Can You Teach Me?

By Academylove

779K 41.7K 3.2K

This is an Academy fanfiction story about Sang Sorenson not knowing how to drive. After asking "Can You Teac... More

Part 1 Nightmare
Part 2 One More Question
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 46
Part 47
Part 48
Part 49
Part 50
Part 51
Part 52
Part 53
Part 54
Part 55
Part 56
Part 57
Part 58
Part 59
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Part 61
Part 62
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Part 71
Part 72
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Part 76
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Part 79
Part 80
Part 81
Part 82
Part 83
Part 84
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Part 138
Part 139
Part 140
Part 141
Part 142
Part 143
Part 144
Part 145
Part 146
Part 147
Part 148
Part 149
Part 150
Part 151 Tub Time
Part 152 Feels Like Home
Part 153 Olé
Part 154 Boutique
Part 155 What are Best Friends For?
Part 156 Getting Ready
Part 157 Memorial Park
Part 158 Sleepless in Seattle
Part 160. Foodie Experience
Part 161 Sexual Chocolate
Part 162 Garbage Girl
Part 163 Promise of Next Times
Part 164 Naked Boys are Much More Fun
Part 165 Skin
Part 166 Going in our Family History
Part 167 Can I Get a Hot Tub?
Part 168 Miscommunication
Part 169 Leading Lady
Part 170 Kiss the Cook
Part 171 S.O.D.
Part 172 From Bad to Worse
Part 173 Texting Poker
Part 174 Fate Intervenes
Part 175 When it Rains, it Pours
Part 176 Cat & Mouse
Part 177 The Other Car
Part 178 Aftermath
Part 179 Morning Fun
Part 180 Shady Looking Grannies?
Part 181 Filler Fluff
Part 182 Getting in the Festive Mood
Part 183 Gossiping Like Old Biddies
Part 184 Christmas Parade
Part 185 Serious Discussions
Part 186 Being In-Famous
Part 187 Study Session
Part 188 Like Pavlov's Dogs
Part 189 Prisoners for Life
Part 190 Storytime at Lunch
Part 191 A Game Like What?
Part 192 Trust Me, I'm a Doctor
Part 193 BUSTED
Part 194 Stunned Desire
Part 195 Wingman
Part 196 Spin the Bottle
Part 197 Slip of the Tongue
Part 198 Biology Frisky Dice
Part 199 I Want a Candy Bar!
Part 200 Unexpected Meeting

Part 159 OURS

3.8K 215 12
By Academylove

Part 159 - Saturday Dec. 7th

Owen's POV

The movie was nearly over and I couldn't take not kissing her anymore. I kept getting closer and closer to Sang throughout the movie. By now she was sitting on my lap sideways and I was kissing her with all the love I felt I could show in public. The song, "When I Fall in love" playing in the background.

"I have already fallen in love with you, Owen." She mumbled around my lips.

Damn these tight jeans! I responded to her comment by deepening the kiss. All the passion I have for her showing through my actions. My tongue aggressively taking possession of hers. She responded by moaning into my mouth. It took all my self control not to lay her down on the ground and have my way with her. I shifted slightly under her, nervous if she rubbed against my hard on, I wouldn't be under my own mental control anymore. I thought about laying back with her, extending where I got to kiss her but thought better of that idea. I pulled out of the kiss and leaned my forehead against hers. I needed to clear my head of this Sang fog. We were both breathing hard and it gave me pleasure to know I affected her like this. "This is not the place to keep going any further. As much as I want to." I husked so she would know it wasn't anything she did to make me stop. She shivered in my lap and nodded her head in understanding.

Everyone was clearing out of the park, but right this moment I cannot stand up and walk to the car. First off, I would look funny walking with a bit of a waddle. Secondly, I was afraid that the motion of walking would have my tight jeans rubbing against my hard length with a desirable friction. But I prefer Sang to bring me to orgasm, not my jeans. "Let's just give them a moment, so the crowd is not so large." I whispered.

"Sounds good. That means I get to hold you like this for longer." Sang said before she squeezed me in a tight hug. I gave her a tight hug right back.

When I felt that I was calm again, and the crowd had thinned to a couple hundred people, I scooped her off my lap and placed Sang next to me, then stood up. I offered my hand to help her stand up. She took it, then we folded up the two blankets together.

