CHAPTER 40: The Barbie! Part 2

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——————" What the fudge was that?" Kylie exclaims frightened as the group walks down the empty halls of the 2nd story of the school. "I have no idea. And what was she talking about when she mentioned those rumors?" Kaylee looks at Kylie and shivers. She fixes the color on her aqua blue Seaside High polo shirt. Kylie and Finn look at each other shyly. "I have no clue." Finn says, his eyes shifting from Kylie to Matt. Matt groans. "Are they true?" Matt says silently. Kylie looks at Matt and shrieks. "NO!" "Of course they aren't." She nervously looks around the group, suddenly realizing that he didn't verbally say it. Kylie blinks and looks down at her shoes. Finn sighs. "Hold on!" Kaylee stops, mid-stride, causing everyone to stop and stare at her. "That woman was talking about those pregnancy rumors?" Kaylee asks. Her eyes staring at Kylie. Jakobe gasps. "Noooo." Jakobe and Brian exclaim. Finn and Kylie shake their heads. 

"OH MY GOSH NO!" Kylie yells annoyed. Finn scowls at them. "They aren't true." Finn growls. "Stop listening to those rumors guys." He rolls his eyes. Kylie grabs Finn's hand. I believe Ms. Amard was talking about THAT rumor by the way she was talking to me and Finn, but it's not true. I'm absolutely NOT; under NOOOO circumstances pregnant guys." Kylie states. She lets out a long-winded sigh. Finn smirks. "Sorry, Kylie." Kaylee apologizes. "I shouldn't have believed it. Just because you gained a bit of weight doesn't been you have a baby in there." Kaylee says without thinking. 

Brian scowls at her. "Really Kaylee." Jakobe shakes his head at Kaylee. "I thought girls were sensitive about their weight." Kylie laughs. "We are. But I don't blame her because all the things that come with being a Mermaid and that come with being involved in a Double Bond; they all relate to pregnancy symptoms." Kylie shrugs nonchalantly. "I just hope the rumors will go away soon when they realize that this weight isn't going anywhere." Finn winks at her. "I hope it doesn't." Finn looks at her chest. "Finn." She gasps as she pulls up her V-Neck Seaside High Polo. Kylie blushes nervously. Finn nervously looks away from Kylie's recently developed chest.

"So I have a funny feeling that Ms. Amard isn't as she seems." Kaylee changes the focus away from Finn and Kylie. She looks over to Matt, Brian, Finn, and Jakobe. Brian grips his books tighter. "She's not. That's why I want us to control our thoughts as much as possible. Think of ANYTHING besides magic and weird things that happen around here." Brian looks around him frantically. Jakobe looks around him too, worried. "What's wrong?" He says worriedly.

Matt, Finn, and Kylie groan. "She's not human." Finn blurts out. Kaylee and Jakobe look at Finn. Both of their mouths open in shock. "No no no." Kaylee stops as they get to the stairs. "You don't think she's..." Kaylee looks around her terrified. Her small eyes squeeze shut.

"Yeah, she is." Kylie looks at Finn and sighs, feeling jealous. "She's one of us." She pointed at her, Matt, and Finn. "No!" Kaylee's eyes shoot open. Brian grips her hand and smiles at her and sends her some soothing feelings. "I'm sorry. But I sensed it too. She felt familiar to me." Brian shivers. Jakobe's eyes flash in sudden realization. "No." He says shocked. "Oh nooo." Kylie whimpers. "I did too." She looks at Matt.

"It's HER." Matt's voice is feral. Kylie and Finn nod in agreement. "I think it is too," Brian says somberly. Jakobe looks at his brother. "This isn't good." Kaylee groans annoyed. "Is this a..." Kaylee presses her palms together and flaps her hands like a seal. "Arh arh arh arh arh thing." She imitates the sound of a Seal. Jakobe snorts at her.

"We aren't Seals." Matt scowls at Kaylee. Kylie rolls her eyes at her half-sister. "Yes, we can sense it because of our...." Kylie sighs and lowers her voice. "Mer-Folk abilities." She corrects Kaylee. "Yeah. And because we more encounter with her than you guys have." Finn says. He shivers, trying to forget what it felt like when she was staring at him moments ago. Kylie grabs his and smiles. "Now let's go to possibly the most awkward Barbecue ever." She sighs. "Evie says that Lonnie is already there." Matt looks at his phone.

"Didn't you invite all of us so it wouldn't be as weird with Finn being there?" Jakobe says. "Yeah. I feel left out by the way." Kylie ignores him and chuckles nervously. "Yeah. But...." She pats Finn's hand. "I'm going to stupidly tell my dad about us." She says, trying to keep her chest from exploding from just thinking about it. "And Lonnie isn't invited either. It's only family and closest friends." Kylie explains. "Holy crap! Dinner is going to be intense." Kaylee exclaims. Kylie nods. "Yeah. Especially since my dad and I had a talk about Finn 3 days ago." Kylie looks at Finn. His blue eyes narrow on her. "What did he say?" He asks. Kaylee presses her lips together, trying not to say anything. But she lets out a small sound. Kylie looks at her sister. "He demanded that I stop my Surfing Lessons with you." She laughs. Finn lets out a sigh of relief. "Well, we don't have to worry about that anymore." He says as he looks at Kylie's feet.

Brian and Matt nod. Kylie sighs, completely ignoring Matt and Brian's remark. "He also said that if we started dating; then he'd tell the principal that I am losing focus in my studies because I'm tutoring you." Matt scoffs. "Seriously?" Kylie nods. Kaylee shrugs. "I heard him say that too. He sounded serious." Kylie nods at her sister. Finn sighs. "At least he wasn't forbidding you from being in the play." Finn playfully nudges her. Kylie nervously bites her lip. "About that." She says. Finn puts his hand out in front of Kylie, making her stop in front of the stairs. Finn looks around as everyone else also stops. "Is he making you step down as Ariel if you see me?" Finn frowns. Kylie nods, her eyes darting back and forth from Finn and Matt. Finn rolls his eyes and shakes his head. He huffs and quietly descends down the stairs. Kylie wipes her eyes and looks at Matt. Matt places a hand on her shoulder. "Go." Matt nods toward Finn. "We will be behind you." He looks behind him. Jakobe, Brian, and Kaylee nod.

Kylie smiles and nods at Matt. She sighs and follows Finn down the empty stairs.

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