Childish Adults

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Chapter 49: Childish Adults

"We're doing what?"

"The humans call it trick-or-treating," Ironhide's voice grumbled through the radio.
"From the little information I received from William, humans in costumes go to other human households and collect treats that is being passed out. It's usually done by the young of the human race."

"What's the point of it?"

"I don't know. Ask William when we get there."

After this crazy eventful night of teasing, yelling, silly humor and ''couple goals'' as the humans say it, Ironhide had set out to go out to Lennox's house, because well...he's sorta like their guardian now. He stays there and guards for a few days, before coming back to base for duty and anything N.E.S.T related.

Really he just did it to avoid Ratchet teasing him all day.

I really wanted to go with him, because:

1. I'm curious about this trick-or-treating.

2. I wanna spend more time with Anna and Sarah.

3. I wanna get off the base for awhile.

Trumpet wake up calls and loud Drill Sergeants are NOT something you wanna hear everyday.

And you think I'm used to it by now?

I may not be a soldier like the rest of 'em, but I don't have any sleep-ins as the humans say it either due to my ''bedtime schedule'' assembled by Ratchet.

Plus I'm tired of be questioned all day about my Cybertronian form. Like I'm a great god or something.



Odd. It's a been awhile since Hide said my name in that tone. His voice was a bit softer than usual, slightly sheepish as if he was about to apologize about something which he didn't like doing, but it held firmness.

He wanted to talk about something.

But I pretended to not notice it and turned to the radio, letting him know I was listening.

"T-There's something I wanted to talk to you about. It's about Optimus."

"Why? Is he ok?" I asked with growing worry

Did something happen to him after we left? Did his spark give out on him? Is he sick?

"No, no, he's fine." He reassured in a calm voice. "Do you remember when you told me that...y'know about Optimus when he was going to....and I didn't believe you."

Where is this going? ".......yeah."

"I wanted to apologize for that. I'm sorry for not believing you." He rumbled as his engine gave a soft roar while continuing down the road. "Hide, you don't-"

"No," He cut me off. "I should've listen. You were trying to warn me, but I...I just brushed you off."

"Don't be so hard on yourself. I sounded crazy, of course you wouldn't-"

"No Liza. You were right and I was wrong and stupid."

"You're not stu-"

"Hush." He cut me off once again. "No more." He didn't want me to deny it. He wanted to be wrong and me to be right.

...Never in my life, I thought I would see Ironhide accepting defeat. The strong, stubborn, tough ol' Ironhide. He wanted it as if he deserved it.

But he didn't.

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