Information Drop!!!

Start from the beginning

Freddie Weasley:

Patronus: Hippogriff

Wand Type: 13" Cypress wood with a unicorn hair core and decent flexibility

Boggart: His family dead (The fear of losing his family)

What she sees in the Mirror of Erised: Discovering a brand new magical beast

Ophelia Weasley:

Patronus: Chestnut mare

Wand Type: 15" dogwood with a Curupira hair core and slightly springy flexibility

Boggart: Her family better off without her (The fear of being a bad person)

What she sees in the Mirror of Erised: Winning the house cup, everyone cheering her name

Cassiopeia Weasley:

Patronus: Black Mamba

Wand Type: 9" Ebony wood with a Curupira hair core and brittle flexibility

Boggart: a crowded room (The fear of crowds)

What she sees in the Mirror of Erised: Playing piano on a big stage in front of thousands of people

Theodore Weasley:

Patronus: Hedgehog

Wand Type: 8" Black walnut wood with a kelpie hair core and brittle flexibility

Boggart: Himself, but in different clothes and without emotion (The fear of losing himself)

What she sees in the Mirror of Erised: Attending muggle university

Annabeth Weasley:

Patronus: Orangutan

Wand Type: 10" fir wood with a thunderbird tail feather core and springy flexibility

Boggart: a vulture pecking out her eyes (The fear of going blind)

What she sees in the Mirror of Erised: Top of her class at Hogwarts and becoming Head Girl

Scorpius Malfoy:

Patronus: Dragonfly

Wand Type: 14" Elmwood with a dragon heartstring core and brittle flexibility

Boggart: A storm cloud raining blood (The fear of blood curses)

What she sees in the Mirror of Erised: His mom alive and healthy, with his dad finally happy again

Teddy Lupin:

Patronus: Wolf

Wand Type: 13" Pearwood with a phoenix feather core and unyielding flexibility

Boggart: Remus and Tonks being disgusted by him (The fear of not being good enough)

What she sees in the Mirror of Erised: Remus and Tonks alive, living as the perfect family

Rose Granger Weasley:

Patronus: Tigress

Wand Type: 12" vine wood with a thestral hair core and decent flexibility

Boggart: Hundreds of little spiders (The fear of spiders)

What she sees in the Mirror of Erised: Living her life as she wants without pressure from her mum to be perfect

Hugo Granger Weasley:

Patronus: Wood mouse

Wand Type:10" silver lime wood with a unicorn hair core and brittle flexibility

Boggart: Himself, with his mouth sewn shut (The fear of losing his voice)

What she sees in the Mirror of Erised: Building his own Hogwarts inspired castle

James Sirius Potter:

Patronus: Lion

Wand Type: 12" red oak wood with a phoenix feather core and slightly spring flexibility

Boggart: falling off his broom (The fear of not being as good as his parents)

What she sees in the Mirror of Erised: On a professional quidditch team

Albus Severus Potter:

Patronus: Occamy

Wand Type: 11" hawthorn wood with a dragon heartstring core and brittle flexibility

Boggart: His parents and siblings being happy without him (The fear of being forgotten)

What she sees in the Mirror of Erised: Scorpius saying that he loves him

Lily Luna Potter:

Patronus: White Swan

Wand Type: 16" English oak wood with a phoenix feather core and decent flexibility

Boggart: A clown laughing (The fear of clowns)

What she sees in theMirror of Erised: Being a doctor at Saint Mungo's

First Gen Information Drop!!!

***Violet's Patronus has changed from a sphynx cat to a weasel after marrying George***

***Violet's boggart is herself if she never fell in love with George***

***Violet sees her mother Bellatrix and her father Rodolphus together and happy if the war never happened, her deepest desire is to have a normal childhood***

***George can no longer produce a Patronus, even when he thinks of his children or his wife he thinks of Fred and how much life Fred missed out on***

***George's boggart is his wife and children dead, his biggest fear is losing more people that he loves***

***George sees Fred in the mirror of Erised***

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