FALLING | MxM (completed)

By author_augustmoon

53.2K 2.4K 689

Aiden is a young, widely famous singer struggling with drug addiction after going through an intense breakup... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Extra 2!
Extra 3: The end!
New novel!

Chapter 64

374 19 0
By author_augustmoon


"So, this is all. Just let me talk and I'll handle everything. There's no way I'm letting him sue you." Hugo explained.

Earlier that day, he had called Aiden to inform him about the court they had to go to the next day and had asked them to visit him at his office so that he could explain how they were going to do things. It was settled that they were going to bring Brad and Joe with them as witnesses.

"But Aiden did hit him, so how can you not let him sue?" Edwin asked, as he kept his hand on Aiden's thigh. He'd been worried about this for the past weeks and no matter how many times Aiden told him it was going to be okay and that Hugo was one of the best lawyers in the country, he still couldn't rest.

"I could explain all the paragraphs and titles of the law rules to you, but you'll fall asleep midway. Just trust me on this one, Edwin, okay? I'm a fan of Aiden regardless of my job and I'll make sure nothing can be a threat to his publicity." Hugo smiled at him as he kept the eye-contact.

Edwin could only nod after a couple of seconds.

To Edwin's surprise, Aiden had been completely calm about the whole situation and hadn't really given a single fuck about it all. It seemed like he couldn't care less about the consequences of this mess.

First, he had just called Luis to tell him he won't be attending his schedules for a while, just like that, and then he had told Edwin that even if the maniac did in fact file a lawsuit, it wouldn't matter much. He was 180 degrees different from the usually responsible man who loved and cared about his job a little too much. The CEO of their company was pissed at him and the older just shrugged it all off.

"How can you be so calm? This could mean the end of your career!" Edwin said as he looked up from the older's chest, at his face. Aiden didn't look at him and kept on looking at the ceiling while caressing his naked back.

"It won't be that bad. You clearly have no idea what obstacles I've had in my way and I've overcome them all." He smiled before pecking his lips. The older kept looking at him. "Seriously, bluewin. There's nothing for you to be worried about. We're gonna go to the court and it'll all be over before you even notice it. And then I will finally release the album after a hundred fucking years." He sighed, put his head back on the pillow, and threw his free arm over his eyes.

Edwin looked at him from the side, his jaw, his lips, his beautiful neck that was now covered in the marks he had left. If this mess had one good outcome, it was the fact that he could leave hickeys on his lover without worrying about them being seen for the time being.



Joe: Evans, did you take my cap again?

Aiden: ?!

I have not OnCe taken any of your caps!

Joe: I didn't ask you!?

Edwin: No.

Finn: These two having the same last names and us calling them by it and getting everyone confused is giving me a headache.

Joe: Bitch that is MY cap on your filthy head in your Instagram post!!

Edwin: I do not know what you are talking about.

Aiden: How could you go to Starbucks without me? :(

Edwin: I did not. The cup in the picture is an old and empty one I found in the trash can. I would never betray the love of my life like that.

Aiden: ...


Edwin: Someone must have hacked my account then. ┐( ̄ヮ ̄)┌

I would never steal hats, nor go for drinks without my boyfriend.

Joe: I WILL beat the shit out of this annoying kitten one day. ( ' ロ ' )

Aiden: HEY! Only I can call him ThaT!

Ian: Calm your titties. It's not good for bunnies to get upset. ( ◡‿◡ )

Aiden: Shaking your puppy tail for your boyfriend, Ian?

Ian: There's no need for that. I have full access to his pants whenever I want.

Joe: I'm feeling attacked right now... (¬_¬;)

Ian: It's true tho...

Joe: I know. I'm all yours ❤ (ɔˆз(ˆ⌣ˆc)

Finn: Ugh ewewewewwww ( °益°) 彡

Take those disgusting conversations elsewhere.

Evans, aren't you supposed to be at the meeting rn?

Why are you texting?!

Brad: *sigh*

Ian: Which Evans are you referring to?

Finn: Well, Aiden, he had a meeting with the CEO.

Edwin: I had a meeting too ( ̄ヘ ̄)

Ian: You had a meeting with that Starbucks in your hand, didn't you?

Edwin: yes (。•̀ᴗ-)✧

Ian: ( ̄  ̄|||)

I know him too well...

Joe: People are having REaL meetings with their bosses or their employees and then there's this koala having a date with his Starbucks wearing mYcaP

Edwin: Hey! I didn't get this sulky when you took my contact lenses!

Joe: Those were mY contacts that you stole!! I just took them BaCk!

Finn: Just to be clear, those contacts originally belonged to me.

Brad: Then why were they at Joe's?!

Finn: Well... good question! Why does my cleaning equipment always end up in either Ian or your place? You all are a bunch of thieves and you know it.

Brad: *siiiigh*

Ian: Oh for fuck's sake, use the damn emoji!