As we walked back to my car, I kept my arm around her shoulders. "Thank you for this reward idea Sang. I was short sighted when I agreed with the others on wanting a two minute kiss. This was much better!"

She giggled, "This was fun, wasn't it? And it's not over. We still have dessert at Sean's don't we?"

"Yes, if you want me to stay for dessert, that is."

"Of course I want you there. I want all of you there, all of the time! I'm just greedy like that."

I laughed at that comment. I opened her door and watched as she slipped into my front seat. At my trunk, I dumped the blankets and cooler in, then got in the driver's seat. "I love you, Sang." I told her as I laced our fingers and kissed the back of her hand.

We drove to Sean's in a pleasant silence. Both of us lost in our own thoughts about the night together. Or at least that's where my thoughts were. How emotional she got watching the movie, giving me the opportunity to wipe her tears away with kisses. Sang interrupted my thoughts by asking a question but I only caught the tail end of it.

"...and puppy will get a home together?" Sang asked.

I was able to figure out that she was asking about the kitten and puppy. "I think they should be able to find a home together. It sounds like the shelter won't let anyone break them up."

"I hope so. They were really too cute and for them to be in love, is just, awwwww." She was swooning about this dog and cat.

"I wonder how that happened?" I mused. "It is very unusual for animals to love cross species like that."

"The guy said they were found together. I wonder if they were in a bad circumstance that forced them to rely on each other and that's how come they love one another. Whatever reason, I hope they have the best home life when they do get adopted."

"I'm sure they will, Sang. It is really sweet of you to worry about them. Your heart is so big and so full of love. It is why nine guys so easily fell in love with you." I was fighting the grin that was trying to break across my face. I think I know what we are getting a Sang for Christmas. Or at least I am getting her.

"Not just any nine guys. The most amazing, handsome, thoughtful, talented nine guys. I guess I just got lucky."

We arrived at Sean's condo and before I could open Sang's door for her Sean, Luke and Gabriel were out the front door and headed our way.

"How was it?" Luke asked.

"Did you have fun?" Gabriel questioned.

"Did Owen cry?" That was Sean. I just glared at him...jerk!

Sang giggled, "it was such a wonderful experience. One I will never forget. Thank you Owen for taking me." She thanked me as we walked toward the front door.

"Well come inside! Luke made Uncle's famous Chocolate Mousse for our dessert tonight." Sean announced.

"It should be just about set. It takes 4 hours to set and it's not quite 10pm," he said looking at his watch, "so we might have to play a game or just sit and talk for a little longer."

"Oy, Trouble! You want to play a game, don't you?" He was helping take Sang's coat off and I grabbed a hanger from Sean's front entry closet.

"What kind of game?" She asked. I wanted to groan, it is never a good idea when Gabriel wants to play games. What embarrassing moment would I be subjected to tonight?

"How about Charades or Headbanz?" He suggested. Those didn't sound so bad, I could play those.

"Headbanz?" Sang sounded confused. I finished hanging up the coats, then we made our way into the living room.

"We write an object on a piece of paper and stick it on your forehead. You have to guess what you are. We will say you have, what ten questions?, to figure it out." Gabriel instructed as we sat on Sean's couches.

"Ten questions sounds like enough." Luke agreed.

"I'll get the paper, tape and pen." Sean cheerily called as he headed into his kitchen.

I was sitting next to Sang on the couch, still trying to touch as much of her as I could. It is an addiction, I admit it. One touch is never enough. One kiss is just torture. She was in for a wild ride of life with nine horny boys chomping at the bit all the time.

"Who is going first?" Sang's sweet voice asked.

"Why doesn't Luke go first so you can see how to play, okay Trouble?"

Sang nodded her head. Then she sat forward and unbuttoned her sweater vest. She shimmied a little to get it off. I reached out, grabbing the back to pull it off. And my thoughts flew to my earlier state. Undressing my love one layer at a time, kissing every inch of her luscious body and I slowly peeled her clothes, piece by piece off...

My arm was thumped as I sat staring at Sang. I looked up to see Sean smirking at me. He knows exactly where my thoughts were at. I looked over at Luke and Gabriel. Luke looked just as lost in thought as I was and Gabriel was concentrating on the piece of paper he was writing on.

I smiled and shrugged at Sean, he chuckled in return. "Let's play so we can eat that dessert. After everyone has raved about it...I cannot wait much longer." Sean whined playfully.

