Chapter 21- Ophelia's POV

Start from the beginning

My seat just so happens to be beside Ash of all people.

"You look like you've been hit by the knight bus." She says looking me up and down.

I laugh and start filling my plate with food, "Right cause you look perfect after a three-hour quidditch practice." I take a bite of my pasta and look at her. Ash made the Ravenclaw team this year as a chaser according to the big list of quidditch teams in the changing tents.

She smiles at me and nudges me with her shoulder, "I have the decency to shower after my practices."

"I dunno man, I'd rather eat than have a shower at this point in my life."

"You could have just texted me to make you a plate. I would have done it."

We look at each other for a moment then both look back at our plates, "You'd break the rules for me? Some influence I am." I half-joke.

"Don't think that highly of yourself Weasley, it wouldn't have been the first time I've broken the rules around here." She takes the last bite of her food and gets up from the table, "See you around." She says before walking off.

I watch her leave before looking back at my plate. Scorpius clears his throat and I look up across the table at him. "The hell was that?" He asks me.

"The hell was what? I dunno what you're talking about." I say back, playing dumb.

Scorpius rolls his eyes in the pure 'I'm a descendent of the Black family' way that mum and Cass do all the time. "Ash Nelson is the fittest girl in our year."

"Really? Never noticed."

"You think she fancies you?"

I look at Scorpius and sigh. The man lives for gossip, "Even if she did. I'm not allowed to date till sixth year."

"Hasn't stopped Freddie."

Together, we look over at the table behind Scorpius and look at Freddie who has got that Poppy girl hanging onto him and laughing loudly at something. Freddie look's like he wants to be anywhere but there which makes me chuckle to myself.

Scorpius turns back around and looks at me. "Oh yeah, looks like he's having the time of his life over there," I say.

"You think they've done it yet?" Scorpius asks with a smirk on his face.

I grab the bun off of the plate of a girl sitting beside me and chuck it at him, "I don't want to think about my brother doing it thank you very much. I'm trying to eat here."

"Yeah, I'm trying to eat too." The girl beside me says.

I pluck a bun off of the serving platter that is floating past and put it on her plate, "Sorry love, won't happen again." I wink for extra effect and turn back to Scorpius who is now eating the bun I just chucked at him.

Before any of the quidditch team can leave the hall after dinner, Dominique climbs up onto the table and looks at us all, causing a few annoyed grumbles from people who haven't got a clue what's going on. "Slytherin quidditch team I need you up and on the pitch at six in the morning tomorrow! I've got the pitch booked from six to one in the afternoon and no it is not optional."

At a different table, Kate Carter, the Gryffindor quidditch captain stands up from her seat and climbs onto her table, "Gryffindor quidditch team I need you out in the field beside the pitch at six in the morning! We will be practicing there till it's our time on the pitch at one in the afternoon!" She shouts throughout the hall.

Every head in the hall turns to look at Dom, waiting for her to say something. "After one, we will be running drills in the field! Sorry if you lot thought you'd get to celebrate your Halloween!"

Everyone turns back around to look at Kate, "Did I say six? I meant five! We will be running laps around the castle grounds before we start to fly!" She says triumphantly.

"Slytherin team we will also be meeting at five! A few laps around the school never hurt anyone?" Dominique says loudly. The team groans loudly and Dom shoots us a look that says, 'complain again and I'll throw you into the lake as squid food.'

"Just kiss already!" someone from a different table shouts which makes the entire room burst into laughter.

McGonagall stands up from the teacher's table and almost instantly the entire room stops speaking. Dom and Kate are still standing on their respective tables glaring at each other. "If you can't tell, Slytherin and Gryffindor are very excited about their match on Sunday! While attendance isn't mandatory, I would love to see each of your faces in the stands cheering on our teams! Miss Weasley and Miss Carter have been working hard these past few months to get their teams into shape and there is no doubt in my mind that it will be an exciting match! You are all dismissed."

Dominique hops off the table and marches over to where Kate was just moments ago. I look at Scorpius and shrug. "I'm going to go have a shower. I feel disgusting."

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