Brad: emoji*sigh*emoji

Ian: (ᓀᓀ)

Ian: Where is my lil wolf tho? I haven't heard from him in the past few days.

Aiden: He hasn't been talking to me since I left his birthday party.

Ian: That reminds me...


Why the fuck couldn't you suck it up for like three hours????

Aiden: Guys, I think our CEO is possessed.

Ian: Well, I wasn't really expecting an answer to my question in the first place knowing him, but getting ignored still can hurt even if you've gotten used to it.

Finn: Ian...... let's not do this rn.

Edwin: What happened babe?

Aiden: First of all, you owe me a Starbucks.

Second, I was expecting some shouting or angry words of some sort for just not going to schedules and stuff like that

BuT! instead!! He told me he's finally letting me release a single in the next 10 days!!

They're gonna release the teaser after the court!!

Edwin: REALLY??? OMG!!! Finally!!!

Aiden: IKR! I've had the song since forever (along with the whole goddamn album) but he's finally being the nice person a CEO should be and letting me release it. He even said we'll be releasing the album after the single's promotions finish!

Finn: Why didn't he let you release it months ago when you were supposed to?

Aiden: He was busy promoting our new artists.

Brad: Why not put the single in the album and release them all at once?!

Joe: That song was supposed to be a single from the start and it features two rappers, so it's best not to be put in the album.

Ian: Who were those rappers again?

Aiden: Patrick and Hyo.

Ian: Oh! Thanks for replying Mr. Evans!

Brad: Ian... !! ***sigh***

Ian: Aight then. I'll be attending some paperwork now if you'll excuse me. Bye bitches. Prince fabulous out.

Joe: I have to go too. Those songs won't finish themselves.

BriNgmYcaPbacK koala kitten.

The baddest swag out.

Finn: What am I ever gonna do with these toddlers

Brad: Evans, what time do we have to be at the court again?

Finn: Which Evans?

Brad: Doesn't really matter actually.

Edwin: 10 AM. But it's better if we go a bit sooner. So that you and Joe can talk to Hugo and get stuff sorted out.

Aiden: We're going there at 9.

Finn: I hope this whole thing finishes tomorrow and won't be one of those long-ass cases that just continue forever.

Aiden: You haven't met Hugo yet! It'll be finished tomorrow. No worries.

Finn: You were always so fond of this guy! I always wondered why you didn't ever date him!

Aiden: He is married to Dylan, remember!? And he is a top! What would be the use?!!!

Edwin: Ehem.

Aiden: I love you.

Edwin: Clearly not as much as your lawyer.

Aiden: Baby!!

Edwin: I'll arrange you a date with him.

Aiden: Bluewiiiiin~~~

Edwin: Who knows, maybe he'll like you enough to let you top..!

Aiden: Kitten I'm sorrrrrryyyyyyy 。・゚゚*(>д<)*゚゚・。

Edwin: Don't kitten me now.

Aiden: (。•︿•。)

I didn't mean it like that (。•︿•。)

Edwin: Meh...

Aiden: Baaaabe!

How can I make it up to you?

Edwin: ... (︶︹︺)

By letting me resume dancing without constant nagging.

And I won't buy you Starbucks.

Aiden: Wait... Did you just put up this whole act just so I would say yes to you dancing?...

Edwin: NO!

I was really hurt!

The audacity!!!!!!

Aiden: Well, my answer is no. You can be mad at me in our home while being perfectly safe.

Brad: Den! You can't not 'Let' him do stuff! He's not a child.

Aiden: Yeah but what happens if he trips and falls or something?

Or if some other crazy-ass 'fan' decides they can get to me by hurting him?

OR! If that maniac sends someone after him??

I'm having enough stress right now knowing he's at the Starbucks ALONE.

Brad: This is being over-protective and over-possessive and you know it. Just because something happened once doesn't mean it will happen again.

Aiden: Yeah well it doesn't mean it won't happen again either.

Either way, it's a no until he fully heals and after that I might be getting him a bodyguard.

Finn: Just ignore him Edwin. You can always go back to dancing whenever you want. He can't tie you up or lock you in or anything.

Aiden: Well technically.............

Finn: JESUS Aiden! for the hundredth time I do NOT need to know about your sex life. Why do we have these two horny freaky couples as our friends!?

Brad: Tying people up is not necessarily a freaky thing to do. It can be very pleasurable. Try it sometime.

Finn: yeah, thanks for the suggestion dad!

Aiden: Awwww you were this close to calling him daddy :(((

Finn: SHUT THE FUCK UP! I'm gonna go chop some eggplants hoping they were y'all's dicks.

Aiden: & then when you cook & taste them, you'll be tasting our dicks (*^.^*)

Finn: Fuck you. I'm out.

Aiden: Lololololol

Brad: I wonder,

Have you noticed that your boyfriend has been silent while you were teasing Finn?

Aiden: Oh shit! Gotta go make my kitten love me again!

I'll see you tomorrow then. Byeee!

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