Chapter 26: Talking Helps! Part 2

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            First Uploaded: March 2014 Dates updated: January or February 2018; November 1, 2019; October 11, 2020, 12:11 PM)  

            "Ouch!" Kylie yells clutching her shoulder. "Why did you pinch me?" She shoots her brother a glare. Nicholas shrugs. "You were silent for like 3 minutes. We were trying to get your attention, but you wouldn't respond to anything." Brian says worriedly. "You alright?" He asks. Kylie shakes her head from her thoughts. "When did you guys get here?" She looks at Brian, Kaylee, and Jakobe. Kaylee sneers at Kylie. "Seriously. We've been here the entire time you were in a trance. I tried to be a good si....." She presses her hand to her mouth. Kylie's eyes widen. Jakobe, Brian, and Nicholas stare at Kylie and Kaylee. "What did you say?" Brian shifts his gaze to Kaylee. Kaylee's eyes widen and her heart starts pounding not knowing what to tell him. She's not even exactly sure if she's right. But she doesn't know what to tell Brian. She's tired of lying to him. So she goes for a small, "I don't remember." Kylie looks at Brian. "She meant to say, that she, Evie, and I are sisters. And she was probably just trying to be a nice sister and try to see if I was okay. But we have to talk to my dad and her..." Kylie's voice cracks as she points to Kaylee. "....ummmmm I mean Brianna before we tell anyone else. We don't know for sure what's right and what's not." Kylie admits. "Well I know one thing for sure. And that is my dad has been hiding three things from me." Kaylee, Brian, Jakobe, and Nicholas all look at Kylie concerned. "I have a feeling what it is Kye. And it's my mom who has been hiding things too." Kylie looks at her half-sister sympathetically. "Yeah I know. It sucks being left in the dark." Finn looks into her brown eyes and notices defeat in them as she sits back down onto the bench. "It's okay Kye. Whatever the truth is, I'll always be there for you and your brother." He sits next to her and takes her hand and looks into her eyes. "And for Evie and..." He looks at Kaylee and back to Kylie. "And Kaylee." Kaylee scoffs.

            "Seriously. That's gotta be a lie. But thanks anyway." Finn looks at Kaylee. "I meant it. I know you hate me. But if this secret is the truth, then I have to tolerate you. And this time spent with all of you I realized that I don't necessarily hate you Kaylee. Dare I say that you actually may be a friend." He admits. As hard as it was for Finn Chrisholm to admit something like that in front of people who can easily criticize him; he feels like a weight has been lifted. And he feels like God has put some good people into his life. People with similar issues as him. People he didn't think he could trust, but grew to trust and like. Minus Kylie. He's always been able to trust her. "Wow! That was un-expected." Jakobe says. Finn nods at him. "I reckon. But you haven't known that I changed these past few years. I really have Jakobe. If I haven't I would have already ruined everything with Kylie. God has changed me. He put me back on track and helped me realize that their were more to life than partying and dating around and drinking too much. My faith is a priority. If I lost that....." Finn sucks in a breath of air and lets a long sigh out. "....I'd loose everything." 

Kylie's eyes start watering. She holds in her tears afraid that if she doesn't, she'll never stop crying. She's never heard him talk about God and his Faith like this. She's heard him mention his believe briefly and say "God Bless You" when a random stranger does something nice for him, but never heard his revelation. It warms her heart to know that they are on the same page about their faith. Jacob never tried to change and he hated when she didn't go somewhere with him and instead went to a church event or helped out at the mission.

"I know I haven't really know you these past few years. I'm sorry for that." Jakobe apologizes. "I hope that we can put the past in the past and start over Finn." Finn nods. "Me too Jakobe. And thanks again for helping me with Kylie that day in the cave." Finn says. Jakobe smirks. "No problem. I still can't believe you thought we were kissing." He laughs. Everyone looks at them confused. Finn chuckles. "Yeah. Neither can I." Jakobe looks at everyone. "It's a long story." The group looks at Jakobe confused. He looks at Finn and Kylie. "I'm glad that you found God and found Kylie." Jakobe smirks. "You know, she really does love you." Finn and Kylie's eyes both widen. They both look at each other caught-off guard never have said that to each other yet. Jakobe's brows crease. "Crap. Did you not tell him yet?" He whispers to Kylie. Kylie vigorously shakes her head. The recent conversation she and Jakobe had was about Finn and she admitted she thought she was falling in love with him already. She certainly hasn't told him yet. "Oh." Jakobe says. Finn looks at Kylie and sees her face redden and feels the heat in his.

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