Optimus mentally slapped and shamed himself at his own ignorance for letting his guard down.



Terrible father!

The Cons were onto her. Megatron was onto her and now he has what he's been wanting! He had not a single clue of what Megatron's next move was going to be and it was driving him mad!

The Autobot Leader had no idea if they were going to hurt his little girl or just...shoot her off to space to make her freeze to death in the endless void.

That...was random scenario, but it didn't stop Optimus from thinking that it was a possibility.

Megatron's mind was unpredictable and dangerous. Who knew what he could be planning to do to her?

Perhaps he was just holding her hostage to rub it in his face and mock him?

To torture classified information out of her?

Maybe he was after The Matrix and was going to use Liza to get what he desired?

Or...to kill her?

For revenge.

The only thing that Optimus knew for sure was that Megatron wanted revenge.

And only he knew the reason.

Back in Egypt...the scene played in his head like a projection he couldn't end...when Liza was first gifted with the power of the Primes.

Optimus remained on his knees in complete awe as his optics remained glued on the bright light engulfing his daughter's limp body like water.

"Liza!" He called out in worry.

What was happening to her?

The light swallowed her completely and began carrying her into the air, causing the Prime to shoot to his feet and rush forward.

He nearly reached her until he was tackled back to the  ground by the force of his arch nemesis.

Optimus panicked as he watched the light above slowly shift into something that was unknown to him.

"Where do you think you're going, Prime?" Megatron scowled at him.

Optimus pushed at the weight on top of him and tried to reach forward only to be pulled backwards and receive a few blows to his chest.

"N-No!" He focused on the mech above him and then the two began wrestling, clawing and growling at each other, pulling at wires and armor to gain the advantage of the other.

"You will not win, Prime!" The Decepticon Warlord succeeded in pinning the Prime down and raised his fist to strike, but Optimus managed to deliver a powerful kick to his gut causing the mech to fall back with a growl and roll a few feet.

Megatron roared out in frustration and stood to his pedes along with his enemy, preparing to charge at him. "Come here!" With great speed, he pushed himself forward with a mighty bellow of rage only to be blown backwards by a sudden powerful blast.

Optimus paused with his confusion quickly spreading across his face as he watched his nemesis slowly remove himself from debris. He turned, searching for the source of the blast, but instead of another being he was reminded of the bright light that held his daughter.


Slowly, the light began to shift around her form, outlining her body with bright whitenesses. Then it opened like a carcass and another being emerged from within the disappearing light. Once it all cleared, in front of his very optics was a young femme held in air by the big wings of an angel. Many questions ran through Optimus' head at a speed so fast he wasn't able to keep up with own mind as his optics struggled to soak in the scene before him.

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