"Anticipation will intensify the pleasure of this OIAB dessert." Sang licked her lips as she teased. Gabriel and Luke hooting and fist bumping each other. They make me antsy. The way they are acting concerns me.

"Cupcake, maybe you should blindfold Mr. B and Doc, like you did to me, and feed them their first bite of dessert."

"You blindfolded him to feed him dessert?" Gabriel was shocked, his mouth open.

"Yes, during his reward payment. It was surprising how much your other senses are heightened when you lack sight. Taste, touch and smell all played a key role in how the food experience went. It was quite enjoyable." Sang explained.

"It was like a flavor explosion in my mouth!" Luke exclaimed.

"Well if she blindfolds them, I'm in too. Even though I have tried it before, Sang didn't feed it to me." Gabriel pouted.

"If you want me to Meanie, it would be my pleasure." She practically purred the words 'it would be my pleasure'. I saw the others having a similar predicament as myself. She doesn't even know that just the way she says some words turns us on.

Luke and Gabriel scoot up to sit on two of the sides of the coffee table. Luke pat the table, "are we playing or what?" Sang plopped down on the ground opposite Luke. Sean sat across from Gabriel and I got on the floor, sitting next to Sang.

Gabriel picked up the piece of paper, put tape on it and stuck it to Luke's forehead. It said, "daisy".

I kept my face blank, but Sang giggled. "Pookie, none of that! This is serious business."

"Am I a person?" Luke asked Gabriel.


He looked at me, "am I an animal?" I shook my head no.

Looking at Sang, he narrowed his eyes and tilted his head in concentration. "Am I edible?"

"No, I don't think so." She looked at Sean to clarify. He shook his head no, confirming her original answer.

"I must be some kind of plant then, but not a fruit or vegetable or herb...hmmm. Am I a type of flower?" He asked Sean.

"Yes. That is four questions, you have six left to figure out which one."

"Would you give me in a bouquet?" Luke asked to Gabriel.


"Am I a rose?" He asked me.


"Not a rose, but could be in a bouquet. Gabriel picked it... Am I a daisy?" He asked Sang.

"Yes!" She clapped for him and he took a slight bow.

"Alright, Mr. write a word for Gabriel now." Luke happily chuckled.

I have to come up with something good, that he wouldn't think of. Not something that is of interest to him or myself. I sat with the pen poised over the piece of paper. "Any day now Owen! It's a game, not a life or death decision." Sean jested.

I quickly wrote on the paper, grabbed some tape and placed it on his forehead. He was already smiling. The four of them are always smiling, and it is contagious. I can't help but enjoy myself and smile back.

"Am I alive?" He asked me.


Looking at Sang he asked, "Am I useful?"

"Yes." She winked at him.

"Do you use me everyday?" Gabriel asked Sean.

"I do, but most people don't."

"Something Doc uses everyday and is useful, but not alive. I cannot be a food. Am I a book?" He asked Luke.

Luke was laughing, "no man." He pulled his hair away from his face, tucking it behind his ear. I noticed he kept glancing toward Sang. If the rest of us were not here, I think he would be kissing her right now. I wish I was kissing her right now. I do not have thousands of people around me, I could finish what we started earlier in the park.

"... Well do you Mr. B?" Gabe asked.

"Do I what?" I tried to clarify.

"Owen, the stock market report can have your mind again after we play this game with the kids. But right now, focus!" Sean ribbed but didn't let on he knew where my thoughts were, again!

"I asked, do YOU use me everyday?" Gabriel repeated.


"So something medical. Am I gauze?" He asked Sang.

"Nooo." She cooed, hinting that he was on the right track.

"Am I rubbing alcohol?" He asked Sean.

"Nope!" Sean answered quickly.

Looking toward Luke, Gabriel asked, "Am I sharp?"

"No. That's eight, two more."

"Shit! This is fucking hard! There are a lot of things the Doc uses daily. I know it is something medical. Am I a bandage?"

"Yes. A band-aide to be exact. But I think that counts."

"Wow Meanie! You are good at this."

"Go ahead Trouble. Write one for Mr. B!" They all chuckled under their breath. I can only imagine what will come from her brain. She finished writing something and taped it to my forehead then gave me a quick kiss.

I asked my love, "am I living?"

