Chapter 66- Cassiopeia's POV

Start from the beginning

I open the door carefully, not to wake anyone else up and crawl back into bed. The warm tea that I just had makes me really sleepy and I fall asleep almost as soon as my head hits the pillow and I don't wake up till I hear Mum and Dad laughing outside my window the next morning.

"Someone should tell them to shut up." Ophelia groans and pulls the blanket right over her head. I get out of bed and go look outside. It's absolutely pouring rain but Mum and Dad are spinning around and dancing in it.

I ignore Ophelia's moaning and groaning and get dressed in some black tights and a huge black jumper that nearly goes down to my knees. I pull as much of my hair as I can into a small ponytail on the back of my head and put the hood of my jumper over my head before heading downstairs.

Soft music is playing from the radio and Nan is talking to someone in the kitchen. "I never measure anything anymore, just a few drops of vanilla in the bowl and you're good to go." She says. I walk into the kitchen and Theo is sitting cross-legged on the counter beside where Nan is making muffins.

"Moring Cassie," Theo says with a big smile on his face.

Nan turns around and smiles too, Theo and Nan have the same smile, never noticed that before, "Look who got out of bed, breakfast won't be for another little bit."

"You complete arse George Weasley!" Mum shouts from outside, which is followed by the maniacal laughter of my father and another shriek from my Mum.

Theo hops off the counter and runs out the front door to join Mum and Dad in the rain. I go into the living room and lie down on the couch, curling into a ball and closing my eyes, listening to the rain hitting the roof, the laughter of Mum, Dad, and Theo outside, and the soft hum from the kitchen as Nan makes breakfast.

Ophelia is the next one downstairs, "Nan, you're great you know that?" She says.

I sit up on the couch and look at her. Her hair is sticking up in all different directions and she's still in her flannel pyjamas and her Slytherin jumper.

Nan laughs, "Thank you, darling." Ophelia goes over right behind Nan, towering over her shoulder, she shover her finger in the muffin batter and puts it in her mouth. Nan shrieks, "Get your hands out of the batter! Out, out, out!"

Ophelia laughs and narrowly dodges the tea towel that Nan swats at her with. Mum, Dad and Theo come back into the house sopping wet just as Annie and Freddie come down the stairs. Dad dries everyone off with a few movements of his wand. Mum kisses him hard before coming further into the house.

"Morning Weasleys," Dad says as he sits down on a chair by one of the fireplaces in the living room. Annie goes over and sits on Dad's lap, curling up into his chest.

"Anyone have anything they want to get done before the rest of the family shows up for dinner?" Mum asks us from the kitchen where she's helping Nan finish up breakfast.

"I want to make a centrepiece for the table." Theo says from his spot on the couch beside me, "Can we go to Luna's flower store?"

"Does Luna still have that flower shop in town Mum?" Dad calls.

Nan walks into the living room wiping her hands on her apron, "Luna Longbottom? I'm pretty sure she still has that cute little place down the street."

"Great! After breakfast, we'll all go and say hello alright? Theo can get what he needs for the centrepiece and it'll be good for the rest of you to get outside." Dad says.

"See? I hear what you're saying but I simply disagree. I go outside plenty." Ophelia says from her spot on the floor.

"Taking out the trash every night doesn't count as going outside genius," Freddie says to her.

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