Can You Teach Me?

By Academylove

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This is an Academy fanfiction story about Sang Sorenson not knowing how to drive. After asking "Can You Teac... More

Part 1 Nightmare
Part 2 One More Question
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 46
Part 47
Part 48
Part 49
Part 50
Part 51
Part 52
Part 53
Part 54
Part 55
Part 56
Part 57
Part 58
Part 60
Part 61
Part 62
Part 63
Part 64
Part 65
Part 66
Part 67
Part 68
Part 69
Part 70
Part 71
Part 72
Part 73
Part 74
Part 75
Part 76
Part 77
Part 78
Part 79
Part 80
Part 81
Part 82
Part 83
Part 84
Part 85
Part 86
Part 87
Part 88
Part 89
Part 90
Part 91
Part 92
Part 93
Part 94
Part 95
Part 96
Part 97
Part 98
Part 99
Part 100
Part 101
Part 102
Part 103
Part 104
Part 105
Part 106
Part 107
Part 108
Part 109
Part 110
Part 111
Part 112
Part 113
Part 114
Part 115
Part 116
Part 117
Part 118
Part 119
Part 120
Part 121
Part 122
Part 123
Part 124
Part 125
Part 126
Part 127
Part 128
Part 129
Part 130
Part 131
Part 132
Part 133
Part 134
Part 135
Part 136
Part 137
Part 138
Part 139
Part 140
Part 141
Part 142
Part 143
Part 144
Part 145
Part 146
Part 147
Part 148
Part 149
Part 150
Part 151 Tub Time
Part 152 Feels Like Home
Part 153 Olé
Part 154 Boutique
Part 155 What are Best Friends For?
Part 156 Getting Ready
Part 157 Memorial Park
Part 158 Sleepless in Seattle
Part 159 OURS
Part 160. Foodie Experience
Part 161 Sexual Chocolate
Part 162 Garbage Girl
Part 163 Promise of Next Times
Part 164 Naked Boys are Much More Fun
Part 165 Skin
Part 166 Going in our Family History
Part 167 Can I Get a Hot Tub?
Part 168 Miscommunication
Part 169 Leading Lady
Part 170 Kiss the Cook
Part 171 S.O.D.
Part 172 From Bad to Worse
Part 173 Texting Poker
Part 174 Fate Intervenes
Part 175 When it Rains, it Pours
Part 176 Cat & Mouse
Part 177 The Other Car
Part 178 Aftermath
Part 179 Morning Fun
Part 180 Shady Looking Grannies?
Part 181 Filler Fluff
Part 182 Getting in the Festive Mood
Part 183 Gossiping Like Old Biddies
Part 184 Christmas Parade
Part 185 Serious Discussions
Part 186 Being In-Famous
Part 187 Study Session
Part 188 Like Pavlov's Dogs
Part 189 Prisoners for Life
Part 190 Storytime at Lunch
Part 191 A Game Like What?
Part 192 Trust Me, I'm a Doctor
Part 193 BUSTED
Part 194 Stunned Desire
Part 195 Wingman
Part 196 Spin the Bottle
Part 197 Slip of the Tongue
Part 198 Biology Frisky Dice
Part 199 I Want a Candy Bar!
Part 200 Unexpected Meeting

Part 59

3.6K 192 5
By Academylove

Part 59

Sang's POV

"Victor, Sang! Good to see you again!" Blaze said with a big smile on his face. North bristled a little at Blaze's friendliness to me. Nathan and Silas both took a slight step in front of me. I guess my track record hasn't been very good with young-ish guys just being nice.

"Guys, this is Blaze. He runs the go-karts here." I said as friendly as possible. Blaze held up his left hand as he waved at all the guys. A few of the guys let out a breath, like they had been holding it in. I guess they saw his wedding ring.

"Well, I knew we had a group of 10 so what I thought we could do is run 3 of you at a time. But, after watching Sang drive yesterday, I think it is safest if she is the only one on the track during her runs." There were head nods and smiles and a few chuckles going around.

"Wait! Are you saying I am bad at this Blaze?" I looked sternly at him.

"No, I just want a safe track. You know, in case you come to a complete stop again." Now there was definite laughter front the guys. "I see you all have your own helmets. That's good. Who are my first three racers?"

"It is always ladies first for us, Blaze." Owen said with authority.

"Well, unfortunately, I already have her car all set to her height. Then I got the other cars out to make sure they were running well, and now hers is in the back again. Sooooo, let's have three volunteers for first drivers."