"No." Then she giggled. What was funny about that question?

Sean, my best friend, I should be able to read like an open book and he held humor in his eyes. So she picked something funny. I asked him, "am I an inanimate object?"


Hmmmm. "Am I made up or fictional?" I was looking at Luke.

"Yes." He too had a twinkle in his eye. She must have picked a character in a book or a movie. Back just after Halloween she gave us all super hero identities. Did she write mine now?

At Gabriel I asked, "Am I Captain Amaerica?"

"How the fuck did you do that so quick?"

"I shall never divulge my skills Gabriel." I chortled. Then I leaned over and kissed Sang on the cheek. "That was a good one Sang. I liked it."

She just smiled at me as Sean put a piece of paper on her forehead. She will NEVER get this one. I was smiling like a mad man.

"Am I a person?" She asked Sean.

"Well...yes." Kind of a vague answer.

Looking at Luke she asked, "Am I fictional?"

"Definitely NOT."

"Am I alive?" She asked Gabriel.

"Very much so."

"Am I famous?" She asked me.


"Dangit! I am a person that is not fictional, not famous and is currently alive. That is a lot of someone's." She looked at Sean, "am I female?"

His flirty grin in place, "yes".

"Am I Sang, myself?" She asked Luke with a giggle.

"Sort of but no."

"Am I Pookie?" She leaned back while having a giggle fit.

"Nope, not Pookie." Gabriel answered.

"Am I any of my nicknames?" She asked me, flabbergasted she hasn't gotten it yet.

"No, not a nickname."

"Ugh! I don't know. I could have sworn it was me but when I asked that I got a sort of. And it's not any of my nicknames. Am I kissing buddy?" She asked Sean as her face turned red.

"No, but if you want a kissing buddy, I'm your guy."

"Oy, Doc! Don't you fucking push the rest of us out! I get to be her kissing buddy as much as you do!"

"Yea, what he said." Luke agreed.

"Pookie, you only have one more guess?"

"What happens if I can't get it?" She asked pushing her finger to her bottom lip.

"I don't know! No one has ever NOT gotten theirs before. Gabriel? Luke? What is the consequence of not getting it?" Sean was asking in a teasing manner. The two boys looked at each other, deviousness pouring through their eyes. If it is out of line I will put my foot down. I nudged them under the table with my foot. They looked at me for a moment before looking at Sang.

"If you cannot guess it, we all get to tickle you for one minute." Sang's eyes went wide.

"I need to go to the bathroom, I'll be right back." She got up and headed toward the bathroom.

"Wait!" Luke yelled and ran after her. He got to her before she got there and pulled the paper off her forehead. "Thought you could cheat did you?" He spanked her butt and winked.

She went to the bathroom and we all laughed as we knew she was about to be tickled for 4 minutes. But how turned on would I get tickling her? I took in a deep breath and let it out. I have gotten wound up with her in my thoughts too many times tonight already. My shower before this date didn't help at all!

Sang returned and Luke told her, "one more question, then it is tickle time!" He wiggled his fingers in front of her and she was already cringing back and giggling. He wasn't even touching her yet.

"I am so going to regret playing this game. Um, am I your girlfriend?" We all went silent as listening to her ask that question with such innocence was sweet and I just want to reassure her yes she is my girlfriend.

"Well, you are my girlfriend. And Gabe's and Doc' and Mr. B's and everyone else's too, but that wasn't the word." Luke turned the paper around so she could read it. The word was 'OURS'.

"So I was right!" She protested. "I was me! I was your girlfriend! I was Pookie! Hey! Wait! ... Noooo!" She squealed as Sean began tickling her.

"Close only counts in horseshoes, hand grenades, an slow dancing." Sean teased as he straddled her hips, pinning her to the floor as he tickled her under her chin and under her arms and on her stomach. He was laughing so hard there was no sound coming out, only tears coming out of the corner of her eyes and a huge smile on her face.

"Time Sean." I commanded at one minute. He climbed off her, kissing her nose and she rolled onto her side giggling and getting her breath back. When I felt she could breath again and her giggles had subsided enough, I nodded my head at Gabriel.

He grabbed a hold of her feet and pulled her boots off. Then he stripped her socks off and wrapped his legs around her legs as he tickled her feet and toes. "MEANIE!" She exclaimed as she started laughing again. She was trying to pull her legs back to get away from his tickles. He let go and rolled her over so she was on her stomach and he sat on her hips. Then he tickles her sides and she couldn't squirm away.

