Chapter 56- Cassiopeia's POV

Start from the beginning

Scorpius gets up and takes my hand and we walk back to the castle together. No one says anything to stop us.

"Thank you." Scorpius whispers to me once we are far enough away from everyone else, "You said everything that I couldn't get myself to say."

That makes me feel good. But all I can really feel right now is anger, coursing through my whole body, making the hair on the back of my neck stand up on edge. I don't think it's about my family anymore, it's about the world. The utter crap that people have been dealing me my whole life. I think I'm finally done being a pushover.

Scorpius and I walk back to the Slytherin common room together, going into our respective dorms. Georgette, Sacha, and Cheryl are all sitting on the floor talking and laughing.

"Little Miss rules and regulations coming in after curfew? Colour me surprised." Georgette says, watching me with a smirk on her face.

"I'm not in the mood for you right now." I snap at her, changing into my pyjamas.

Georgette and the other girls make an 'oooooh' sound, "Is someone missing their sister?" Georgette says. She's talking in a baby voice, making fun of me.

I spin around and look at her dead in the eye, "I said..." The mirror on the wall behind me cracks into a million pieces, "I'm not in the fucking mood." The girls stay quiet this time. I crawl into my bed and pull the curtains around my four-poster, casting a silencing charm around me so I can't hear them and they can't hear me.

The only thing I can hear is my heartbeat in my ears. Did I do that? Did I break that mirror? I couldn't have, I don't know any non-verbal spells. I wasn't even thinking of breaking the mirror. But it couldn't have been a one-off, that's too weird, even for Hogwarts.

I don't remember falling asleep but I guess I did because when I wake up all the girls are gone and there is pale green light seeping in from the windows under the lake.

I get dressed in my school things and start to put the books I need for my Thursday morning classes in my backpack. I glance at the mirror that is on the wall, still destroyed... guess that happened. I put my wand in my robe pocket instead of my backpack like I normally do. No real reason I don't think. I just want it within reach today.

Leaving the dorm, people in the common room stop talking and look at me. Dominique is sitting beside Lucas on the couch. We make eye contact for a second. She stands up from her spot and I walk out of the common room and into the dungeons, pretending like I can't hear her calling my name.

"Cassiopeia!" Dominique shouts. I don't stop walking, "colloshoo"

My shoes stick to the floor underneath me, stopping me from going anywhere. Dom walks up from behind me and stops in front of me, staring at me. If I didn't know her I would think that she was mad. But she's got a bit of hurt in her eyes, wonder if I caused that.

"Screw you, I'm going to be late for breakfast," I say to her.

Dominique crosses her arms over her chest, "Listen, last night..."

"If you think I'm going to apologize Dom..."

She rolls her eyes, "Would you just shut up for a second? You were right. I feel horrible for acting the way I did. I shouldn't have attacked James like that."

I scoff and look away from her, "No fucking shit." I say under my breath.

If Dom heard me, she ignores me, "Are you alright? I mean I've never seen you act like that before... no one has."

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