"I'll show you all how it's done." North spoke up. "Whatever, North. I'll go too." Nathan said. "I'll go." Silas volunteered.

"Good! The three big guys." Blaze says happily. "As you can see, there is a light that will turn green when you are to go. You take off from the start one at a time and the light will turn green when the car in front of you is at a safe distance for you to start. It takes 20 laps gentleman, and Sang, to complete the course. As you are approaching the finish line, the big TV screen overhead will flash how many laps you have left. Be safe and have fun. If anyone should crash, please stay in your vehicle and one of these guys will come out to you."

"We are having a contest, best of three runs, do you have something we can keep track of everyone's times?" Victor asks.

"Sure, my computer program will let me do that. Oh, Victor, you have to get refit to a car again. To make this all go smoothly, why don't all you guys go with Mark, Rick and Steve and get fit in your cars. Then the three big boys can race while the rest of you join Sang in the viewing area. And Sang, you can come with me and give me the names of everyone to set up in the computer program."

"Sang, will you be ok by yourself while we get fitted into our cars?" Luke was asking me.

"Of course Luke! Blaze is a good guy. And it is just us here, right? What is there to worry about?"

"Famous last words, Trouble. Oy, Someone knock on some fucking wood and fast before she brings down the whole Goddamn complex!" Meanie exclaimed. I giggled.

The guys all followed Mark, Rick and Steve to get fit in their cars while I followed Blaze to the viewing area. "Sang, I thought we should take some quick pictures of you. I could flash the pictures and see if they distract the guys. My wife says that a pretty face will always distract a teenage boy." And he laughs.

Will that really work? Just a picture of me smiling? Really? He saw I was confused. "Come look. My wife had me take pics of her to test my idea out." There was one of her just smiling, one of her looking up from beneath her lashes and a shy smile, then there were 2 second videos on repeat where she was flipping her hair and another where she was blowing a kiss and the last one she was licking her lips. "Do you feel comfortable doing any of these?"

"Yes, they look good." I looked over at the guys and already North, Owen and Victor were done. They were looking at me and waiting to be released from their cars. "But it looks like I am running out of time."

"Let's do it, and quick." He aimed his computers camera at me and took the pictures and video quickly. "Now everyone's names in the order they will race."

"North, Nathan and Silas will go first. Then in the second grouping let's do Victor, Gabriel and Luke. And in the last group Kota, Sean and Owen."

"Then you, don't forget. I made sure your car is running at it's best and remember what I said about turn three. Good luck!"

"Thanks Blaze, I'm going to need it."

I sat down in the viewing area, and Owen and Victor were by my side. Gabriel and Kota were just climbing out of their cars while Sean and Luke were still getting fit. North's car was already pulled up to the start line and they were bringing Nathan's car behind North's. Silas was still getting fit in his. They were trying to make it as comfortable as possible for him, due to his size. All three of my 'big boys' look funny in these small go-karts. I began giggling, Gabriel and Kota just got to us.

"Why is she laughing at me?" Meanie asked.

"I don't think it was you she is laughing at." Owen says as he motions toward Silas. He is just so big, he looks like he is in one of those driving kids toys that go 10 miles per hour. Like it should say Barbie's jeep on the side. The guys join me in laughing at the sight.

Sean and Luke finally join us and we are set to watch these guys race. When the light turns green North was immediately off the line. Nathan was brought to the start line. Just as North approached turn 2, Nathan's light turned green. This is going to be hard to watch all the guys race around. Silas is brought to the start and as Nathan approaches turn 2 the light turns green for Silas.

All three of them were driving really well. About halfway through their run, North almost didn't make the last turn. Blaze must have shown him one of my pictures. But, neither Nathan or Silas had a problem on that last turn. With about five laps left Nathan fish tails as he goes around the last turn. And with two laps left Silas slows down looking up at the TV screen. Then he comes out of his daze and zooms off again.

"What is going on with him?" Kota asks.

"Looks like he got distracted by the TV." Victor states.

"But why? It only counts down your laps for you." Sean commented.

"We will have to ask them." Owen ends the discussion.

"Victor, Gabriel and Luke you are up and in that order." Blaze told them and they got up to go to their cars.

As the first three guys came to sit in the viewing area a TV above our heads gave us their times.

Racer. Time. Run. Place

North. 9:02. 1. 1
Nathan. 9:14. 1. 2
Silas. 9:47 1. 3

"Told you assholes I was the best." North announces.

