FALLING | MxM (completed)

By author_augustmoon

53.3K 2.4K 689

Aiden is a young, widely famous singer struggling with drug addiction after going through an intense breakup... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Extra 2!
Extra 3: The end!
New novel!

Chapter 33

405 12 0
By author_augustmoon


(5 years ago)

"So you really quit?" Joe asked him as he sat down on the couch next to him and Ian.

"Yep." Aiden clapped his hands, smiling widely.

Ian laughed at his childish act and jumped on him, hitting him everywhere lightly.

"Ouch, ouch, why are you beating me?" He tried to defend himself but let Ian do his thing, anyway.

"Because!! what are you gonna do now? Just going from company to company trying to sign a contract? What if no one accepts you? What then?? I wanna kill you so bad, bunny!" He hit him again, this time a little harder on the bicep.

It hurt so Aiden grabbed his wrists and kept him still, halfway on his lap. "I already signed a contract, puppy."

Both Ian and Joe shouted a WHAT at him, which made him laugh really hard as he pushed Ian off himself and let go of his wrists.

"When the fuck did you sign a contract and why the fuck did you not tell me about it? Am I not your best friend? What have I done to deserve this disrespect?" Joe became sulky in a matter of seconds. Aiden just laughed harder.

"Let's give him a chance to explain, Joe. If we're not satisfied, we'll show him who the boss is around here." Ian said sassily, glaring at Aiden.

"And who might that be? I can beat both of you up if I wanted to. I just happen to let you have your ways." He smirked in Ian's direction. The other just rolled his eyes and gestured his hand for him to start explaining.

"Well, I kinda sorta might have..."

"Just spill already! GOOD GOD!!" Joe screamed at him.

"Fineeeee! I went to an audition right after we came back and they accepted me! Can you believe it?! My schedules start from Wednesday!" He giggled.

"Wednesday? As in, two days from now?!"

Aiden nodded.

"You fucker!" Ian huffed.

"Well, I wanna punch you for not telling me before, but I'm also happy for you. I know you've always loved performing." Joe smiled at him, and his dimples appeared. Aiden couldn't help but poke one as he usually did.

Ian slapped his hand away. "But how did they accept you like that? I heard companies are pretty strict about this." He asked him with a frown.

"Well, I had a fucking win from WOD on my portfolio, duh! Plus, I've been playing piano my whole life, and I used to sing along when I played something with lyrics, so my voice automatically found its pitch. And I got the looks! What else do they need!!"

"You and your confident ass." Ian snorted.

"You love my confident ass, though." Aiden winked at him.

"You bet I do." Ian replied, and groped his ass firmly.

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Aiden was looking at the monthly schedule that had been given to him. It was packed. So packed, he was sure he had to sleep in the practice room at times. But he couldn't stop thinking about Ian and how much he just wanted to kiss him. At least once. He had to know how it would feel like kissing someone you love with all of your heart. The very feeling was new to him, as he had never loved anyone before. Except for Joe, but that was platonic. But he needed to know if the kiss would be different like they say. He had to confess to Ian, whatever the consequences. He just couldn't hold it in anymore. He decided to ask him out and just tell him straightforwardly.

'Hey Ian, you free tonight?' He texted.


'Can I come to your place? There's something I wanna tell you.'

'Sure. I'll be home at 8. Come whenever.'

'I'll be there around 9.'

He got home at 7 and took a shower. When he got out, he noticed Joe had come too.

"Yo Joe, can you come sit a bit? I have something to tell you."

"Sure bro, what's up?"

"I... I'm gonna ask Ian out."

Joe.exe stopped working upon hearing that.

"Hello? Earth to Joe! Did you hear what I said?" Aiden waved his hand in front of him.

"Yeah yeah... So you like him?!"

"I love him, man! I'm so madly in love with him! I just don't know what I'll do if he rejects me."

"Well, I hope he won't. He's touchy with everyone, so I can't really tell if he likes you back or not."

"Yeah....... about that! I HATE IT WHEN HE DOES IT TO OTHERS."

"Woah, dude! Being jealous and possessive already?!" Joe teased him.

Aiden pouted and crossed his arms on his chest.