"Time Gabriel." I announced and he ceased tickling her but licked her ear. He was laughing as he sat back down at the coffee table. Luke had an evil smile on his face. He was planning how he was going to tickle her.

She all of a sudden jumped up and tried to take off toward the stairs. Luke was faster. He caught her in the air, mid stride, around the waist and plopped her down on the couch on her back. He was straddling her thighs. "You think you can get away from me? You lost! Now you pay the consequences."

He tickled the right side of her neck. She squinched up her neck to the right. He tickled the left side of her neck and she squinched that way. Then he held his fingers up about a foot away from her face and wiggled his fingers as he slowly inched toward her. He kept up the wiggling fingers but held them about an inch away from her neck, she was squirming and squealing like crazy. He wasn't even touching her and she could feel the tickles knowing they were coming.

He quickly changed tactics and tickled her stomach. She tried to hide her stomach with her arms and block him but he kept moving high, low, right and left. "Time Luke." I firmly stated. He instantly backed off. Then he kissed her cheek.

"I don't think I can take another minute of tickling." She heaved her breath.

"Oh Pookie, you still have one more minute. You can't cut Owen off before he even gets his chance to make you pay for loosing." Sean teased, but I saw his look of concern for me too.

I was ready to concede, not wanting to push her since she said she had already had enough. Then Sean pointed out my being left out and my heart squeezed just a little. It hurt just a bit but I would never let her know it is the little things like this that hurt me the most.

"Miss Sorenson, how about a one minute hug instead?" I offered, already working out a plan. She looked nervous to come to me. I held out my arms, open in welcome. I was sitting on the ground still, my back against the couch, my legs straight out in front of me.

Sang knelt down next to me and leaned in for a hug. I wrapped my arm fully around her, crushing her chest against mine. I pulled her so she was sitting sideways on my lap. I whispered in her ear, "you are OURS, you know that, right Sang?"

"Yes" she whispered back to me. Her breath tickling on my ear. My arms were all the way wrapped around her with my hands on her opposite sides. I moved my hands up to her armpits and tickled her. I still held her tight against my chest and growled in her ear. I made her squirm and move every which way on my lap. I was enjoying this way too much. But I am not about to let up until one of the others call time.

I never let her get further than an inch from my body as I continued the tickling assault. She tried to get me back with her own hands but she couldn't get to where I am ticklish. Not that I am going to tell her where that is. Then she bit my ear lobe and desire shot straight south. I tucked her body up close against me, wanting to really feel her body against mine.

"Time Owen." Sean called out and I released my hold on Sang. I let my arms drop away from her body but didn't move her off my lap. She continued laughing and leaned against my chest. I wanted to hold her but didn't want her thinking I was going to tickle her again.

"Isn't it Sean's turn for Headbanz?" Sang quiet voice asked.

"Luke, write a word for Dr. Green. Then we can have dessert." I instructed. Luke quickly scribbled a word on a piece of paper and stuck it to Sean's head. It said 'OIAB dessert.'

Sang snorted with laughter. "What happens to Sean when he doesn't get this?"

"Well I'm not fucking tickling him for a minute." Gabriel griped.

"You can decide his consequence Miss Sorenson if he doesn't get it. But Sean is smarter than your average bear. He might just get this."

"Am I a food?" He asked Luke.

"Ha! Yes!"

"Am I dessert?" He looked at Gabriel.

"Yup." Gabriel smirked.

"Am I apple pie?" He asked me.

I raised my eyebrow but answered "no".

"Am I tonight's dessert?" He wiggled his eyebrows at Sang.

"Yes" she grumped. Then she perked up, "but you have to get the dessert name right!" Then she giggled evilly.

"Am I chocolate mousse?"

"Yes, but it has another name too." Luke instructed.

"Oh! Am I Orgasm in a Bowl Chocolate Mousse?" Sean grinned from ear to ear as he knew this was the right answer.

"You got it! Now let's eat it!"

"Darn! I was the only one not to get my word." Sang pouted.

"We love you Sang. You essentially had it right, but Sean picked a word even I probably wouldn't have figured out." I touched her cheek so she would know I wasn't going to tickle her again. Then I kissed her lips, "let's go eat dessert!"

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