"I don't fit very well in them. My muscles were cramping up in my thighs." Silas complained. We all started laughing, I was trying to cover up my laughter. "It's ok Aggele. You can laugh. It was funny."

"Just think, you get to go back in them two more times!" Sean teased.

"Don't remind me."

"Or you could just stick with this run as your final time?" I offered to him.

"Hell no! If I am going to go down, it will be because I lost fair and square."

Just then Victor got the green light to go. Again he drove with fluidity even compared to the first three. Then Gabe got the green light. He was not as quick off the start, I think that might have cost him a few seconds. I noticed Gabe wasn't cutting through the turns but driving with the turns. Blaze says that costs you time. Luke had already gotten his green light to go but I was so caught up in analyzing Gabe's driving that I missed Luke's start.

Luke had a couple of times where his wheels fish tailed, but not near the finish line so I don't know what is going on there. Maybe he is just a bad driver. Victor seems just as focused as yesterday. I never saw him even look at the TV screen. That wasn't going to work to my advantage then.

When the race was over Blaze called out, "Kota, Sean and Owen in that order." And they left our area to go get in their cars.

"I don't think they did as well as me." North said.

"The ones you are worried about are just getting in their cars." Nathan responded.

Luke, Gabe and Victor joined us. The TV lit up with the run standings.

Racer. Time. Run. Place

Victor. 8:53. 1. 1
North. 9:02. 1. 2
Nathan. 9:14. 1. 3
Luke. 9:39. 1. 4
Gabriel. 9:42. 1. 5
Silas. 9:47 1. 6

"Damn! My fucking car was slow as shit!" Gabriel complained.

"It wasn't the car." Nathan ribbed.

"It's ok. I can still win this. That was only one run and we are not that much slower than Victor." Luke nodded his head with a happy smile.

Kota was ready at the start. Sean looked relaxed and Owen had sheer determination on his face. "Mr. B is taking this seriously, isn't he?"

"Everything he does, he does with 100% effort." Victor told me.

Kota got the go and shot off the line. He looked like he was in the zone. It is really cute when he is concentrating like that. I almost missed Sean's start. He looked cool like Dean Martin. It was hot to see him look so relaxed and cool even driving go-karts. Owen got the green light and he looked like the go-cart was an extension of himself. As if he thought which way he wanted the car to go and it just went. All three of them glanced up at the TV screen but never faltered.

When their run was over I don't think any of them made any mistakes. "Sang, it's your turn." Blaze told me. I went to my car knowing I won't get to see the previous three's scores. Blaze came out to help me get situated. "Just drive the way I showed you yesterday. You will do fine. And we might have to come up with some other distractions, because not everyone was distracted when I flashed them the videos and pictures of you."

"Yea, they noticed that something was distracting the other guys and I think they decided not to look at the TV screen."

"Hmmm, let me think of something while you drive. I cheer for the underdog, so Go Sang!"

I wound my hair into a messy bun and stuck my helmet on. I was ready. Red, orange, yellow, green. And I was off. As I got to turn 3 I remembered what he told me about drifting. And it was pure awesomeness as I executed it flawlessly. I kept up a steady pace, cutting through turns and drifting around 3. When my run was over my skin was electrified! "Woo!" I cheered. All the guys were clapping and laughing.

Blaze came out to get me. "Nicely done my young Padawan. That was the fastest time of the day."

"What? Really?"

"Yea, if you race like that again, there is no need to help you cheat." Then he turned to the guys and yelled, "let us get this all reset and we will start round two."

I ran back to the guys to await my times. When I got to them I remembered I still had on my helmet. I pulled it off and shook my head to let my hair fall. Not one of my boys said a word, they just stared at me.

The ranks came up on the screen and a I hooted. "Woohoo!"

"Holy shit Baby!"

"No fucking way Trouble!"

"Very impressive Miss Sorenson."

"Look at you Pookie. Handing us our asses on a platter."

"Damn Peanut."

"Ha ha ha Aggele has wings."

"The perfect 10!"

"Flawless as a Princess."

"Apparently I will Forever be watching your ass." That one confused me and I gave Luke a 'what?' look. "Since you are ahead of me, I am left looking at your backside."

Racer. Time. Run. Place

Sang. 8:15. 1. 1
Owen. 8:31. 1. 2
Kota. 8:33. 1. 3
Victor. 8:53. 1. 4
Sean. 8:54. 1. 5
North. 9:02. 1. 6
Nathan. 9:14. 1. 7
Luke. 9:39. 1. 8
Gabriel. 9:42. 1. 9
Silas. 9:47 1. 10

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