Chapter 35- Cassiopeia's POV

Start from the beginning

I go into my room and sit on my bed for a moment before getting up and going over to my dresser. I look at myself in the mirror I have hanging over my dresser and stare into my own eyes.

The Malfoy Manor was scary sure, but Narcissa was the thing that made it scary. The house itself was massive and beautiful and welcoming almost. The old portraits of my grandmother, great-grandmother... it made me realize just how easy mums life would have been if she didn't fall in love with Dad, how she could be living in that massive house, having house elves cook for her and do her chores, instead of living in a small flat above a joke shop. Is it wrong to say that I sort of wish that we lived in a place like the Malfoy Manor than here? Like, why couldn't mum just... I dunno, take the easy path and live the life that she was destined to live. Course then I wouldn't exist, none of us would. Dad would be married to someone else, or maybe he'd be sad and hung up on his Hogwarts love like Auntie Em is.

I change into a pair of silk pyjama pants and a tank top, not really trying to impress anyone given I am at home and all. I remember when mum bought these pyjamas for me. It was during the summer and we were back to Hogwarts shopping. When I told her I wanted them she looked like she'd been hit in the face with something. Then she said I could have anything I wanted.

On the walk back home she said that silk things reminded her of her childhood and she now hates the feel of it. I didn't understand why that would be a bad thing till today honestly. I feel sort of bad, making her buy them for me.

"You want to watch a movie or something?" Darcy says. He's sitting on the couch, wrapped in one of the quilts that Nan made for Dad out of his old clothes. He's got our new kitten Pickles in his lap.

"Anything you want to do is fine with me Darcy," I say, shrugging my shoulders and sitting beside him on the couch. He tosses some of the quilt over my shoulders and turns on the telly.

We settle on some American show called Riverdale, just because Darcy thought that one of the girls with dark hair looks like me. I don't see it.

"Is it just me or can you not take someone with an American accent seriously?" Darcy says. We've been quiet for the better half of this show at this point. "I mean seriously, 'I'm weird... I'm a weirdo... have you ever seen me without this hat on? That's weird...' who talks like that?" He says the line from the show in a horrible American accent which makes me laugh.

Freddie walks through the living room and over to the front door. He's changed out of the suit and tie and into black skinny jeans and a really big jumper, his hair has also been washed by the looks of things and it's back to its unruly curls. He sits on the bench and tugs on his Vans.

"Where are you off to?" I ask him, the smile from Darcy's joke slowly fades off my face.

"Mind your business." He snaps. He gets up off the bench and puts on a really big black coat. When he notices that I'm still watching him he sighs, "Poppy's waiting outside. I've got to go break up with her."

"You really think that today is the best day to do that?" I ask. Darcy turns down the volume on the television so that we can hear each other better.

"What would you rather me do Cassiopeia? She came by to meet Mum and Dad, do you want me to invite her upstairs and eat a meal with everyone before I break up with her or maybe just leave her out in the cold for hours?"

"You could just tell her that today isn't a good day?"

Freddie laughs, like a sharp 'HA!' and hangs his head, "Tell me a good day to tell your girlfriend that you're breaking up with her because you're in love with your cousin's girlfriend. Go on then, you seem to have all the answers today. Reckon that it's more of a Wednesday activity is it?"

"You don't have to get all rude about it. Christ Fred." I say sharply.

"I don't have to hide under blankets with some bloke after the littlest inconvenience unlike you. No offence Darcy."

"None taken, I don't think," Darcy says awkwardly beside me.

"Right cause listening to your great aunt talk about you and your family like you're less than dirt is just a minor inconvenience. I saw you today Freddie, you looked like you were going to punch the woman."

"She's not my aunt, she's some old fucking hag that we just so happened to see today. I'm not doing this. Tell Dad I went out or whatever." Freddie then pulls open the door and slams it behind him.

I watch the door for a little longer like I'm waiting for him to come back inside and say sorry. I don't think Freddie even knows what the word sorry means anymore.

"What's got his panties in a twist?" Darcy says to me after a beat.

I turn to look at him, "I don't even recognize him anymore honestly. Sorry, you didn't come here to listen to Weasley drama."

"I mean... technically..." He starts but I swat his arm and we laugh.

"Turn the telly up would you, I can't hear this awful show."

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