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Aiden was at Ian's door at 8:30 but didn't dare to ring the bell until around 9. after finally gathering his courage and following a smiley and welcoming Ian inside, he sat them both on the comfy couch, looking directly into Ian's eyes.

"Why are you looking at me like that?!" Ian was nervous, which was so unlike him, but Aiden didn't look away.

"Ian, you know I love you, right? You're very dear to me and I..." He paused, not sure how to say it. He had never confessed before.

"You what?!" Ian asked him with a curious and concerned look.

"Before I say that, I want you to promise me something." Aiden said, grabbing Ian's hands and squeezing them.


"I'm gonna ask you something. You have to promise me to answer after thinking it through, and if it's a no, it won't ruin what we have."

"You're scaring me!" Ian frowned. "But okay, I promise." And he squeezed Aiden's hands back.

"Ian, I said I love you, right? I don't love you as just a friend. I'm in love with you. I'm madly and deeply in love with you and I'd be happy if you-"

"WHAT?" Ian screamed, letting go of his hands and jumping up.

"What?!" Aiden panicked and asked back.

"You're in... love with me? Like, really in love? With me?"

Aiden nodded in confusion.

"Since when?!"

"Um, since going to the competition?" Aiden didn't know where this was going and he was scared. Literally.

"What the fuck, man?! I've been in love with you for as long as I can remember and have been trying hard to hide it or suppress it, and now you're telling me you've felt the same all this time? Are we fucking stupid or something?!" Ian said with his jaw open, laughing in the middle of his talk nervously.

They both looked at each other in silence for a few moments before full-on bursting out into laughter at what they both had just found out. This was how dynamic they were. Always a crazy situation, always hyper, and always adventurous. In one word, it was always FUN.

Aiden didn't know at what point he had stood up and pulled Ian in for a kiss but he only realized it after they had separated and were staring at each other with his hands on Ian's waist and the other's brushing Aiden's hair strands out of his face.

"So, will you be my boyfriend, mister?"

"Of course, Mr. Evans. Would be my honor."

Aiden kissed him again shortly but wanted to stop before things got complicated. By things, he meant his boy downstairs, who was aching for Ian's attention. But he didn't want to jump into sex just after their confession, because he didn't want to make Ian uncomfortable. Just as he was about to put some distance between them, Ian grabbed a fistful of his shirt and pulled him flush against his body.

"Where do you think you're going?! I've been waiting for this for too long. I'm afraid you're gonna have to fuck me tonight, Mr. Evans." Ian said playfully and licked his lips.

Aiden looked at him in awe and soon that turned into pure lust as he picked Ian up by his thighs and pressed him against the wall.

"My pleasure, Mr. sunshine. How would you like it to be? I could do anything you want since you've been fantasizing about it enough already." He smirked at the boy in his hold.

Ian let a low moan escape his mouth at the friction between their crotches and bit on his lower lip.

"I'll let you decide for now and then I'll tell you whether it lived up to my fantasies or not." Ian was sassy. Just like Aiden. Sometimes even more. And he was a hell of a tease. Again, just like Aiden.

Together they were like fire and ice. Both able to destroy the other by their choice of words and actions but at the same time, melt into each other.

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"So you guys are dating now?! How did we not notice this before?" Finn asked, surprised when the new couple announced their relationship to their friends.

"They both are always touchy and throw nicknames at everyone. How could we know?!" Max exaggerated.

Aiden snorted, "Please! We're all always touchy and throw nicknames at each other. Don't try to Bold us!"

"He's not wrong," Brad stated. "And I kinda knew."

"WHAT?!" they all screamed, including the couple.

"How?! How can YOU notice!!" Finn mocked him and Brad lifted an eyebrow at him, smiling.

"Well, they both were always throwing weird looks at each other while the other wasn't looking. It was kind of obvious. I've been waiting for this to happen for a long time now."

Finn sighed. "We're really doomed if you have noticed and we haven't. You're supposed to be the ignorant one."

"Big bro is actually very observant and intelligent, thank you very much. Don't blame him for your own stupidity." Joe said.

"Oh? And did you, the oh-so-smart best friend, know about this? I mean, before he tells you." Finn spat back and Joe became sulky and went back to his game with Max. 

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