Chapter 32: Seventh Addition! Part 4

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Matt looks over to Evie. "I'm starting to get worried about her. First memories usually don't last that long." Brian looks at Evie. "Maybe it's because she's having a bad memory too." He says worriedly. Kaylee and Kylie move toward their sister and gasp startled. "She looks so scared." They say together. Matt looks at her. "Normally someone doesn't have a good and bad memory at the same time. Especially if it's their first few memories."

"Maybe it's not her first memories," Kylie says, realizing that Evie mentioned something that she remembered from her childhood. Matt looks at her. "What do you mean." "She told me once before that she was in class and she fell asleep and she was jarred awake and remembered a childhood memory." Matt looks at her and then back to Evie. "That's odd. Mer-Folk who are just gaining their abilities usually doesn't experience that kind of vision." Kylie looks at him. "She has to be a Full-Blood. Considering she had a vision about the future already." Matt and Kylie look at him. "You are almost correct." He looks at Kylie. "If only one of her parents was or is a Mer-Folk, then she would be a Half-Blood." Kylie looks at him. "Our mom isn't a Mermaid. She's a Marine Biologist and I've seen her at work in the water tending to animals before. She didn't have a tail." Kaylee lets out a sigh of relief. Kylie looks at her. "Sorry. I'm just glad that I won't have to have these complications too." She says relieved that her mom isn't a Mermaid. Matt looks at Evie. "It's probably best all three of you aren't dealing with it. That'd cause a lot of conflicts." He looks at Kaylee. He flashes her a smile. "But......" "Some older Mer-Folk believe that offspring of Mer-Folk and humans have stronger immune systems and some have been known to recover from diseases." Kaylee looks at Matt. "Seriously. Like if I was a Half-Breed, I could possibly no longer have Leukemia at some point?" She says, her eyes tearing up. Lately, her appetite has sucked and her energy has been non-existent. Just if she was a Half-Breed. She sighs. "Maybe a part of me wishes that I was a Half-Breed then."

"There is another way to become a Mermaid." He nods toward the Crystal Pool. "Yeah, there is. But she may not want to turn into a Mermaid that way." Matt, Finn, and Kylie turn around to Evie. Kylie hugs her, relieved she's out of the trance. When they part, Evie smiles at her. "I had some bad and good memories. There were bits of so many that I can't remember all of them." "That makes sense since you aren't used to your powers yet." "So what were your memories?" Nicholas asks her. "The one I remember the clearest is when my dad asked my mom if it would be smart to suppress my powers. I was only a few months old, but somehow I still remember that." Matt looks at Evie. "Mer-Folk have better-developed brains. We are able to develop and keep a hold of memories at a younger age and store them longer and quicker. That's how you are able to recall that memory." Evie nods. "That's actually really cool." Kylie and Finn nod. "It is." "Is there any way that Poseidon's Half-Breeds have that ability too?" Matt shakes his head. "No. Only Full-Bloods and Born Half-Bloods."

"Okay. I was just wondering." Finn looks at Kylie. "Wondering about your memories of your mom." He looks at Kaylee. "I mean the mom who raised you." Kylie nods. "Yeah." She says quietly. Matt looks at Kylie. "I'm sorry that you had a strained relationship with her before she passed." Kylie looks up to Matt. "How do you know she died?" He shrugs. "I can sense when someone is still grieving." Finn huffs annoyed. "Liar." He mutters. Kylie and Matt look at him. "I'm not a liar. I really can. Some Mer-Folk can sense certain emotions and feelings. Like grief, fear, anger, joy, anxiety, enjoyment, sadness, disgust, and the most powerful one; love." Kylie's eyes widen at the last one. The exact one she thinks she experienced. "That's..." Kylie gains the courage to speak. "Interesting." Matt nods at her and looks at Finn. He then looks around at everyone else.

 He takes a deep breath to brace for the news he is about to share. "So the memory I had earlier was when I was captured by Sea Creature Hunters when I was 14." He shivers. "They knew the worth of every part of Mer-Folk, so they decided to skin me, try to rip my teeth out, drain my blood, and shave my head." He lets out a big breath of relief. He has never told anyone that story outside of his family or Poseidon's Kingdom. Everyone gasps. "Just about every major part of Mer-Folk is good for something. Whether it being money, herbal remedies, beauty purposes, protection, or for a food source." Matt informs them. The entire group looks at Matt stunned. "I was the lucky one out of the 50 Mer-Folk they captured. I managed to escape. If I wasn't the youngest one and most expensive; they wouldn't have left me in the ocean barely chained to a post. The others they kept in tanks on land." 

Everyone gasps startled and shocked. 

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