CHAPTER 37: Kaylee! Part 4

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FIRST UPLOADED: AUGUST 2, 2021 12: 16 PM  

He looks up at the stairs leading up to Kaylee's room. He sees Kaylee quickly run back to her room. He smiles and then looks back at Brianna.

 "As you said before, Kylie hasn't been acting like herself either. I'm not sure what's going on with her. Sometimes I think she's beginning to get boy crazy." He rolls his eyes. "And that terrifies me. I don't want her to get her heartbroken again. Especially by that boy Finn." Kevin looks at Brianna and shakes his head annoyed. "You know he tried to take Kylie to Moanie Island with him. That was the first time we meet him and he tried to flirt with my little girl." He grunts annoyed. 

Brianna looks at him and smiles. "I love how protective you are with her and Nicholas. And seeing you take up for Kaylee makes me love you so much more." She smiles at him. Kevin looks at Brianna and shakes his head. "I told you I love all our kids. And that includes Kaylee." He smiles.

Brianna pats his hand. "But, I think you should cut Kylie some slack with boys. I don't think she's boy crazy. She doesn't talk about them nonstop and she doesn't hang out with them all the time." Brianna holds up her finger to stop him from talking. "Have you heard her talking to any on the phone? Or does she have posters all over her walls of boy bands or other male actors or singers?" She asks. Kevin shrugs. "And I can assure you she's just friends with Jakobe and Brian." She says.

"And I don't think Finn is as bad as you think he is. He's been doing really well at the Research Center. And he's constantly wanting to learn more and helping me and the other new hires out." Brianna shrugs. "We even have a new girl who is...well as the teen males would call a 'looker', and I haven't seen him hit on her." Brianna laughs. "She actually tried so hard to get him to notice her and he politely told her he wasn't interested. And that he was focused on working while he was at work." 

 Kevin smirks. "No, she doesn't have any of that on her walls. And I don't think she talks to any boys on the phone. I don't listen in on her calls. And I hope you don't do that to Kaylee." He says changing the subject. Brianna gasps. "No, I don't. It was a test question. If you said yes she did talk to boys on the phone, then we'd have to have another conversation about your overprotectiveness." Brianna smirks at him. Kevin laughs. "You are quite the trickster." He smiles at her. Brianna shrugs and crosses her arms. "I can be." She says coyly.

Brianna and Kevin's laughs fade and their smiles falter. "For a short time, you have cheered me up. But I've been trying to figure out why Kaylee has been acting out. We figured that out. But why has Kylie been acting out?" She pauses. "It just doesn't seem like her. Kylie doesn't seem like the type of girl who'd yell at an old woman for getting in her way." Kevin looks at Brianna and sighs. "She's not. And I don't have a clue as to what came over her to make her do that. That poor woman was so shocked. Although Kylie did apologize for yelling and felt terrible for doing so; it seemed like she wasn't herself." 

He squints his eyes thinking. "I know that doesn't make any sense whatsoever. But she seemed like she was basically in a trans-like state or something when she was looking at me after she yelled at the woman." Brianna looks at Kevin confused. "Maybe she was tired and stressed. She did get the lead in the play and she's been studying really hard to keep up her grades. Maybe that's what you saw. The stress in her face." Brianna says. 

Kevin shrugs. "I suppose that could be it. I'm hoping that's all that's going on with her." He sighs. "Her appetite has been really off lately. She's been eating a lot some days, then other days, she barely eats." 

Brianna gasps. Kevin looks at his fiance. "No." He refuses. Brianna shakes her head. "Has she been throwing up?" Kevin sits there and thinks for a second. His hand goes to his mouth and his eyes close. "She cant' be." He starts to cry. "Not my little girl." Brianna holds his other hand and sighs. "I have been wondering why she's been gaining weight all of a sudden." Brianna shrugs. "It makes sense now." She holds back her tears.

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