CHAPTER 37: Kaylee! Part 2

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***Downstairs in the kitchen, Brianna is standing, staring at the shattered pieces of her Dolphin figurine. A few tears run down her cheeks as she walks to the front door and grabs the broom and dustpan leaning up against the wall. She carefully walks over the pieces of broken glass. Carefully watching where she steps, with shaking hands she bends down and sweeps some shards of glass into the dustpan. 

Tears start to pour down her face and her hands begin to shake more. She stops for a moment and stares at the broken pieces. Having no idea what to do, she stands up and puts the broom and dustpan to the side, and pulls her phone out of her pocket. With shaking hands, she dials Kevin's cell phone number, hoping he can help her calm down and maybe even help her talk to Kaylee. With the phone up to her ear, Brianna inhales and exhales in an attempt to get her breathing under control. As soon as she hears his voice, she immediately gets a small sense of relief.

 "Kevin. I'm so glad you answered." Brianna says shakily. She sighs. "I'm sorry to ask this of you. But I need your help. I don't know what to do. I'm so worried about her." Brianna says, her voice sounding frazzled. The moment she stops talking, Kevin says he'll be right over and she sighs relieved. "Thank you so much. Again. I'm so sorry to bother you." Brianna apologizes. But Kevin was already off the phone by then. She hangs up and lays her phone on the island. She takes a step forward and hovers her foot, realizing that the glass is right in front of her. She sighs and steps over it and wanders her way past the living room, into her office.

As she walks in, she sighs and immediately sits down in her cushioned black leather computer chair and leans back, and closes her eyes. Her office is the only place that she is able to release stress and anxiety. She still doesn't understand why.

She grunts, realizing that she'd probably warn Kaylee that the glass isn't cleaned up yet. She shakes her head ignoring the thought. She'll notice it. After all, she's the one who made the mess. But she'd probably still warn her. But Brianna was too tired and emotional to move to get her phone and text Kaylee. Brianna also remembers that she left her phone on the island. So Brianna remains seated in her chair. Her mind goes round and round for reasons why Kaylee threw the statue. But she can't seem to find a decent enough excuse as to why Kaylee broke her favorite statue. The statue that Kaylee got her when she got the job at Sooshanie Research and Rehabilitation Center for Marine Life. 

The only thing she can think of is that Kaylee really still has strong feelings against Kylie and maybe she doesn't want to move in with the Coutures. And maybe also the fact that Kaylee's entire life, she's been an only child. But it'll change when they move in with the Coutures.

After letting herself relax for a few minutes, Brianna shoots out of her chair startled by the doorbell. She stands rubbing her eyes for a second regaining her vision. She smooths her messy dark hair down and tucks a small braid behind her ear before she walks out of her study.

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