apparel." I teased. Sang sniffed her elbow, probably to see if she really did smell like the diner. "And we need to wash your hair too because you have hat head now from that Santa Hat." Her hand touched the top of her head as she giggled.

I sent her in to get a shower and told her that I would be washing her hair when she was done. This is the part I absolutely love and fucking hate at the same time. I get to be alone with the girl of my dreams and touch her (okay on the head) while she is only in a towel. But on the flip side, I have to be up close and personal with the girl of my dreams while I only get to touch her head, and she will only be in a towel.

Damn! In through the nose, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8... Out through the mouth 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. I repeated this while I sat on Nathan's bed listening to the tub water run. It had turned off but I could hear splashing and knew she was still in the tub. When I heard the drain begin, I counted off to 60 before I knocked to enter the all too small space.

I washed her hair, brushed through it, then began blowing it dry. The heat from the drier heightened Sang's natural essence. I tried my best to make her a perfume that would compliment her natural fragrance. And according to the guys, I got it perfectly right.

When we were done with her hair and a dab of makeup, I clapped my hands together and motioned for Trouble to inspect the outfit I had laid out on Nathan's bed. It was a pair of straight legged jeans, a lavender sleeveless blouse with lace on the shoulders, a pair of black heels and a black leather jacket. I added a stylish lavender scarf that wouldn't do much for the cold, but looked good none-the-less.

And to top off the outfit I handed her a lavender purse. "Phone?" I asked holding my hand out. Trouble picked it up from the nightstand and I dropped it into her purse. I added a small tube of lip gloss and found her money, adding a few dollars, just in case.

"You look stunning Trouble! Doc is going to blow just looking at you." I laughed at my own razzing. He's not even here to defend his manhood.

"Thank you Gabriel, for always making me look so pretty. You have magic skills that's for sure." Sang stepped up closed to me and placed a sweet gentle kiss on my lips. Fuck! She's stroking my ego and I have to send her off with my brother. Damn it!

"You have fun and stay close to Doc. I can't bear the thought of someone hurting you."

"I promise, Scout's honor." She held up three fingers, her arm at the square. Even being a smartallic, she is fucking sexy as hell!

"Don't give me that shit! Go, before I pin you against the wall and kiss you until you can't remember your name." She looked at me with...desire, then left the room with a skip in her step. I will definitely be holding THAT promise the next time we are alone.

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