Chapter 30: Matt's News! Part 3

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  First Uploaded: March 2014 Dates updated: January or February 2018; November 7, 2019; Dec. 4, 2020, 1 PM)

       "Hey, Finn." Kylie smiles as she walks up to him and hugs him nervously. Then she notices Matt standing behind Finn. "And Matt." Her voice quickly changing to a flat tone. Matt nods at her and smiles. "Kylie. Nice to see you again." Kylie ignores him and looks back at Finn and smiles again. "I missed you in Marine Biology today. Where were you?" She asks him shyly as she kicks a small rock. Finn nods at Nicholas, Evie, and Kaylee coming in behind her. They all nod back at him. He then looks back at Kylie. "I missed you too." He sighs. "I was talking to Mr. Rites about writing me a letter of recommendation for Uni." He says quietly. Kylie nods. "That's great! I'm sure he'll write it. You are already taking a few classes. And you're grades are improving." She says as she pokes his arm. She quickly reascends her hand regretting doing that.

Finn smiles at her. "My grades are only improving because we have been studying together for a while." He looks at her face and notices that her cheeks are slightly pink after he said that. Finn shrugs. "I don't know. He didn't seem too thrilled when I came into his office." Finn's eyebrow raises. "He seemed stressed. He wasn't as friendly as normal." He sighs. "And when I asked him to write the letter, he grunted and rolled his eyes at me." Kylie looks down at her yellow converse. "I'm sorry Finn." She looks back up to him and smiles. "I'm sure he just had a bad day." She assures him. Finn's shoulders slump. "I'm not sure about that. I'm not meant to go to Uni. Anyway. I should have listened to everyone at school." He says defeated. Kylie rolls her eyes. "No!" Finn flinches. "Don't listen to what they say. You can go to college and you will. I'll go with you to talk to him on Monday okay?" Finn shrugs. 

"He had to have had a bad day." Jakobe's voice echoes from the tunnel entrance. Kylie, Nicholas, Evie, Kaylee, Finn, and Matt look up at the entrance and see Jakobe and Brian waiting for Kaylee and Evie to move. Evie pulls Kaylee out of the way. "Sorry. Wasn't paying attention." Kaylee apologizes. Brian nods at Evie and smiles at Kaylee. "It's okay." Kaylee doesn't pay any attention to Jakobe but smiles back at Brian.

Jakobe makes his way toward Finn, Kylie, and Matt. "I overheard you talking about Mr. Rites. And he had to have been having a bad day. He never says he's going to write a letter of recommendation and not go through with it." Finn looks at Jakobe and huffs. "Well, that's what he's doing." Kylie's eyes widen. She looks at Finn and smiles. "Finn!" She yells excited. Finn jumps and holds his ear in pain. "Ouch! What?" Kylie cringes. "Sorry. Didn't mean to scream." She points at Jakobe. "He said Mr. Rites said he was already going to write the letter for you. So he had to have been having a bad day. You need to go back to his office on Monday." Kylie says. Finn nods. He looks at Kylie and Jakobe and smiles. "I guess I will. Thanks for the info Jakobe." Jakobe nods. "No problem. That's what friends are for." Finn feels a small smile starting to form. He is surprised to hear Jakobe call him a friend. If Finn is honest with himself, he didn't mind it.

"And friends are for protecting each other and the world. We can't forget that's why I called you all guys here. To talk about a plan to defeat Kleodora." Matt clears his throat making everyone's focus shift to him. "Mer-boy is right." Kaylee singsongs. "If she has more power than we think then we seriously need to come up with a plan to defeat her spoiled freakish butt." She says looking around her. Matt glares at her. Kaylee points at Brian. "He told me." "You are like him." She says as if coming across another merman was a normal thing to come by. Matt growls at Brian. Brian's face pales. "I'm sorry. I couldn't lie to her. Have you seen her?" He says. Matt rolls his eyes. "Humans!" he exclaims. "Always blinded by love." Finn and Kylie look at each other and shrug. Matt looks at Kylie. "I suppose I have succumbed to that too." He says. Finn and Kylie look at him confused. Then Kylie's heart begins to bet faster. And Finn rolls his eyes. "No. No. You can't." He says saddened. Kylie looks at Finn, then at Matt not understanding what's going on. Then suddenly her heart drops. "No! MATT!" She screams. 

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