Unknown Thoughts

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Chapter 50: Unknown Thoughts

For the hundredth time, I flipped in the guest bed, throwing the covers over my head in frustration.

I can't sleep! Again!


I want to go to sleep, but it's like my body refuses to. And it does it for no actual reason.

Yes, my dad died and he's been revived and I almost died, including the entire Earth, but that cleared my mind days ago. It's not really bothering me as much as before. Really it almost seems like it never happened, since I've been ''distracted''.

I've been silently mourning over the femmes death which I'm sure everyone has, but that's not what bothering me at the moment.

So what is it? Why can't I sleep? It's so confusing that I almost gave myself a headache trying to figure it out.

I glanced over at the digital clock and read the bold red numbers on the small screen. My tired eyes blinked a few times just to make sure I wasn't reading it wrong.

5:12 AM


A deep breath of air exited through my nose as I threw the covers off my body, greeting the cold air to my exposed skin.

For a few moments I just laid there, trying to get my tired muscles to move. My body didn't want to get up, yet it didn't want to rest.


With a sigh, I forced myself up in a sitting position, planting my bare feet into the soft carpet, before actually standing up.

"The lack of sleep can affect your brain," Ratchet once told me.

I'm starting to believe him.

My first steps were towards the bedroom door until I realized I didn't know where I was going.

What am I doing?

I didn't even have any shoes on!

Am I going outside?

I stood there, trying to deal with my confusion.

Why was I confused? What the freak?!

I rubbed the side of my head, attempting to arrange my disorganized mind. My eyes fell onto the the window with the bright moonlight shining through the silky curtains.

I pushed them aside and focused on the faint glow from the family barn that was built not so far away from the house.

Wonder what Hide is doing?

I should go see.

Nah, I don't want to bother him now. It's too early in the morning.

I lied I'm going to bother him.

Before I even knew it my shoes were on my feet and my hand was already only my jacket while the other reached out for the doorknob, ready to open.

My silly mind.

An amused smile appeared on my lips as I slipped the jacket over my arms and headed out into the dark hallway. Carefully, I stepped along the wooden floor, trying to super hard to not make the floor creak and awake the humans in house.

I stopped at Annabelle's door  for a few seconds and listened. The quiet breathing on the other side indicated she was resting. Peacefully.

I continued my way down the hallway and down the stairs on the tips of my toes, before passing Sarah's and Will's bedroom. The loud snores from the army man on the other side of the wooden door made it clear they were sleeping.

Well....I'm not sure if Sarah can sleep through that.

Quietly, I slipped past the living area to the kitchen door and unlocked it, heading out into the chill air outside and slowly closing it behind me.

Once I was sure I wasn't noticed or seen, I bolted down the small dirt road towards the barn, slipping past the big gates and paused at the big doors.

Inside, the sound of tinkering and metal being shifted around could be heard from within the dim barn.

What's that?

Carefully, I slipped through the small crack of the barn doors and spotted Ironhide at his custom-made desk working on a gun he got from Primus knows where.

As expected.

I don't know how he does it, but he has his way of sneaking random things around.

Things that are weapons most of the time.

Without even looking up, Ironhide somehow knew I was there already.

"It's too early for younglings your age to be up at this time. What are you doing up?" His deep voice inquired.

"Couldn't sleep." I simply answered, slightly startled that he knew I was there.

He put his work aside for a moment and stared me down across the barn. "Something botherin' ya?"


Ironhide scooted back in the 'bot sized chair and gestured for me to come to him.

Of course I obliged and approached him in my maximized form, not expecting to be picked up and set in his lap like a baby. But I decided not to complain. I was too tired to anyway.

He wrapped his arms around me and held me close as he rocked in his chair.

"Talk to me."

"It's nothing, Hide." I sighed. "It's just......everything that's been going on..." I paused, searching for the right words. "I'm still trying to process."

"A lot has been going on recently hasn't it?"


A small chuckle emitted from the black mech, a short silence following after; the sound of the chair creaking under his weight as he rocked was only heard.

"Listen youngling. It's understandable that your mind is racing and trying to catch up with reality and all, but relax." He said softly, gently pushing my head against his chest right where his spark lie. "You are far too young to be distressed."

"But Hide...." I used my hand to cover a yawn that managed to escape.

"You need to rest."

I didn't argue with him this time. As said before, I was too tired.

"Shouldn't you be asleep too?"

A faint smile appeared on his metallic lips. "Don't worry about me. I'll be fine, Liz." He countered softly, slowly massaging his thick fingers through my scalp, luring me closer to sleep.

"Go on to sleep, youngling."

I snuggled closer to his chest and listened to the soft hum of his spark, while closing my eyes; my ears trained on the gentle nature sounds outside.

The sweet song chirped by the few early birds in the soon-to-be bright sky. The tall grass and autumn leaves rustling against each other from the cool wind. Calls from a small group of crows echoed across the farm.


Finally, I gave in and drifted off into a dreamless slumber.

Lost & FoundOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora