CHAPTER 38: Getting Caught! Part 1

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                                                             Wednesday March 21st,2018

Just moments before they have their practice; Kylie and Matt are in the auditorium going over their lines before everyone else arrives. Looking up from his book, he smiles at Kylie. "I really wish you wouldn't have convinced me to step down as Prince Eric." Matt huffs. "Again." He says annoyed. Kylie looks up from her book. "Well, I did because I'm persuasive, remember?" She cockily smirks at him. Matt winks at her and pushes his book to the side and scoots closer to her. "So am I." He says, his face inches from hers. He looks at her soft pink lips and grabs her neck and kisses her lips deeply. Kylie lets him for a moment, then she pushes him away, almost falling off the bench. "Stop!" She says as her heart beats fast. Matt flies back shocked, falling off the bench. "I guess I'm not as persuasive as I thought." Matt says looking up at Kylie. She shakes her head. "No." She looks at him sitting on the floor and stares at him sternly. "I'm with Finn. You know this." She says frustrated and looks back at her book.

Suddenly Finn comes up behind Matt and pulls him up off the floor by the collar of his Seaside High polo shirt. Kylie's eyes open wide in shock. When Matt is facing Finn, they glare at each other. "I thought I told you to stop kissing her." Finn says, his voice is deep. Matt sighs. "Sorry. She's irresistible." He says chuckling. Finn starts to lunge after him but Kylie steps in front of him. He quickly stops himself and stares down at Kylie's eyes. She looks scared. "I'm sorry Kye. He gets to me." Kylie nods. "I know. You both get under each other's skin. This Double Bonding Crap is flipping insane." She says exhausted. "For every one of us. But it's worse for us all if you guys fight." Kylie says annoyed.

Matt sighs. "Sorry, Finn. Sorry, Kylie. It probably is best I'm not Prince Eric." He apologizes. Kylie turns around to Matt. She nods at him. "Thanks. And yes it is best." "I just wish it wasn't your ex Lucas." Finn says annoyed. Matt looks at Kylie confused. "That's complicating." He smirks. "He's not an ex. He's a childhood friend who I had a crush on from like 6 till I was about 12. Lucas was my 1st crush. And I thought he was going to be my 1st boyfriend, but he moved in the Summer I stupidly thought that. Then Jacob and I started dating sometime after."

Finn scoffs. "And Jacob had a crush on you since you guys were 8. And he wasn't even your 1st crush." Kylie stands where she can see Finn and Matt. "Yeah. And it still didn't work out." She rolls her eyes. "What I gather is that you were and still are a guy magnet?" Matt winks at her. Kylie flinches. "No." Finn takes her hand.

Matt looks down at their hands linked together. He points to her and Finn's hands. "Finn and me." He chuckles. "Then there's Lucas, Jacob, and Damien in drama. Oh and for a short time Brian." Matt informs her. "All before you are 18." He laughs. Kylie sighs. "So what. I can't control it. And I've only dated Jacob. And currently dating Finn." Kylie says annoyed. "You can stop being so damn adorable and stop teasing us and leading us on." Matt says. Kylie opens her mouth in shock. It's been a while since someone told her that. And it happened to be a Damien talking about Finn and Matt. "She's not a tease." Finn stands up for her. Matt shrugs. "I know you don't mean to be. But I just like seeing you all hot and bothered like that." He flirtatiously flips her hair off her shoulder and winks at her. Kylie recoils back from his touch. "Damien can be an ass, but he truly doesn't mean it. He also likes it when you get worked up." Kylie scoffs. "I have to go and get something for Lonnie out of her locker." He raises an eyebrow at her and Finn. "Don't do anything too inappropriate." 

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