Chapter 42- Ophelia's POV

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Ash, one of the Ravenclaw chasers is flying towards me with a quaffle tucked under her arm. Lucas sends a bludger her way but she dodges it easily.

The crowd behind me starts to chat, "WEAS-LEY! WEAS-LEY! WEAS-LEY!"

Ash flies closer, so fast I can barely see her form on her broom. She aims her shot, throws the quaffle... and I kick it far away from my post.

"And I thought we were friends!" She shouts with a big, goofy smile on her face. Vania has the quaffle on the other side of the pitch right now so neither of us is really paying attention.

"Sorry love, I don't show favouritism, no matter how pretty the player is," I say with a wink.

"Weasley! Are you playing quidditch or picking flowers! Get your fucking head in the game!" Dom shouts as she flies past me.

Ash soars off back into the middle of the pitch where the quaffle is. Dom looks like she might hit me with her bat, "Flirting with the other team? Seriously Leah?" She says. A rogue bludger comes flying over and Dom easily bats it away.

"Hoffman with the quaffle now! He shoots... and Butler saves it! The score is still 10-0 for the Slytherins!"

The game continues, the team manages to get forty more points, I accidentally let in a quaffle making the score fifty to ten.

"Looks like Floyd has spotted the snitch! And there they go! Seekers head to head, I don't think Floyd has a chance! Weasley is riding the Thunderbolt eight! A fantastic broom, in my opinion, the steering alone is worth every knut." Marmaduke starts to go off about the broom, "Oh and both the seekers seem to have lost the snitch. Don't worry folks, they'll spot it again soon."

The game continues, the quaffle flying back and forth between the blue Ravenclaw plays and the green Slytherin ones. The score goes up to 80-30 for Slytherin.

Then, down below me, in the stands, people start stomping their feet and clapping, 'boom, boom, clap. Boom, boom, clap." Then the Ravenclaws start singing "BUDDY YOU'RE A BOY, MAKE A BIG NOISE, PLAYING IN THE STREET, GONNA BE A BIG MAN ONE DAY! YOU GOT MUD ON YOUR FACE YOU BIG DISGRACE, WAVING YOUR BANNER ALL OVER THE PLACE!"

It takes a lot out of me not to sing along with the crowd. I mean who can resist Queen? They start singing the chorus and it looks like the song has given Ravenclaw an extra energy boost because they start playing a lot better. I let a quaffle in the far left goal post, 80-40.

"WEASLEY IS OUR KING! WEASLEY IS OUR KING! SHE DIDN'T LET THE QUAFFLE IN! WEASLEY IS OUR KING!" The Slytherins start chanting, their voices drowning out the second verse of We Will Rock You. They're chanting Uncle Ron's old quidditch chant.

Maynard Frost, one of Ravenclaws chasers comes towards me with a quaffle and I block it easily, which gets the Slytherins to chant louder, "WEASLEY CAN SAVE ANYTHING! SHE NEVER LEAVES A SINGLE RING! THAT'S WHY SLYTHERINS ALL SING! WEASLEY IS OUR KING!"

Scorpius manages to get three more quaffles past Butler and the crowd goes absolutely wild. The score's up to 110-40. Mendoza and Ash gang up on me and get a quaffle into my goalposts. "FUCK!" I scream and I almost lose my balance on my broom.

"I don't show favouritism either Weasley, no matter how cute the Keeper is," Ash shouts at me with a wink.

"You're a lot less cute now!" I shout but she's long gone, flying after Conrad Hoffman

The game moves closer to my goalposts, it looks like every player is in front of me right now, fighting for the quaffle. Dom whacks a bludger towards a Ravenclaw player, the player dodges swiftly and Hughes, the Ravenclaw beater slams the bludger in a random direction.

"And it's Floyd with the snitch!" Marmaduke shouts. But right before Hooch blows her whistle a bludger hits me right in the face.

And then I'm falling.





It's like I'm living in slow motion. I can see Molly and Scorpius diving out of the sky towards me. I land on my back and I can feel my head bounce off the ground a few times, something in my chest snaps.

I think I'm screaming but I can't hear anything, my vision goes blurry.

Domonique is now on the ground, shoving someone, I guess it's the guy that hit me with the bludger. Half the Slytherin team have got a hold of her, trying their hardest to drag her away. Then Freddie is there, and he launches himself at the guy Dom is trying to get to. People are bound to be screaming now But I can't hear it. Why can't I hear it?

Molly's face pops up and blocks the view of the fight. I can tell that she's trying to say something, I can see her lips moving but I can't hear her. Scorpius is on my other side.

I close my eyes, just for a second. And when I open them again I'm on a stretcher floating behind Longbottom. I can see Cassiopeia out of the corner of my eye, she looks like she's crying. But I can't hear her. I want to reach out to her but I know that it would be a bad idea.

It hurts to breathe, my leg is pulsing with pain. My head is cloudy.

Why can't I hear anything?

I close my eyes again and allow myself to relax into the stretcher. I'll be in the hospital wing soon. Pomfrey can put me together again. I'll be okay.

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