Chapter 59- Freddie's POV

Start from the beginning

ME- Yeah, yeah, after breakfast I'm fucking starving.


I mean, the nice thing to do is to go now and help him out. Sure I'll be hungry but I can make it to lunch. James has been sitting in bath water for hours... heh, sorry that thought is a little funny.

Fredrick Arthur Weasley if you don't go help your cousin right this second... I can hear my Mum's voice shouting at me in my head. Guess I'm not having breakfast. Fucking hell.

I go into James's trunk and stuff a pair of his jeans and one of his jumpers into my bag and head down the stairs, Rose and Louis are now arguing loudly, "You can't tell me that the Avengers aren't real!" Louis shouts.

"The Avengers are fictional! That kind of magic and technology doesn't exist!" Rose shouts back.

"Rose. We literally go to a magical school with magical teachers, and magical wands, and magical ghosts. How are you going to sit there and tell me that the Avengers can't exist because that kind of magic isn't real when you're LITERALLY A WIZARD?"

Rose rolls her eyes, "Next thing you're going to tell me is that you believe in demigods."


I roll my eyes listening to the two of them. When Louis spent the summer with us at the shop before we went to Hogwarts, Mum read us the entire Percy Jackson series. Honestly, it was the only book series that I actually enjoyed.

"Oi. I've got to skip breakfast. One of you sneak out some dry cereal or something for me to eat during class." I say to the three of them.

"Where are you go going?" Lily asks.

"Off to save your brother from himself," I say to her.

Rose scrunches up her nose, "You? Helping James? What world did I wake up in?"

"Just bring me some food alright?" I say to them before walking out of the common room.

I pull out the map and look for James's name. Sure enough, it shows him sitting in the prefect's bathroom. No one else seems to be around. I get there pretty quickly, knocking on the door before I walk in, "Oi Potter, it's me."

"Fucking finally." He calls from inside.

I open the door and close it behind me. I look at James and instantly burst into laughter. The guy has got his hands above his head, handcuffed to the pipes. He's shirtless which means he doesn't have pants on either which makes it a lot funnier but also significantly more awkward for me. Not going to lie, he looks awful. Shivering, angry, pruney.

"Dude. How did this even happen?" I say, walking towards the tub.

James huffs, "I fucked up. Jessica, the chick that I've been messing around with. Apparently, she found out that I've been messing around with uh... Poppy too. She told me to come meet me in the prefect's bathroom and just as things were well... anyways she pulled handcuffs out of her bag and I was hyped. Till she did this and left with all of my clothes."

I do my best not to laugh, "Course you would end up in a situation like this." I say. I make my way around the edge of the massive tub and over to the pipes that he's handcuffed to. "Mate, how did you manage to text me like this?"

"Voice to text dumbass." James snaps.

I suck my teeth, "I'm the dumbass? Which one of us was caught cheating and has been chained to a bathtub for hours?"

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